At [-]:[-] in the morning, the Quanzhou Support Army's heavy artillery position.

"Target—enemy position!"

"Ruler two hundred and six!"

"Direction, right zero zero three"

"Add three to the height!"

On the heavy artillery position, the reconnaissance balloons in mid-air behind continuously sent back various data, while the artillery below began to modify these parameters.

"All artillery ready! Refill shell test firing!"





Heavy artillery shells began to fly out of the barrel beads and fell into the army's position.

The Pingyuan Army scouted the observers on the balloon in mid-air and looked at the bullet points regardless, and then transmitted the data to the artillery position, and they made modifications and then bombarded again.

The continuous sound of explosions broke the peace of these two days.

The infantry of the Pingyuan Army began to slowly approach the army position after the shelling.

In infantry and artillery coordinated operations, perhaps some standing divisions behind the Pingyuan Army are not very proficient, but the soldiers of these six armies are not proficient in infantry and artillery coordinated operations.

The elite level of these soldiers who have grown up from the flames of war will surpass the understanding of soldiers in the army.

"Sir! It's not good! The Pingyuan Army suddenly launched an artillery attack on our army after seven o'clock.

Their large-caliber artillery caused heavy casualties to our army! "

A major with blood on his face ran into Xiong Shihui's headquarters.

"I know, the front line has been bombarded by the Pingyuan Army?"

Xiong Shihui frowned and said, this person is the staff officer of the major of the 200th Division temporarily formed on the front line, which was already mentioned in the guard's briefing just now.

Otherwise, not everyone can enter his headquarters.

"Yes! The entire front line was bombarded by the Pingyuan Army. At that time, we followed your order and prepared to wait until eight o'clock to launch a tentative attack, but when we were still preparing, the Pingyuan Army started shelling!"

There was a cry in the staff officer's words.

"Why don't you call or send a telegram?"

"When the bombardment first started, many of our telephone lines were blown up, and the antenna of the radio station was also blown up. So the commander asked me to run to inform you!"

Xiong Shihui didn't speak after hearing this, but set his eyes on the map.

"Go back! I will send reinforcements immediately!"

Xiong Shihui said after looking at it for a while.


Afterwards, Xiong Shihui dispatched another [-] people to the front line. Of course, they were just waiting in the shelling area. Once the shelling was over, they would go to the front line to support the troops there.

But seeing that the front was completely shrouded in smoke and dust, the troops who came to support from behind couldn't help swallowing. The artillery fire of the Pingyuan Army is really powerful!It was completely beyond their expectations.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, when the bombardment was more than [-] minutes old, Wang Gan ordered the heavy artillery unit to start the extended bombardment, the soldiers attacked immediately, and the planes began to cover them.

"Come on!"


The sound of charging sounded, and the soldiers of the [-]th Infantry Division, who had been pressing in front of the army's position for a long time, immediately began to line up the skirmishers and began to charge the army soldiers.

The semi-automatic rifles in the army were constantly swallowing flames, especially those charging with general-purpose machine guns.

One by one bullets were fired out of the gun chamber, and one after another grenades were fired from grenades.

The curved trajectory of the grenade can well launch the grenade into the trenches of the army to effectively kill them.

These soldiers who followed Han Ling first, after two and a half years of war career, their individual combat capabilities have become very strong.

As for marksmanship, under the cultivation of countless bullets, it can also achieve accurate shooting at a distance of three hundred meters.

The bullets that were like splashing water could not even raise their heads when they hit the army directly.

Their manual rifles fired one round, and when they were about to fire the second round, the semi-automatic rifles in Ping Yuanjun's hands had already fired several rounds.

Amid the torrential rain of Gundams, the army was unable to fight back.

Soon, the Pingyuan Army rushed to the bombed and fragmented army positions.

A pair of shining bayonets shone brightly in the morning sun.


A soldier of the Pingyuan Army stabbed a bayonet into a soldier's body, and then pulled it out without the slightest expression on his face.

Then he aimed at the next target.

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