Guo Feng, who was on the ground, felt the explosion in the distance, and couldn't help but hastily lowered his body.

In the past two days, Guo Feng had heard the explosion of this kind of naval gun countless times, but every time he heard it, he couldn't help but lower his body.

The power of this naval gun is too great, after a burst of explosion.

That direction suddenly became an open space.

The ground was full of fallen corpses.

And there are still many soldiers of the Central Army who were directly thrown into the air.

Guo Feng got up and took a telescope to look at it.

He knew that that one shell caused another battalion to be reimbursed by the Central Army.

"The power of this naval gun is really amazing! Once this gun goes down, almost another battalion is gone!"

Guo Feng looked at the open space in the distance, and said with lingering fear.

At this time, a commander of the Central Army in the far rear, at this moment, he clenched his hands into fists, and his knuckles turned white.

"It's a naval gun again! This damn naval gun!"

The teacher muttered to himself.

In the past two days, no one knows how many soldiers died under the naval guns every day.

After one shot, a battalion lost all its personnel and equipment.

This style of play has never been encountered by this division commander since he joined the army for more than ten years.

And these two days, this kind of naval gun support made him feel like he was about to collapse.

The enemy army obviously only had one regiment in Luodian.

But I played here for two days.

Played for two full days!

Our own troops could never cross the [-]-meter line.

It seems that it is a thread of death.

There, the heights of the pile of corpses kept increasing.

It seems that it is a rock, no matter how one's own troops attack, they cannot take it down.

"Send a report to the frontline command! Ask them for reinforcements, and at the same time ask them to change their tactics.

If the fight continues like this, my provisional [-]st division will be wiped out! "

The teacher took a deep breath and said to the staff around him.


Shanghai, Zhang Zhizhong Headquarters

"Brother Wenbai! This is the temporary [-]st Division in Luodian. They sent a telegram. Asking for support and a change in tactics! Otherwise, even if they fight all out, they won't be able to take down Luodian!"

Zhang Zhizhong's deputy commander, Hu Zongnan!

The chairman's favorite student.

This time, because of Han Ling's appearance, his life circumstances also began to change.

In order to counter the Pingyuan Army's attack in many ways, the chairman sent his favorite students to fight in various directions.

But this time Hu Zongnan became Zhang Zhizhong's deputy commander.

"Temporarily form the [-]st Division? Hey! I don't know. But two mechanized infantry divisions and one infantry division of the Pingyuan Army are launching a fierce attack on Hongkou.

Our troops in Hongkou reported that they had suffered heavy casualties.

The most critical thing is that the Pingyuan Army has launched an attack on the Hongkou area with naval guns.

Although we have a total of one million troops in the Shanghai area, the Pingyuan Army's attack is too sharp!Their naval guns are always a threat to them, and Shanghai is only so big, our million-strong army simply cannot fully deploy it! "

Zhang Zhizhong said with a sigh.

There are many people on our side, but compared with the Pingyuan Army, the difference in combat effectiveness is too great.

Moreover, other bombers taking off from the other side of the Yangtze River are also constantly supporting them.

It is difficult for one's own troops to approach them at all.

"But now the battle in Shanghai is crucial.

If Shanghai is occupied by the Pingyuan Army, our government will have to withdraw from Nanjing.

At that time, once the Pingyuan Army gathers heavy troops and goes south, I am afraid we will not be able to stop it! "

Hu Zongnan, as the chairman's favorite student, naturally has a few brushes in his hands, otherwise you will be blind as the chairman.

Hu Zongnan immediately pointed out the importance of Shanghai.

Once Shanghai is lost, it will be a smooth journey from Shanghai to Nanjing, and there will be no place to stop the attack of the Pingyuan Army.

The Nanjing government had no choice but to retreat.

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