If it's not a vacation, then of course it's combat.

December [-], [-].

While hundreds of airships were delivering logistical supplies to the Koryo Peninsula, and the East China Sea Fleet was sailing into the strait between the Koryo Peninsula and the little devil's homeland, Han Ling delivered a speech to the people of the whole country in the capital.

"My compatriots! Someone asked me if I am gathering hundreds of thousands of troops and more than [-] planes on the Koryo Peninsula to land on the little devil's land?

I can tell you compatriots clearly, yes!Just to land on the little devil's land, I just want to fight the little devil.I'm just that blunt.

Many people said: 'Commander, stop the war!We are in a critical period of economic development, stop the war, develop the economy and talk about revenge.

I don't make too many comments on these people's remarks, but what I want to say is.

What's the use of your economic development if the revenge has not been reported?

Economical!Don't talk to me about developing the economy. In my opinion, revenge and revitalizing the national spirit are the top priority.

The economy can develop at any time, but revenge is imminent.

Thirty-eight years ago, the little devil defeated our Chinese navy fleet.

Put all the shame on us.They wantonly ride on our heads, let us suffer all kinds of unequal treatment.

All this shame, I will never forget.

I don't want people to point to my forehead and say: Look!This is the person who forgot hatred and shame, he only knows how to develop himself like a sheep, and finally wait for others to harvest.

I am delivering this speech here today, and I just want to tell all the people how to revive if the country’s hatred has not been avenged.

Now my army of [-] has been assembled on the Koryo Peninsula, and more than [-] fighters are ready to go.

The East China Sea Fleet and the Pacific Fleet are already waiting for orders, and the battle of revenge is about to begin.


Han Ling's voice traveled to all directions in China through the radio.

In the streets of the city, in the fields, in the villages and towns, Han Ling's voice appeared on the radio everywhere.

Hundreds of millions of people were quietly listening to Han Ling's speech.

Speech, not much provocative.

There is only sadness, and everything that China has suffered since modern times has been told one by one by Han Ling.

A depressive atmosphere seemed to appear in Huaxia.

Some students who shouted not to fight were blushed by other students' accusations.

Some literati who chanted not to war became the target of public criticism.




Countless voices chanting in support of the war appeared.

The iron-blooded Han army flags began to fly across the land of Huaxia.

Iron-blooded Han flags were planted everywhere on the streets, as if to support Han Ling's decision in this way.

Chapter 350: Global Bombing [[-]]

Han Ling's declaration of war filled the whole of China with the tense atmosphere of war.

Revenge has become a momentary theme.

And those who talk about peace and not war are accused of nothing.

Under such circumstances, Han Ling signed a series of war mobilization orders.

At the same time, Han Ling's slogan "Slay the little devils, ZTE Huaxia" also resounded in Huaxia one after another.

Under such circumstances, on December [-], [-], the day before the bombing, Han Ling received John Bull's Minister Carl in China.

"Mr. Carl, what's the matter for you to see me today?"

Han Ling met Karl in the Chrysanthemum Hall, but at this moment he was absent-minded.

After experiencing the Riau naval battle, John Bull's attitude towards Huaxia has changed, and he no longer treats Huaxia with a contemptuous attitude like before.

As for Huaxia's strong recovery of incense, the matter of capturing more than [-] of their soldiers and others was decided to discuss with Huaxia after repeated discussions.

It can be seen that this world speaks with strength, as long as you have strength, they can treat you with another attitude.

"Hehe! Dear General Han, some time ago you invited more than [-] of our soldiers, General Rolt and Mr. Bei Lu to be your guests. It has been so long, can you let them go home? Look now It's been five days since Christmas.

God sure, their loved ones will miss them terribly.It must be a good thing if they can get home as soon as possible! "

Carl's tone and attitude have also completely changed.

In the past, he always talked to Han Ling with a haughty attitude, as if he felt that he was superior to Han Ling.

But now it seems to be speaking in a negotiating tone.

This world is like this, last time Han Ling beat these John Bulls really hard.They had to admit that Huaxia, which had only risen for a few years, was already a part of the world's powerful countries.

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