This period of time has passed, as Han Ling is satisfied with them, except for this Shangfeng, Han Ling has relaxed his surveillance and allowed them to continue to do business. Of course, it is definitely not allowed to do other things. .

After all, Han Ling just relaxed his surveillance on them, not gave up on them.

Of these four major families, except for Shangfeng's family, the other three major families, although they donated their property, only have a little property left.

But their connections are still there, and some of their family's previous heritage is still there.

So relying on these foundations and some previous connections, plus Shangfeng, the core figures of the four major families still hold a vacant position, so some businessmen are still willing to do some small business with them.

And with these, they began to gradually gain a foothold in the south.

But after gaining a firm foothold, another problem arose immediately.

Their development has encountered a bottleneck, because they are a big family from the former dynasty. Although Han Ling didn't punish them too much, they still broke the taboo.

If the family wants to grow and develop again, it is definitely not possible to do a small business, but to do a big business.

But when it comes to big business, those people don't want to do it with them.

After all, they can also be said to be the remnants of the previous dynasty, and they belong to the focus of attention of the above.

If they do something that implicates themselves, or makes big deals with these people, causing the government's suspicion and dissatisfaction, then they will not be able to clean up even if they jump into the Yellow River!

So these three families, when it comes to doing big business with them, those merchants keep silent, as if I can't do anything.

The current development bottleneck made their families feel powerless.

They also know that they and others are remnants of the previous dynasty, but these big families, such a big family, have to support them.

All the previous property was donated, and the remaining money was used as capital for business.

I am used to the old days, you let the members of their families live the lives of ordinary people, do you think they can bear it?

Do small business, do not earn much, that is, to maintain life.

So in this situation of suffering and no results, they thought of marriage.

Wasn't the matter with Shangfeng back then a marriage?

After the marriage, their several big families relied on various in-law relationships, as well as Shangfeng's political and military skills, and their several big families jumped up and down the whole country immediately, becoming a nationwide big family.

But now, they once again thought of the weapon of marriage.

After some consideration and observation, they decided to marry the senior officers of the Pingyuan Army.

They have come out of the troubled times and still have one idea - that is, if you have a gun, you are the grass head king.

The object of the marriage must be a general of the Pingyuan Army.

First of all, they aimed at the elite group army commanders of the Pingyuan Army.


First, the commanders of these elite group armies are all Han Ling's confidantes and hold a high status in the Pingyuan Army.For example, Wang Dayong, who fought in the Devil's Empire, although others are young, he is only in his twenties, but he has fought east and west since he started his family with Han Ling, and has a great say in the Pingyuan Army.And Han Ling will also pay attention to the opinions of their generals.

Second, only by marrying these people can their big families gain a firm foothold in the new dynasty and start to develop.

Third, many of Han Ling's confidantes in the new army of the Pingyuan Army are young.

Many of them are in their twenties.

For example, people like Wang Dayong, Wang Gan, Qian Lin, Zhao Tiezhu, and Li Mingqi.

There are also generals such as Zheng Daxing, Wang Chenggang, and Yang Qing in the rapid response mobile group army who are not very old, and the average age is mostly around 24 years old, which meets the requirements of their marriage partners.

After all, the object of their marriage this time is Lao Kong's eldest daughter, Ling Yi, who is eighteen years old this year.

If the age difference is too large, this will not work.And you are too old, and everyone else has wives, how can you divorce your wife to marry you, a remnant of the previous dynasty.

After much thought, they found that among Han Ling's confidantes, there were almost none who were young, had no wives, or were veterans.

And the only one is Wang Dayong, but others are still fighting in the Devil Empire.

After others came back from the Devil Empire, they might be rewarded by Han Ling, and they might get promoted and get rich, and they might even look down on their own daughter.

Later, after racking their brains, they discovered that marrying someone else can't make you small, but marrying someone can make you small, and you can only be small.

That is Han Ling, marriage, if you can marry the current leader of Huaxia, the effect will definitely be the best.

And now Han Ling is also unmarried. Although he has a fiancée and lives together, he can marry his fiancée and make him a child!

Marrying someone else can't be small, but marrying Han Ling can be small, and they don't dare to take Ya Siqi's position.

They have been under Han Ling's rule for so long, and they also know that Ya Siqi was in charge of logistics for a long time when Han Ling started his family.

Back then when Han Ling sent troops from Guisui and began to conquer the world, it was Yasiqi who guarded Han Ling's family business in his hometown Guisui. Yasiqi also had a little prestige in the eyes of the soldiers of the Pingyuan Army, not that kind of vase.

If she dared to compete with her, she could kill them in an instant, so they aimed at Han Ling.

Chapter 377: Wrath [Part [-]]

kindness!That's what they thought, but what's next!I'm going to be a matchmaker alone!They definitely can't do it.

Now everyone knows that Huaxia has entered a period of rapid development, the One-Three Plan has entered its final year, and the national economy, including various successes, has begun to develop in a blowout style.

Han Ling must be very busy at this time, if they go to see Han Ling.

It is estimated that the guards at the gate will not inform them.

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