Among the three rows of skirmishers, there must be one row of cover and two rows of charge.

Then the front row covers, and the back covers the charge.

Such a tactical mode can greatly reduce the casualties of one's own soldiers, and at the same time can inflict great damage to the enemy during the attack.

Although it sounds slow, in practice, this set of tactics is extremely fast.

And just as the Pingyuan Army launched a countercharge, the dive bombers in the sky pounced down from the sky like hungry wolves.

They were loaded in the nose-cooled air intakes and made a very high-pitched squeal when diving.

This kind of sharp scream, now the soldiers of the Central Army will change their faces once they hear this voice.

The bombs carried by this bomber are almost all heavy aerial bombs.

An aerial bomb thrown down is a large area of ​​damage.

In particular, their outrageous accuracy makes the soldiers of the Central Army feel horrible.

The divisional artillery regiments of each infantry division are constantly providing precise support to their own troops.

The Pingyuan Army began to counterattack across the board.

One morning, after they wiped out the unknown enemy forces, they began to countercharge.

Stepping on the corpses of the soldiers of the Central Army, they rushed forward under the cover of the air force and artillery units with high morale.

A soldier of the Central Army fell to the ground, and bombs fell among the crowd of soldiers of the Central Army.

The soldiers of the Central Army were caught off guard by this sudden countercharge. They did not expect that the Pingyuan Army would suddenly launch a countercharge.

Many Central Army soldiers were killed on the ground before they could react.

This is just the beginning.

The soldiers of the Central Army behind reacted, and they thought about struggling to resist the attack of the Pingyuan Army.

And the officers of the Central Army are also constantly giving their subordinates a sense of atmosphere.

It is said that their number is small, and they will definitely be able to block them.

But the results of the facts told them that in modern warfare, the number of people can no longer determine the outcome of the war.

With inferior weapons and equipment and uneven training, they simply cannot compete with the professional army-Pingyuan Army.

When they are powerless to resist, even if they shoot, they risk being killed.

The Central Army collapsed.

Just like the Battle of Songhu in history, at the beginning, they attacked extremely tenaciously.

They dared to charge against the naval guns, just like they charged against the heavy artillery bombardment of the Pingyuan Army this morning.

But in the afternoon, the Pingyuan Army's sudden counterattack caused them to retreat.

There is no order at all, only retreat.

The soldiers of the Central Army on the front line retreated frantically, while the Pingyuan Army launched a frantic pursuit.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the surface of the Yangtze River, which looks extremely beautiful.

Zhao Tiezhu stood outside the headquarters, staring at Jiang Shui in a daze.

The first line of defense was taken by two o'clock in the afternoon.

And they also stopped the pace of attack again based on the first line of defense.

It wasn't because they couldn't attack, but because the Beiping military department sent a message asking them to slow down the pace of the attack. Now the war has just begun, and the area south of the Yangtze River is still under the control of the Nanjing government.

The military plan was to encircle the Nanking government's troops in and around Nanking.

Among them, the most important places are Taizhou, Quanzhou, Guangdong, Guangxi, Shanghai, Wuhan and him here.

The troops from Taizhou, Quanzhou, and Wuhan and the Guangxi army from Guangdong and Guangxi joined forces in Nanchang, Jiangxi, and put pressure on the Nanjing government from the south.

Shanghai and his here will exert pressure on the Nanjing government from the south.

If he fights too hard here, the Nanjing government will immediately give up Nanjing and Shanghai.

When they retreat to Hubei and then to Chongqing, it will be more difficult for them to attack, and the plan to unify the country will also be postponed.

The troops in Guangyuan are also attacking now, and I believe they will be able to reach Chengdu soon.

But to fight Chengdu, it needs the help of the Inland River Fleet.

You must know that the Nanjing government has deployed heavily guarded troops in Chongqing. Even if Xue Yue conquered Chengdu and its surrounding areas, attacking Chongqing is another concept!

"What's wrong? Are you still thinking about the telegram from the military department?"

Qian Dajun walked to Zhao Tiezhu's side and said.

"No! I don't know how their offensives in Taizhou and Quanzhou are going! If they don't hit the Jiangxi area as soon as possible, our offensive here may have to be postponed!

Now that we have occupied the first line of defense, the following is the second line.

However, their second line of defense was bombed by us before, and their line of defense is completely broken. Give me half a day, and I can take it down! "

"Taizhou? Quanzhou? Hehe! You don't have to worry about these two places.

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