As for the troops at Xingqiao, I don't think there is any need to defend them.According to intelligence, the little devils heading towards Xingqiao are nothing more than a division.Although there are more people than us, it doesn't mean we are afraid of him.

In the first generation of Shimonoseki, we took a defensive stance, as long as we kept the little devils out of Shimonoseki, we first dealt with the five little devil divisions on Fukuoka Island, and then dealt with the three divisions here! "

Zhang Jinchen was not prepared to defend.

With superior numbers and weapons and equipment, if Zhang Jinchen takes defensive measures again, the army and Han Ling will be disappointed with him.

"Then what do we do?"

Wang Wei, commander of the [-]st Group Army, looked at Zhang Jinchen and said.

"It's very simple! The entire army! This morning, the fighter planes and dive bombers flying from the country are already in place.

When we attack, the Air Force will cover us.We want to eat these little devils in the shortest possible time.At that time, if we want to completely occupy Fukuoka Island and use Fukuoka Island as our base, we will definitely need troops to deter.Otherwise, those little devils will make trouble again! "

Since the little devil attacked his troops yesterday, he had a deep understanding of the little devil's madness and determination to resist.

He knew that once these divisions of the little devils were eaten, what they would have to face would be the madness of the little devils and the common people, and the army would definitely need to suppress them!

And the [-]st Army and [-]nd Army will suppress these little devils in the fastest time.

Now that Zhang Jinchen's suggestion has been unanimously approved by everyone, the next step is to implement it.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, all those who launched the attack were Zhifang's Pingyuan Army.

The Pingyuan Army here is the [-]th Division of the [-]th Group Army, and the division commander is Tong Zeguang, Zhang Jinchen's old subordinate.

"Are all the troops ready?"

Tong Zeguang, who has become the commander of the major general, asked his staff in a deep voice.

"Division seat, everything is ready! An attack can be launched at any time! The heavy artillery division dispatched by the commander is also ready. There is also news from the air force frontline airport that they will arrive ten minutes after we launch the attack!"

"Very good! Contact the heavy artillery division and let them take the lead in shelling, and our artillery regiment will also join in!"


At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the Heavy Artillery Division of the [-]th Group Army and the artillery regiment of the [-]th Division launched shelling at the opposite Xiao Devils position at the same time.




The [-]th Division, which rushed here first, had only half built their positions when the shelling of the Pingyuan Army started.

The booming sound of heavy artillery resounded throughout the little devil's land.

One after another heavy artillery fell on the crowd of little devils.

Countless little devils were thrown into the air.

Screams and shouts sounded here.

The sudden shelling caught the little devils by surprise. They did not expect the sudden shelling by the Pingyuan Army.

But it wasn't over yet. When the bombardment was about ten minutes old, there was a sudden roar of an aircraft engine in the sky.

Then the figures of dive bombers flew out of the clouds.

They began to lower the altitude, and lowered the altitude to between [-] and [-] meters.

A dive bomber suddenly lowered its nose and swooped down towards the ground target at a nearly ninety-degree vertical angle.

When the altitude was only [-] meters to [-] meters, the nose of the plane suddenly pulled up, and a heavy aerial bomb fell from the belly of the plane.

What was brought up was deafening explosions and countless smoke, dust, and snowflakes.

The snow on the ground was continuously blown up, exposing the soil below.

Maybe Amaterasu no longer blesses them.

In the past few days, there has been no snow or strong wind in the sky. It seems that everything has become calm, and this is the opportunity for the Pingyuan Army to attack.

Mine, Kawai Operations Headquarters

"Your Excellency, Commander! No, Lieutenant General Fumisaburo Yoshino, the head of the [-]th Division, sent a telegram saying that they were subjected to heavy shelling and bombing by the Pingyuan Army! It seems that the Pingyuan Army is going to attack them!"

A communications staff officer hurried in, looked at He Hecao and said.

"Nani? The Pingyuan Army launched an attack on the [-]th Division?"

He Hecao was shocked when he heard it, and then went to the map to look it up.

"It seems that their commander also saw the problem and launched an attack on us first!"

He Hecao said immediately after watching for a few seconds.

"Is the squadron sent by the navy to support us already in place?"

After Kawai Cao looked at Nogata, he stopped looking, and instead shifted his gaze to Xingqiao.

"The naval support fleet has not yet sent a message, and it is estimated that they have not arrived at the designated location!"

The communications staff officer looked at Hehe and said.

"Bastard! Order the [-]th Division to attack Xingqiao immediately after arriving at Xingqiao, and send a report to the navy to let them arrive quickly.

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