It is inconvenient to search women's houses, and this era is still very conservative.Not like later generations.

A woman's boudoir cannot be entered randomly.

So at that time, Han Ling decided to recruit women across the country to form female police officers, and female police officers would go to places where male police officers were inconvenient.

After half a year of training, I finally started working some time ago.

Han Ling then continued to stand outside the door and listen.

From their conversation, Han Ling knew that there were more than ten female police officers in this police station.

As for the rest, they haven't talked about it yet.

But Han Ling is not in a hurry, today is only the first day, and there will be plenty of time in the future.


Han Ling opened the door and went in, but they didn't say anything when they saw Han Ling coming in.

As for the person who asked Han Ling to wipe the table just now, he didn't say anything more, probably not sure whether Han Ling knew what they said just now.

After all, if this kind of thing gets out, they will lose their jobs and go to jail.

Sitting there all morning, the female policeman they were talking about didn't show up. On the contrary, the few of them were talking about big girls and sister-in-law all morning.

It was almost noon when a heroic policewoman walked in with a stack of documents.

Han Ling glanced at it slightly, she was a pretty girl, about 20 years old.

Perhaps it was because of running outside all morning that there were drops of sweat on his face.

His face also had a tinge of red.

"Are you the new colleague?"

The policewoman sat down and rested for a few minutes, then asked after wiping off her sweat.

"Yes! Ling Han, please take care of me in the future!"

Looking at a beautiful little girl, everyone will have a good impression, it has nothing to do with anything else, it is purely an appreciation of beauty.

"Hello! Zhu Yunying!"

The policewoman stretched out her hand and touched Han Ling slightly, then retracted like lightning.

Han Ling didn't care either, it was noon soon.

The other five went out to eat, and Zhu Yunying was the only one who was still sitting in her seat, as if she would not leave.

Han Ling ignored her and went out to find a place to have a meal by himself.

As soon as I arrived at the office in the afternoon, I heard five people talking about something.

"Have you heard? Minister Tang, who just took office not long after we took office, wants to sort out us old policemen, and then say what is it called training?"

A male policeman in his thirties said with some incomprehension.

"Training! It is said that we will be retrained for work! Otherwise, we will be dismissed!"

Another male policeman said.

"Removal? Why? We have done a good job, why should we be dismissed?"

When the other person heard that he was going to be dismissed, his voice rose a little, and even Zhu Yunying and Han Ling's eyes were attracted to him.

In fact, Han Ling has been listening to their voices quietly all the time. Although their voices are not loud, they are a bit small, but as long as they listen carefully, they can still hear some!

"This should be Tang Shengzhi's first fire!"

Han Ling thought in his mind that it was said that the new official took office three fires, and Tang Shengzhi could also be said to be an old fritters, so he naturally understood this truth.

"Keep your voice down! Only those who don't train will be dismissed, why are you excited!"

Another person grabbed the sleeve of the high-pitched person and said.

"Keep talking! The policeman who stopped the high-pitched person said to the policeman who spoke just now.

"I heard! After we have been trained, we will be reassigned. We can no longer work here, and we will be transferred to other places!"

"Transfer to other places? Isn't this killing us? If we are transferred away, what will we do with the oil and water here?"

Another policeman said anxiously.

"How do I know what to do? I'm still in a hurry! Anyway! This time, the higher-ups seem to have made up their minds to rectify us, saying that we are not up to standard!"

Where those people were whispering, Han Ling was thinking.

"Oil and water? Could it be that these policemen are secretly doing something?"

Han Ling is not an idiot who doesn't understand anything.

He knows that the oil and water among the police are either colluding with some businessmen to make some improper transactions, or colluding with some gangsters below, that is, colluding with secret forces to provide them with an umbrella, secretly

"It seems that the internal rectification has to be done slowly, and there are many problems in it!"

Han Ling thought slowly.

The establishment time of Peiping is too short and the development is too fast.

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