Some can't even do three people with one gun.

Originally, the Sichuan Army had poor weapons and equipment and uneven training.

This time it was even worse.

And precisely because of the natural disaster in Sichuan last year, a large number of ordinary people lost their harvest.

Although about seven or eight million Sichuanese came under the rule of the Beiping government.

But before Sichuan was not hit by natural disasters, it was known as the land of abundance.

Sichuan has a large population.

There are still a large number of people who have no way out to survive, under such circumstances.

Sichuan warlords recruited troops, and naturally many young people came.

"It's nothing to be happy about! These Sichuan troops have poor equipment and almost no training.

Now that we have accepted it, we have completely taken over a mess!Next, we need to do a good job in the aftermath work! "

Seventy thousand troops!It sounds nice.

Under normal circumstances, the loss of [-] troops a day is a bit of a fantasy.

However, these Sichuan troops surrendered.

That's nothing to be happy about.

"En! That's right! What about Wuhan? How about the troops commanded by that boy Yang Qing?"

Han Ling suddenly seemed to remember something.

Yang Qing, the fierce general he had identified at the beginning.

Dare to fight and fight hard, as soon as you go to the battlefield, you seem to be a different person.

"Him? The situation is average! Today I fought with the Central Army in Wuhan for a day, and suffered a slight loss, but not much.

Crossing the river did not succeed!The terrain there is complicated and it is not easy to cross the river to fight! "

Jiang Baili shook his head and said.

"Well! He lacks the cover of the inland river fleet. Now the Nanjing troops have successfully crossed the river.

Ask Chen Shaokuan to send some gunboats up.Assist Yang Qing.Fight the Yangtze River as soon as possible, and join them in Nanchang, Jiangxi as soon as possible! "

Han Ling thought for a while and said.

"it is good!"

The next morning, Wuhan, Yang Qing headquarters

"Are the troops ready?"

Yang Qing walked into the headquarters wearing a military uniform and looked at a staff officer.

"All ready to wait for your order!"

"En! Don't worry! Order the three heavy artillery divisions to bombard him for a while!"

Yang Qing wasn't worried at all about yesterday's attack failure.

He knew that it would be a matter of time before Wuhan was captured, but he must not kill a large number of soldiers just because he wanted speed.

He had seven infantry divisions under him.

Among them are three mechanized infantry divisions and four standing infantry divisions.

The troops of the three mechanized infantry divisions were all elites of the Pingyuan Army, and he didn't want to lose too much here.

As for the other four standing infantry divisions, they had not experienced many battles, and he would not be willing to attack too violently and suffer too many losses.

Although there are not many central troops in Wuhan, only [-].

But if there are too many losses, the subsequent battles will not be easy to fight.

"Hehe! Commander! You came very early!"

Just when Yang Qing asked the heavy artillery division to blast first, his deputy commander Luo Zhuoying walked in.

After Luo Zhuoying came here, because of his good attitude, good military command ability, and another reason is that he is the favorite student of Jiang Baili, the chief of the general staff of the Pingyuan Army, so he quickly gained Han Ling's attention when he came here.

"It's not too early! It's already six o'clock! According to last night's plan, we will cross the river again at seven o'clock, and launch the river crossing plan!"

Yang Qing took a sip of water and said.

"Last night, the military department sent a telegram that the commander has sent part of the inland river fleet to Wuhan! It is still on the way, and they will arrive here in two days. Should we wait for them to arrive before launching the crossing operation?"

Luo Zhuoying looked at Yang Qing and asked.

"We can't wait that long! Now in Nanjing, Zhao Tiezhu's troops have to stop attacking because of us! If we wait another two days, how long will it be after Wuhan is captured?"

Chapter 283: Using the Giant Cannon 【Part [-]】

When Yang Qing commanded the troops in Wuhan, Hubei to launch another cross-river operation, in Shanghai, the troops of the Nanjing government were engaged in a bloody battle with peace and distance.

It has to be said that the central army of the Nanjing government does still have some combat power at the beginning of the current war.

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