And before the battle, you must evacuate your own people, otherwise they will kill all non-friendly troops in front of you.

It's like the Fifth Army.

On February [-], the Pingyuan Army launched a full-scale counter-offensive under the command of Wang Dayong, and bombers brought heavy bombs to all parts of the Devil Empire.

The Pingyuan Army in the three directions of Dazaifu, Chaohui, and Hita began to launch the final attack.

Under the cover of bombers and artillery units, the infantry regiments of the Pingyuan Army began to attack desperately.

On February [-]th, after three days of fighting, the Fifth Army of the Pingyuan Army finally wiped out all the remaining members of the Devil Empire.

There was not a single person alive within a thirty-mile radius of the entire court meeting.

The corpses of the ghost empire people were gathered and burned by the troops behind the Pingyuan Army.

The Fifth Army did not stop attacking after winning the Chaohui, but started to march towards Xiaojun City again with blood red eyes.

At the same time, the [-]th and [-]rd armies, which had bypassed Saga, had already begun to attack Kurume.

For a moment, the little devil in the Kurume area seemed to be a turtle in an urn, and he couldn't get out of being surrounded in this area.

At this time, He Hecao suddenly realized that his army of [-] troops had been surrounded by the Pingyuan Army at some point.

At a general glance, it feels as if you can break out of the encirclement everywhere, but you can only find out after a closer look.

There is no place to break through at all, they can only be constantly surrounded.

So He Hecao began to send power to the base camp three times a day, telling them to send reinforcements as soon as possible.

The base camp of the Devil Empire has indeed sent reinforcements.

It's just that it's still on the way, and it will take time to send reinforcements!

It doesn't mean that if you want reinforcements, I will send reinforcements from the capital to you in the next second. All of this will take time.

And mobilized reinforcements, you have to mobilize all kinds of supplies!

Although they are considered to be wartime physiques and everything serves the war, their economy has already collapsed and supplies are in short supply.

It will take a lot of time to mobilize all these materials.

So this time is slow.

Under such circumstances, on February [-]th, the Pingyuan Army of Dazaifu successfully ate the little devils there.

On February [-], the Pingyuan Army in Hita also ate the little devils there.

Now only the little devils in the Kurume area are still lingering.

Anyone with no brain problems knows that the little devil is almost finished.

The number of troops in Kurume is quite large, more than [-] troops!

It's just that there are fewer Pingyuan troops?

The [-] army that detoured through Saga, and the Fifth Army that had already arrived in Ogori City.

Although the Fifth Army suffered a lot of losses, more than one infantry division was killed plus those injured and unable to act.

But don't forget that the Fifth Army has four infantry divisions. Even if one infantry division does not participate in the attack, the combat effectiveness of the remaining three infantry divisions should not be underestimated.

Now the little devil also knows how powerful the Pingyuan Army's elite Fifth Army is.

In terms of combat effectiveness, one Fifth Army can outperform three or even four other armies.

In addition, Dazaifu and Hita's Pingyuan Army has begun to drive towards Kurume, and hundreds of thousands of Pingyuan Army will surround these more than [-] little devil troops.

Do you think the little devil can still run away?

"Sir Wang, the little devils in Kurume are surrounded by the [-]th, [-]rd and [-]th armies.

Our troops in Dazaifu and Hita are already marching towards Kurume.

Believe it will arrive soon! "

Zhang Jinchen stood behind Wang Dayong and said.

"No need! The [-]th Army, the [-]rd Army plus my Fifth Army, two and a half armies are enough to eat up this group of little devils.

Order the [-]th Army, the [-]st Army, the [-]nd Army, and the [-]th Army to immediately pass through Hita and begin to advance to Oita, the southern important town of Fukuoka Island.

According to our information, the little devil's headquarters is in Oita, and we want to occupy Oita! "

"Okay, I'll convey it right away!"

Huaxia Capital, Xiyuan, Han Ling's office.

"Commander! According to the information from the front line, Fukuoka Island may be occupied by us. As long as Fukuoka Island is occupied, our next actions will be much easier!"

Zhang Hanqing put a telegram sent back by Wang Dayong in front of Han Ling.

"Well! It's time to end, too, and it's already February now. Also, how is the standing army behind us training? Didn't your military headquarters send an officer corps to inspect it a while ago? What's the result of the inspection?"

Han Ling put down the telegram sent back by Wang Dayong and asked.

"The situation of the standing group army is fine. After all, our standing group army has relatively strict inspections. All trainings are going on in an orderly manner, but the situation in the garrison area south of the Yangtze River is a bit bad.

Because the time was too short, many of the soldiers in the garrison were former soldiers from the National Congress, and some soldiers were former soldiers from the security regiment.

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