The mortars are fired for a while and then stopped for a period of time.

And the shelling speed of the heavy artillery regiment is not fast.

The purpose is to prevent the barrel from heating up so quickly, making it impossible to fire.

What Han Ling wanted was to give the enemy a feeling that he was feinting.

And as for the purpose after that!Then we will know.

Following Han Ling's order, the heavy artillery regiment immediately stopped shelling.

The field artillery battalions of several regiments began to speak.

And a regiment of soldiers with two companies began to slowly launch a tentative attack upwards with rifles in hand.

The heavy machine guns below are constantly firing bullets to cover the tentative attack of the ground troops.

"Company commander! The Pingyuan Army has sent troops to attack!"

On the ground of one regiment and one battalion, a soldier who survived by chance poked his head out and saw soldiers below starting to attack them, so he immediately yelled.

"I know! Go and inform the camp, and say that the Pingyuan Army has launched an attack."


After the Pingyuan Army launched an attack, the news reached Wang Ming's ears immediately.

"The Pingyuan army started to attack? Order the second battalion to send soldiers from two companies to support the first battalion.

In addition, you can tell the commander of the first battalion that after the wave of the Pingyuan army's charge is repulsed, I will immediately agree to let them go to the battalion for repairs.But this wave of blocking must be done for me! "

Wang Ming said to the staff officer.


"It's time to come! This damn Pingyuan Army!"

After Wang Ming walked around the headquarters for two times, he said bitterly.

No matter what Wang Ming said, soldiers from two companies of the first regiment of the Pingyuan Army were attacking their positions.

Continuous gunshots began to resound on the mountainside and among the mountains.

A group of soldiers from these two companies attacked them calmly.

There was no trace of panic in their eyes.

And the grenades equipped in each squad are constantly firing grenades.

If the grenade on the grenadier is gone, someone will naturally pass the grenade on him.

A grenade exploded in the Jinsui army's position.

"Your Excellency, Commander! The enemy's resistance is fierce. It seems that their reinforcements are coming!"

Han Ling looked at the situation above with a telescope at the bottom of the mountain.

But Liu Klon stood in front of Han Ling and said without any emotion.

"I saw it! Their firepower suddenly increased. Listening to the increased gunfire, the reinforcements should be around two companies.

Let our reconnaissance balloons lock the position of their firepower pillars, and the heavy artillery regiment is ready at any time, waiting for my order! "

"Yes! Your Excellency Commander!"

After Liu Klon finished speaking, he left.

Han Ling didn't pay attention to Liu Klonn, but looked at the top and muttered to himself: "It seems that the commander of the Jinsui Army is really calm! He only sent about two companies. Just right, let me see how many two companies you have!"

After Han Ling gave the order, he continued to observe the situation above, but did not fire immediately.

The two companies in the first regiment stopped advancing after reaching a certain position.

Just there, hiding behind the cover, started shooting against the Jinsui army.

There were many gunshots coming and going, but the Pingyuan Army refused to move forward no matter what.

This made the Jinsui army a little helpless and also a little scared.

Because the marksmanship of the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army and the accuracy of the grenades are too high.

In many cases, if you show a little more, it is a headshot.

Many times you die without knowing where the enemy who killed you is.

"Tuan Zuo, the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army are so powerful, many of our brothers don't even know where the enemy is when they die.

And their artillery was also very accurate, and they almost overwhelmed us.

Many artillery flew directly into our trenches as if they had eyes.

Brothers can't even hide! "

At this time, the first battalion commander came to Wang Ming's headquarters again.

However, compared to the last time, the first battalion commander this time had blood all over his face, and it was obvious that he had just come down from the battlefield.

"How many people are left in the two companies of your battalion and the second battalion?"

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