In the next few days, Han Ling continued to visit various places.

He wanted to see what the current situation among the people was like.

Some things are only known when you see them with your own eyes.

Through these days of visits, Han Ling did not fail to find problems.

For example, some hidden problems among the people.

Some bastards who are still hanging around on the streets have relations with the police station or a certain person in the police station, and they also collect protection fees on the street and other things.

However, because of Beiping, they are not as arrogant as before, but there must be something in the dark.

Where there is light, there is darkness, and this cannot be avoided.

Beiping, Forbidden City, Xiyuan, Han Ling's office

"Master! These are some things I have collected in the past few days, please have a look!"

Originally, Han Ling wanted him to submit a report after he came back, but when he came back the next night, Wang Haolin explained the situation honestly and asked Han Ling to give him some more time. He wanted to investigate clearly this matter.

Han Ling also agreed to his request.

In the next few days, Wang Haolin began to use the same trick in Beiping and its surrounding areas.

But the result made him feel desperate.

Since most of the power of the Ministry of Supervision began to tilt to the south, the old bureaucrats in and around Beiping began to reach out.

Among them, the common people leased agricultural machinery.

Many officials are about to play tricks.

Officials and people in some places want to rent agricultural machinery, yes!

But you have to bribe him with a sum of money before he approves it for you. Otherwise, you will prevaricate with reasons such as too many renters and insufficient agricultural machinery.

You know, the crops are about to be harvested right now.The actions of those officials made the people have no choice but to knock their teeth out and swallow it in their stomachs, and they could only give the money they worked so hard to earn from the fields to those officials with hatred.

And there are some officials, when you apply, he agrees quickly.

But when he gave you the application form and the agricultural machinery, he made a fool of himself.

He wants these people to pay.

This payment is not a one-time payment, but calculated over time.

For example, how much money do you need to pay extra on the first day of renting?

How much is the extra delivery the next day.

Otherwise, he would bring someone to drive the machine back, citing that the people did not pay enough rent as an excuse.

This is only the second type.

There are others, for example, there is an old-fashioned bureaucrat who asks the people to harvest the grain, he wants a few percent, and asks the people to exchange it into oceans.

Anyway, their methods are varied, and when Wang Haolin secretly visited them, his heart sank.

Han Ling said at the meeting more than once that there must be no corruption of the people. If anyone is corrupt, he will never spare anyone!

But now?

In Beiping, at the feet of the emperor, such a thing happened, do you think he escaped?

"Wang Haolin! Do you know why I let you take the position of Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs?"

Han Ling asked lightly after reading it briefly.

"The commander-in-chief is dereliction of duty this time, I will immediately"

"Enough! Is that all you think about? Do you know that it is the autumn harvest season? Do you know that the people need these agricultural machines to go back to harvest?

But what about the officials under your jurisdiction?

You tell me, what are they doing?

He is digging the root of Lao Tzu, digging the corner of Lao Tzu's rule!This matter has been going on for so long, and you haven't noticed it. What does Lao Tzu want you to do?Do you eat dry rice? "

This time Han Ling became popular. Han Ling, who was born in a peasant family, knew that perhaps these trivial matters in the eyes of the superiors could cause the common people to burn out.

Now the common people have the habit of renting land to farm. How can there be so much land and so much grain harvested without machines?

If it is harvested manually, many laborers have entered the factory.

They haven't finished harvesting yet, and I'm afraid that a lot of grain will rot in the ground.

"Now I have decided to rescind your position as Deputy Minister of Civil Affairs and let you act as Deputy Minister, but remember, you only have one chance!

Today is August [-]th, if you still can't solve this matter on August [-]th, then get out!I don't want trash here! "

"It's a humble job, remember!"

There were big drops of sweat on Wang Haolin's forehead, and he stuttered when he spoke.

How could Han Ling lose his aura after being in the upper echelon for so long?

After Wang Haolin left, Han Ling sat in his seat and meditated.

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