On December [-], [-], it was already snowing heavily in the temporary capital of the Chinese government.

But at this time, the fireplace in the Xiyuan Chrysanthemum Hall was burning ragingly.

Han Ling was wearing a Hanfu and sat in the first place, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand.

Sitting below are two devils.

A devil is forty or fifty years old.

The other is in his twenties.

Both of them sat down respectfully, and no one dared to speak.

"Mr. Sakai Qinggu, we have all seen your contribution to our country before.

After our research, we decided to grant you Huaxia nationality and enjoy the right to be in Huaxia.Of course, this also includes your nephew Mr. Sonoda Sakai. "

After a while, Han Ling put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at Sakai Qinggu and his nephew Sakai Sonoda with a warm face.

Those who didn't know would think that Han Ling was really so kind, but if Zhan Ninggong and Zhang Hanqing saw Han Ling's smile, they would immediately know that these two guys must be useful.

Otherwise, you let him show you a smiling face?It would be good if you were not shot.

Han Ling has always had an instinctive rejection and hatred towards those foreigners.

Among them, little devils are the most popular.

"Thank you, Marshal! I will do my best for Huaxia until I die!"

Sakai Qinggu is also an old fritter. After hearing that Han Ling wanted to give him a Chinese nationality, he immediately felt that the supreme commander of China had accepted him.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know where to go.The world is so big, there is really no room for him.

Now the devil government is looking for him everywhere.

Now the whole world, probably China is the place that little devils can't enter.

Otherwise, if it is in other places, it is estimated that they will be arrested.

Now that Sakai Qinggu is in the devil, it can be said that everyone wants to kill him.

"Sonoda! What are you still doing in a daze? Don't you hurry up and thank the Marshal for taking him in?"

Seeing that his nephew was still in a daze, Sakai Qinggu quickly pushed him away.

"Thank you, Marshal, for taking me in!"

"Hehe! Don't be in a hurry to thank me. You still have a task to complete after the year. You are here to spend the year now, and I will tell you when the time comes!"

Han Ling said with a smile.

"Yes! Commander-in-Chief, please give orders!"

"Well! Go down first!"

After the two left, Zhang Hanqing came out.

"Master! Let the two of them sell heroin in Europe and America again?"

"Who said that? Hanqing, you can't talk nonsense! I'm not selling poison, I'm selling holy medicine.

You see, people in the West call it Weika, and we have to call it Weika, you know?Otherwise it is a drop in price! "

Han Ling leisurely took a sip of the tea ceremony.

"Okay! I won't talk to you about this issue, but you are not afraid that our own people will be infected with this thing?

I tried adding this thing to those condemned prisoners, and found that this thing is much more powerful than opium.Once he loses this thing and that appearance, he might be able to let him kill his closest relatives. "

As an addict, Zhang Hanqing used to smoke.However, since serving as the deputy commander-in-chief in the Pingyuan Army, Han Ling has forcibly quit him.And also gave him a green liquid.It made him want to vomit when he saw opium now.

Of course Han Ling would not tell him that this is a product of alien technology.

Poison, this kind of thing is not only found on the earth, but also on alien planets.

It's just that with the development of science and technology, they invented a kind of thing that can force detoxification, which is what Han Ling gave Zhang Hanqing to eat.

As long as you eat this thing, let alone continue to suck it, you will feel like vomiting just looking at it!

This is why Han Ling is not afraid that the people will be infected with this stuff.

Whoever is infected, I will give you a little bit, and if you suck it, you will feel like vomiting!

Chapter 346: System Issues

"Don't worry! I already have a solution! By the way, it's the end of the year, and there are a lot of things in the military. Why don't you come to me if you don't deal with things?"

Han Ling looked at Zhang Hanqing who was standing here and asked.

"Why? What can I do! Let me ask you, when will you marry my sister? You are 24 now, and my sister is also 23. If you drag it on, you will almost become an old girl!"

Zhang Hanqing looked at Han Ling and said angrily.

"What's the matter? You are so anxious to send that dowry? Then you send it first, and then send another one when the time comes!"

"Fuck you! Minghan, I'll tell you. Don't let my sister get married with my son! Then I'll never end with you!"

Speaking of this question, Zhang Hanqing looked at Han Ling warily.

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