The first is the land policy. Their family has no land, and they are just looking for some short-term labor to make ends meet.

Land distribution is not up to them yet.

As for the subsequent land lease, the first thing to do is to pay a sum of money at the beginning of the lease.

Ordinary peasant families also plant grain on their own land for one season, sell the remaining surplus grain, and then have the money to rent other land. Now small farmers all come in this way.

After all, the agricultural tax collected by Han Ling after he came to power was appallingly low, and some farmers still had to distribute seeds.

But they don't have land, not even the land to start a family, so this policy cannot be linked to them.

And the establishment of the factory!

When those factories recruit workers, they all want male workers.

As for those garment factories, because their family suffered from long-term malnutrition, their physical fitness was much worse than that of ordinary people before, so they failed the physical examination and were banned again.

Then there will be nothing for their family!

However, due to the rapid economic development, the price for them to do part-time work is much higher than before, so their economic situation can only be said to be slightly better than before.

The reason why Zhu Yunying was able to become a policeman was that when the police began to recruit female policemen, many women were not very willing to be policemen because of the influence of traditional education.

At that time, the whole country was preparing to recruit [-] female police officers, but in the end only a few thousand were recruited.

But under such circumstances, Zhu Yunying's physical fitness was not up to standard.

But because there are too few female police officers, and she is young.

At that time, the recruiters thought that she was still young, and if she came in for a while, with the treatment in the police training, she would definitely be able to improve her body, so they recruited her.

It can be said that Zhu Yunying's ability to become a policeman was a helpless move by the recruiter at that time.

After all, the above stipulates the physical fitness, but because of the lack of people!

And Zhu Yunying's body has indeed been cultivated during the six months of police training.

It's not like before, with a yellow and thin face, and it looks like it's malnourished in clothes.

But because she hasn't been a policeman for a long time, and after leaving the training base, their lives will be eaten by themselves.

So now her lunch at noon is brought from home in the morning.

Han Ling listened quietly, although he kept telling himself since he came to this world: this is a society that cannibalize people, if you want to gain a foothold in this society, you must be ruthless if you want to gain a foothold in the world!

Be hard-hearted.

But after hearing Zhu Yunying's words, he still felt that he could not treat his own people to that extent.

"Your meal has been knocked down! It seems that you have nothing to eat at noon. Let's go! I will pay you for lunch at noon today!"

Han Ling stood up, moved his shoulders and said.

"No need! I've almost eaten enough!"

Zhu Yunying lowered her head and refused as if she didn't want to be favored by others.

"Let's go! I have the final say!"

Han Ling's words seemed to have an irresistible magic power, Zhu Yunying didn't know why, but she stood up and followed Han Ling away.

There is a restaurant not far from Fangzhuang, which is said to be a century-old brand, but I don't know if it is true.

Anyway, the business here is good, Han Ling walked in front, Zhu Yunying followed.

Walked inside, found a corner seat and sat down.

"You two are objective, what do you want to eat?"

After Han Ling casually ordered three dishes, he asked Xiao Er to serve another serving of rice and it was over.

The main thing is that Zhu Yunying eats, if you don't need to order a large table of dishes, it's a complete waste.

"What does your family do? You look rich?"

At this time, Zhu Yunying seemed to have realized that although Han Ling didn't order many dishes, there were only three dishes, but they all seemed to be relatively expensive.

"My family! Doing a small business, my mother said that I have nothing to do at home all day long, so she let me be a policeman!"

Han Ling made up a reason casually.


"He should be a rich man!"

After Zhu Yunying let out a cry, she slowly thought about it.

When Han Ling was still treating Zhu Yunying to dinner at the restaurant, Fang Tu and Jiang Baili were receiving an old man in his sixties.

"Hehe! Mr. Chen, welcome! The last time we fought against Japan in Korea, it was thanks to the money and supplies you sent us!"

Jiang Baili held Chen Jiageng's hand and said with a smile on his face.

good!The name of the visitor is Chen Jiageng.

He is the leader of the Nanyang Chinese and serves as the chairman of the Nanqiao Association.

It has a very high status among the Chinese in Nanyang.

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