But this time the death toll exceeded [-] within a few days.

It can be said that [-] or [-] people were killed every day.

"A lot of casualties?"

Han Ling frowned for a while before saying: "I didn't think about this! Our troops are capable of fighting in the field! But in such a street fight where hands and feet are bound, the combat power is greatly restricted.

Send troops!Let the three special forces go.Isn't that boy Shi Xiong yelling all day long that he feels uncomfortable without a fight?Let the three major special forces go up, and let them teach other troops how to fight this street battle by the way! "

Of the three major special forces, only Zhang Chen's night attack special brigade had actual combat experience, and the other two special brigades lacked actual combat experience.

Shanghai Front Army Command

"Daxing, there is news from the military that they will send three major special forces to fight.

Our Shanghai Front Army was assigned to the Night Wolf Special Brigade, and they would explain street fighting to us.

In addition, the Yehu Special Brigade was assigned to Sun Chu and Yang Qing's coalition forces.

Zhao Tiezhu and the others were assigned to the night attack special brigade.

The three special brigades will come by airship, and they are expected to arrive tonight. "

Gu Zhutong put down the telegram in his hand, looked at Zheng Daxing and said.

"Well! In this case, order the troops to suspend the attack and wait for the special brigade to come."

Zheng Daxing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the military department was going to send the three major special brigades over.

He had also heard about the special brigade.

It is said that the training subjects of the special brigade are very diverse.

Among them, the most training is mountain combat and urban combat.

In terms of street fighting, no one in the Pingyuan Army can defeat them.

Nanjing Leader's Mansion

"Committee! For some reason, the Pingyuan army suddenly stopped attacking! I don't know what they are doing!"

He Yingqin sat under the Chairman, with a puzzled look on his face.

He was a little puzzled by the news from the frontline troops just now that the Pingyuan Army had stopped attacking all of a sudden.

"Stop attacking? This is not good news! It shows that they are probably planning something!"

The chairman sat on the sofa calmly and said.

"Respect, how many people have we lost these days?"

"There are about [-]! The automatic firepower of the Pingyuan Army is too fierce. Moreover, they are marching in groups. It is difficult for our people to find soldiers who are alone!"

"About [-]? The casualties are a bit high!"

The chairman sighed.

"However, the casualties of the Pingyuan Army are not small. According to our estimates, their death toll is about five or six thousand! This kind of number of wiped out enemies has never been seen in our many battles!"

"Compete with them, we can't win now! Forget it! You go down and order the troops to martial law, and you must strictly prevent the Pingyuan army from attacking!"


At night, the night in June has a coolness that dispels the heat of the day.

Zheng Daxing stood outside a clearing and looked at the sky.

There are also countless large fires burning around this open space.

"Woo~ woo~ woo~"

Voices came from a distance, Zheng Daxing and Gu Zhutong looked up and saw the airship flying in the distance.

A group of airships flew from a distance, they had already lowered their altitude, and after seeing the open space surrounded by countless fires below, they began to land slowly.

Then a group of people wearing black combat uniforms, black helmets on their heads, holding Somi submachine guns, oil paint on their faces, and all kinds of weapons and equipment got off the airships one after another.

One of the burly men came to Zheng Daxing and said, "You are His Excellency Zheng Daxing, Commander Zheng! I will report to you in the next night, the captain of the wolf special brigade!"

Shi Xiong came to Zheng Daxing and said loudly.

However, he did not report his name.

Their special forces don't use names when they perform missions outside, they all use code names.

And Zheng Daxing also knew this, so he didn't ask Shi Xiong what his name was.

"You have worked hard! Finally, you are expected!"

Looking at Shi Xiong, Zheng Daxing was still a little excited.

He glanced at the soldiers gathered behind him.

I found that the faces of these soldiers were painted with oil paint. At a glance, they seemed to be all the same.

"Hehe! Don't dare! This time the commander sent us to carry out a mission on your territory. If there is anything wrong, please forgive me, Commander Zheng!"

"Where will it be! You go to rest first! You will be teaching our officers tomorrow morning. In the past few days, thousands of soldiers below us have died in battle. We have never suffered such a big loss!"

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