"We're fighting on our own soil, what business does it matter to them?"

Hearing Gu Zhutong's words, Zheng Daxing nodded in satisfaction.

He admired Gu Zhutong's temperament influenced by the Peking government.

From the day it was established, the Peking government has never bowed to any country.

And Han Ling's approach has always been contrary to the golden mean advocated by Huaxia.

For the soldiers of the Peking government, this is what they appreciate.

As for government officials, at the beginning, these people were still a little unaccustomed to confronting those world-class powers.

But after experiencing it a few times later, they also began to get used to it slowly.

The Nanjing government, whether it is the chairman or others, is deeply influenced by Confucian culture, and treats foreign countries with a golden mean.

And when Gu Zhutong came over from there, he naturally had this kind of aura.

However, under the influence of the entire Peking government, it has also begun to change.

"En! That's right! We are fighting on our own land, so what does it matter to them? But I think this kind of thing should be reported to the military department! Let the military department handle it, let's leave these nosy things alone!"

"This statement is justified! I will report him to the military department!"

Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Military Command Hall

"Commander! Zheng Daxing and Gu Zhutong jointly sent a telegram, claiming that those foreigners are protesting our use of naval guns to attack Shanghai! They also demand that we immediately stop the war and accept the mediation of all countries in the world!"

Zhang Hanqing walked up to Han Ling with a telegram and said.

"Oh? Immediately stop the shelling? Accept their mediation? Hehe! When is it their turn to intervene in China's internal affairs! Ignore them and order the troops to continue attacking.

You go tell Zheng Daxing, don't care what those foreigners say, just attack me.

In addition, tell him that the war is in full swing.

Southwest, Taizhou, and Quanzhou are progressing very smoothly.

Guangdong and Guangxi have also begun to make efforts.

Wuhan will also succeed in crossing the river.

Now they are the only ones who are making slow progress in Shanghai.I hope he can give me a breakthrough within a week.I don't look at the process, I just want the result! "

"One week? Commander! Isn't the time too short? After all, the opponent has millions of troops! We are not so easy to fight!

And once Shanghai is to be taken within a week, the offensive must be very fierce, the casualties of our soldiers will increase, and Shanghai will also be turned into a piece of scorched earth! "

Jiang Baili couldn't help saying anxiously when he heard Han Ling's words.

"Afraid of heavy casualties, then increase the artillery advantage and completely suppress the Central Army.

As for smashing Shanghai, I would rather smash Shanghai and rebuild it in the future than drag it here for a long time!

Now the troops crossing the river in Nanjing have reached a fever pitch with the Central Army of the Nanjing government.

If we continue to delay, there is no guarantee that the Nanjing government will take other actions, and our plan will be difficult to implement at that time!

Come on!Send me an order to order the giant artillery groups in Qidong and Haimen to immediately start supporting the Shanghai landing force.

In addition, order to transfer two bomber brigades from North Korea to join the battle to support the Shanghai landing force!We must win Shanghai within a week.

Even if I beat him into scorched earth, I will not hesitate! "

At this point, Han Ling's will did not waver in the slightest.

Shanghai is important and the economy is very prosperous.

But compared with half of China, he is nothing.

After Jiang Baili sighed, he also understood what Han Ling meant.

What Han Ling was afraid of was that there would be changes later, so he wanted to unify China in the shortest possible time.

Following Han Ling's order, the giant artillery groups on the two coasts of Qidong City and Haimen City began to move.

As the southernmost area of ​​the former Beiping government's rule area, there are quite a lot of giant artillery groups here.

There are a total of nine 480mm cannons.

Among them, there are 5 gates in Qidong City and 4 gates in Haimen City.

A group of giant cannons began to turn their muzzles and aimed them at Shanghai.


"Regiment! The command sent a telegram, claiming that we can get artillery support, and has given us the contact information!"

Guo Feng, who was fighting in the trench at this time, heard the correspondent say that there was support from the giant artillery, but he didn't react at the beginning.

Then he reacted.

"Okay! Damn it! There are giant artillery support! This thing is quite powerful! Report our position to them, and at the same time let them immediately create a separation belt a thousand meters in front of our position.

Damn, these Central Army are completely crazy, I almost ran out of barrels! "

After Guo Feng gave the order, he cursed angrily.

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