He has begun to develop from a fierce general who charges into battle to a handsome man who thinks from the whole army.

So Han Ling was willing to let go of the more than [-] troops to cultivate a handsome talent.

There are some things that need to be understood by Wang Gan himself.

"Hanqing, you send a telegram to Wang Gan in my name! Just tell him that if we are attacking Nanchang, it will take another week to capture Nanchang.

Would you still choose to let go of these more than [-] troops? "

After pondering for a while, Han Ling looked up at Zhang Hanqing and said.

"I see! Go now!"

Zhang Hanqing nodded and left.

Outside the city of Dudu County, the Quanzhou Support Army Headquarters.

"Your Excellency, Commander! Commander telegram!"

Wang Gan, who was looking at the map, was immediately shocked when he heard the commander's telegram.

Normally, it was a telegram from the military department, but once it was a telegram from the commander in chief, it was Han Ling's own intention.

Usually, Han Ling would send reports in the name of the military department, but this time he sent the report in the name of the commander himself.

Wang Gan tidied up his military appearance to make himself look more energetic before accepting the telegram.

After reading it carefully, Wang Qiancai turned his gaze to the map with a blank expression.

Silently roughly estimated the distance from Ganzhou to Nanchang.

"It seems that I still think less about something!"

Wang Gan said with a wry smile.

If it takes another week to capture Nanchang, that means it will take another week to close the encirclement.

In a week, Wang Qian was absolutely sure to eat up the more than [-] troops.

And after eating these more than [-] troops, there is still time to go north.

And if they were let go, it would create uncertain factors for the subsequent war.

And in a week, who knows what the more than [-] troops will do?

"Report! Military telegram!"

Just when Wang Gan smiled wryly, a correspondent came in and said loudly.


"I now agree with the opinion of Lieutenant General Wang Gan, the commander of the Quanzhou Support Army!

From now on, [-] troops will be allocated from General Bai Chongxi's troops to General Li Zongren.

In addition, the East China Front Army will be established from now on, and Wang Qian will be the commander of the Front Army and will be promoted to the rank of general.Bai Chongxi served as chief of staff to assist Wang Gan in handling military affairs.

Under its jurisdiction are the three infantry armies of the Pingyuan Army and the Guangxi Army with [-] soldiers, a total of [-] soldiers.

In addition, the East China Front Army immediately marched westward to Hunan, Guizhou and other places to wipe out all remnants of the army! "

"Yes! The humble post takes orders!"

The final battle to encircle and wipe out the Nanjing government is about to begin.

Zhao Tiezhu's Nanjing crossing river front army has now entered the city of Nanjing, but due to the resolute resistance of the army and the heavy reward of the chairman, there must be brave men.

So currently they are blocked in Nanjing City, and cannot take Nanjing City in a short time.

This is also related to the fact that Han Ling must not damage the city of Nanjing too much and the Ming Palace.

Otherwise, Zhao Tiezhu would have ordered artillery to attack.

And Zheng Daxing's Shanghai front army has now cut off the retreat route of the Nanjing government's Taihu Lake line, leaving Nanchang here.

After Sun Chu and Yang Qing joined forces to win Nanchang.

The demise of the Nanjing government can enter the countdown.

And the chairman of the committee seemed unwilling to be wiped out like this.

In places like Ma'anshan, Wuhu, and Xuancheng, the chairman of the committee has started recruiting again.

And this time, a big price was paid.

The chairman also tried to make a final struggle.

He recruited troops around Nanjing, and gave orders to He Jian and Long Yun in Hunan, Guizhou, and Yunnan to recruit and expand the army.

The Pingyuan Army must not be allowed to unify China in this way.

Chapter 294: The Final Battle of the Encirclement and Annihilation War [[-]]

When Bai Chongxi divided [-] troops in his hands to Li Zongren, and then joined forces with him to form the East China Front Army.

At this time in Nanchang, a siege battle was going on.

Yang Qing's three mechanized infantry divisions plus five infantry divisions with [-] soldiers and Sun Chu's three armies with [-] soldiers, a total of [-] people surrounded Nanchang.

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