In today's battle during the day, Wang Qianzhong beat them too hard, and their strength was unbelievably strong.

After Xiong Shihui knew the news, he might think of retreating.

After all, if he was stuck in Ganzhou, he would be a shackle.

When the elite Pingyuan Army led by Lieutenant General Wang Gan arrives, they really have nowhere to go! "

Huang Shaogong looked at Bai Chongxi with a straight face and said.

"Hmm! That's right! The fighting power of Lieutenant General Wang Gan's troops really exceeded my expectations. I didn't expect their fighting power to be so powerful.

Much stronger than other standing divisions of the Pingyuan Army.I immediately ordered the troops to pay attention to the movements of the other gates of Ganzhou to prevent Xiong Shihui from escaping. "

After Bai Chongxi finished speaking, he went to order to prepare.

In the middle of the night, outside the north city gate of Ganzhou

There is a group of Guangxi troops hiding in a secret place. Their task is to monitor whether there are troops entering or leaving the north gate.

Three o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night is the beginning of the most sleepy people.

At this time, people are all asleep, and few people are still awake at this time.

And it was at this time that Ganzhou's north city gate opened a gap.

Immediately afterwards, it opened halfway, and a group of troops began to come out, searching everywhere, as if they were checking for something.

After a while, this group of army soldiers stayed outside the city gate to guard, and one of the soldiers shot back into the city.

Then, the troops of the brigade began to quietly leave the city.

They didn't stop after leaving the city, and drove directly to the north.

Now, those Gui troops know.

This army is really going to run away.

Xiong Shihui was indeed shocked by the fighting power of the Pingyuan Army.

Eat so many of my own troops in one day, just my own people, enough for others to eat for a few days?

And in another direction, there are still more than [-] Guangxi troops watching.

So Xiong Shihui decided to retreat first, and now he regrets it a bit. If he knew it earlier, he should have listened to the chief of the combat department and retreated earlier.

It is not possible to lose these [-] to [-] people.

Chapter 293: Encirclement and Annihilation [Five]

"Jiansheng! Our reconnaissance team sent back news that Xiong Shihui really wanted to escape! They found a large army leaving the north gate of Ganzhou City.

Now it is estimated that nearly one infantry division has gone out! "

Huang Shaogong walked into the headquarters with a telegram.

"Huh! Xiong Shihui is really scared! Immediately order our troops to attack the positions outside Ganzhou City! In addition, we are dispatching troops to intercept the troops outside the North City Gate.

They are only now retreating, and there are not many troops out of the city.

We must not let this group of enemies escape! "

Bai Chongxi snorted coldly.

When Bai Chongxi received the news that Xiong Shihui was going to run away, Wang Gan also received the news that Xiong Shihui was going to run away.

"Oh? Is this group of troops afraid?"

When Wang Gan received the news, he curled his lips and said disdainfully.

The staff officer did not speak.

But my heart is whispering.

Can you be afraid!

Others lost [-] to [-] people, but how many people died in the battle?

But about a thousand people died!

Wang Gan didn't care what the staff officer was thinking, he pondered for a while and said: "Tell the troops to stay put!

Those people want to run, let them run!In addition, send power to Bai Chongxi and tell them that if Xiong Shihui wants to run, let him run.

I haven't paid attention to the more than [-] remnants and defeated generals!Now our top priority is to win Nanchang.

Our war has dragged on long enough, it's been a month!

If it continues to drag on, I am afraid there will be other changes.

We have now resolved the Nanjing government and the vocal forces around it. As for the remnants and defeated generals who escaped, we will deal with it later!

In addition, send a report to Li Zongren in Chenzhou City and tell them.The enemies in Chenzhou City must not be let go, and they must be dragged there. "

According to Wang Gan's previous plan, the military department is going to let one of the two enemies of Ganzhou and Chenzhou go, and the other will either be wiped out or held back.

Anyway, they can't be allowed to destroy the encirclement and annihilation battle.

What follows is the highlight of the encirclement and annihilation of the last army of the Nanjing government.

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