And Karl's Ying can't do it, the distance is too far away, although they have a lot of interests in Asia, their navy was beaten up by the East China Sea Fleet of the Han in the Riau Islands before, and they have not yet recovered from that loss. , After all, it was a loss suffered during the economic crisis, and it is not so easy to recover.

As for Lao Mo's intention, not to mention the distance is too far, and the strength is also a bit lacking, so he can only play soy sauce.

The same goes for Gerthmer's method.

In Europe, which is thousands of miles away, according to Han Ling's personality, it's no wonder he would be fooled.

In other words, this meeting of the Six Nations may not be able to stop the big man.

"Gentlemen! We can only hope that the next few days will be of some use!"

"I hope so!"

After Karl finished speaking, Serev said with a wry smile.

On October [-], [-], a few days after the military parade ended, when the standing armies and some troops had returned, Han Ling finally received a request from Han Ling when the consuls from various countries were waiting impatiently. Invitation to a meeting of six nations.

After all, Han Ling is now the host, and with Han Ling's previous request, it is up to Han Ling to decide how long the six-nation meeting will be held this time.

Imperial Palace, no!Now it should be called the Royal Kyushu Palace of the Third Empire of the Han Dynasty.

In a main hall of the Kyushu Palace, Han Ling sat at the top of the seat, and there were two rows of seats for the others.

They are British Ambassador Carl, M. Johnson, Italian Ambassador Gramsci, French Ambassador Gerthmer, German Ambassador Falkenhausen, and the diplomat Serev sent by the Soviet Union.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! What do you mean?"

Carl sat in his seat, looked at Falkenhausen who was sitting next to Han Ling, and couldn't help asking.

You know, this is the meeting of the six countries, a meeting where the six countries carve up the world. It is wrong for Han Ling to let Falkenhausen sit here.

Although Germany used to be a powerful country in the world, now Germany is only a second- and third-rate country in Europe. It has not yet risen, and it is not qualified to sit here.

"Hehe! Germany is also a famous big country in Europe! Although it has declined due to the economic crisis in recent years, it is still a big country in Europe! And I believe that under the leadership of its prime minister, it will embark on the road to revival again. So I think this place should There is a place for virtue!"

Falkenhausen didn't say anything, but Han Ling said the reason with a smile.

"Bastard! Damn bastard!"

Carl's face turned red and white.He didn't expect that Han Ling would choose to support Germany, and even brought Falkenhausen to the meeting. He didn't tell them anything before!

If he refuted it now, Hede would have to tear his skin apart by then.

"Ambassadors and commissioners! Do you have any objections?"

Han Ling turned his head and looked at the ambassadors and diplomatic commissioners from various countries with a smile and asked.

It's just that no one has an opinion, and no one wants to offend a country with a sentence for no reason.

"Okay! Since everyone has no opinions, I think we can start today's meeting! I believe everyone is very clear about the purpose of this meeting.

For the sake of world peace and the normal development of human beings in the world, Mr. Carl found me.It is hoped that a series of rules can be formulated to maintain world peace.I agree with Mr. Carl and your country's ideas very much.

I always thought the world was too messy.There are many places where people have made their lives very bad because of the war.

As a big country in the world, the Han Empire has the obligation to contribute to world peace! "

Han Ling finished this sentence with a smile, but the ambassadors from various countries admired Han Ling's shameless face very much. ,

It is not possible for everyone to achieve such a shameless state.

At least they can't.

Also, the Han Empire was a peace-loving country, and it wanted to maintain world peace.

It is your Han Empire that has waged wars frequently these years.

It first started from the country and wiped out other hostile forces, then invaded north and took Siberia, and then snatched the Koryo Peninsula from the hands of the empire.

Now it is even more about destroying other countries. If all the countries in the world love peace like you, then the world will be a world war every year!

Of course, they dare not say these words.

"That's right! I think that since the last world war, our world has not been well developed. Your Excellency the Prime Minister of our country believes that as a world power, we should maintain world peace and have an obligation to manage the development of human beings in the world, so that those who do not Normal developing countries return to normal. Let all countries in the world put down the war!"

Carl also spoke. The reason Han Ling said before was indeed the reason he gave. Although Han Ling felt shameless in his heart, he was not stupid enough to refute it like this.

"En! What Mr. Carl said makes sense! The world can't go on like this! We need to help all countries in the world return to normal. But the world is so big, and several of us can just divide an area and designate a certain country to govern it!"

Han Ling took Carl's words and continued, but everyone could smell the conspiracy from it.

"It's like Asia! My Han Empire is the most powerful country in Asia, no one! And places like Southeast Asia and Nanyang are very close to our country, so I think it's okay to hand over these places that belong to Asia to our country. All right!"

Chapter 421: Talking with planes and cannons


As soon as Han Ling finished speaking, Carl and Gesmo hurriedly shouted.

Just kidding, if this matter is agreed to, wouldn't they be asked to hand over all the interests of Asia!

Carl, in particular, was extremely nervous.

What if Han Ling said that India is also very close to them, and India should be handed over to them, so what should we do?

What about playing?

Karl didn't think that his country's army transported from thousands of miles away could defeat the millions of troops of the Han Empire.

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