But they still have a big problem, that is, lack of money for rearmament.I guided him a little before, and now he started to focus on those Jews.

I reckon the mustaches should start attacking those Jews in a while.

But now Mustache wants to relieve his pressure, so he thinks of us. "

Han Ling saw all this clearly. The visiting group sent by Mustache this time seemed to be a bit too low-level in terms of their official positions.

But in fact these people are all Moustache's confidantes and high-level personnel in the party where Moustache belongs.They came to visit because they wanted to take advantage of the power of the Han Empire.

"Well! I think so too. Come on! Let's drink, don't talk about this anymore, today I, an old man, will drink with you!"

After Mr. Zhan Ning nodded, he continued to drink with a smile on his face.After all, today is drinking, talking about official business is nothing.

The next day, New Year's Eve, the Spring Festival, the entire Han Empire was enveloped by the sound of firecrackers.

In the past few years, the people of the Han Empire have been living better and better, and they can also firecrackers three times a day during the Chinese New Year this year.And there are all kinds of meat on the table, which is a good meal.Most of the workers in those factories also went home on vacation.

As the emperor of a country, Han Ling did not celebrate the new year in the palace alone like the previous emperors.

For the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, Han Ling wore a loose and loose Hanfu, and took Ya Siqi, Zhou Xiyun, and Zhang Huaiying to eat.

And as for who it is!

Of course it is Zhang Hanqing's family, who made him the future uncle of the country, and the family is still a rich man.

"Your Majesty! Why are you here? Don't you have to start visiting tomorrow?"

Zhang Hanqing looked at Han Ling who appeared at home speechlessly.

"That's your custom in Northeast China. I'm from Shanxi, and our Shanxi custom is to drop by on New Year's Eve!"

Han Ling let go today, just like before, smiling and joking with Zhang Hanqing.

"Yes! Your Majesty, come on! Let's eat together and make it more lively!"

"What's the rush? I even sent someone to call Mr. Zhan Ning. The three of us will celebrate the New Year together later!"

Han Ling's words immediately made Zhang Hanqing dumbfounded, so, today the family has to add several sets of bowls and chopsticks for the Chinese New Year.

"Hey! It seems that I am still late!"

Not long after Han Ling finished speaking, a voice came from the door.

Han Ling and Zhang Hanqing saw that this was Mr. Zhan Ning with his wife and children!

"Yes! Fengzhi, prepare three more sets of bowls and chopsticks!"

Zhang Hanqing shouted helplessly to his wife.

"Haha! Hanqing, you don't seem to welcome our family's autumn wind!"

"Mr. Zhan Ning, don't you always want to play with me! Who said you are not welcome? You must be welcome!"

"Then you still let me stand here!"

Mr. Zhan Ning rolled his eyes.

"Find a place to sit by yourself."

The relationship between the three families was very good before the founding of the country, but now after the founding of the country, Han Ling's status has changed dramatically, and they get together less.

In the past, Mr. Zhan Ning and Han Ling came to Zhang Hanqing's house just like their own. Over time, Zhang Hanqing would no longer greet them like guests.

"Hehe! Your Majesty! Let's go and sit over there!"

Mr. Zhan Ning said with a smile.Originally, Han Ling asked them not to address His Majesty when they got together in private, but it felt a bit awkward after all.

Later, Lord Zhan Ning and Zhang Hanqing both insisted on calling, so Han Ling didn't bother to bother.

Chapter 446: South China Sea Fleet Problem

The Spring Festival was off for a few days, and Han Ling and the other high-level officials also took a few days off.

It is rare to rest for a few days in a year, Han Ling and the others also need to take a good rest, and there will be other things to do after this year is over.

Now the Han Empire can be said to be in a state of waste, and various problems arise every day.

On February [-], [-], after a few days of rest, Han Ling and the others started working again.Although the Lantern Festival has not yet passed, if they start to deal with things after the Lantern Festival, there will probably be a lot of accumulated government affairs.

The first thing Han Ling dealt with after the New Year was the issue of the visiting group sent by Mustache.

On February [-]th, they landed in Tianjin. At that time, Han Ling sent people to take them to Beijing and left them alone.

And they didn't take the liberty of looking for Han Ling at this time, because they heard about it.The current Han Empire is in the Spring Festival period, which is the most important festival of the year in the Han Empire. If you look for Han Ling at this time, I'm afraid it will arouse Han Ling's disgust.

On February [-], [-], Han Ling formally summoned the mustache delegation represented by Hess.

In the Forbidden City, in the Taiji Palace.

"See His Majesty the Emperor of the Han Empire! Today, I will bring our Prime Minister to visit the Han Empire. The friendship between the former Han Empire and our country will last forever!"

Hess was talking below, while the translator next to him was constantly translating.

Hess does not know Korean, and only three translators in their delegation can speak Chinese.

But now it is not the translators they brought, but the translators of the Han Empire.

"Give me a seat!"

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