"Financial compensation will be provided to those overseas Chinese who were beaten, and a written apology can be made. I believe that Mr. Jiang will be satisfied!"

An official suggested a way, and it was the biggest apology he could think of.

Financial compensation and a written apology.For a country, a written apology is not bad.

However, Lao Luo turned his head away, saying that he did not agree with this plan.

"Kars, your method is not very good! The face of the country cannot be resolved with a little economic compensation and a written apology. What's more, what happened on the day they visited this time is more serious than political incidents. Serious diplomatic matter. If it is not handled well, maybe we will be on the opposite side of the Han Empire.

It is not a wise choice to push a rising and powerful country into the arms of the enemy! "

Lao Luo saw some things very clearly.The current Han Empire is not what it used to be.

If you want to use this trick to deal with the former Huaxia, the Huaxia at that time really couldn't say anything.If Huaxia had a written apology at that time, it would have been a great face.

But it is different now. The current Han Empire is the overlord of Asia and dominates Asia. If they use this trick again, they will look down on others.

Can you solve this level of slap in the face with a written apology?

"Mr. President, what should we do? Do we want us to announce to the whole world that we solemnly apologize to the Han Empire? If so, it will damage the face of our United States, and I am afraid that many congressmen will not agree!"

Jonny said with some hesitation that the Han Empire is a big country and needs face.

But the United States is also a big country, and they also need face.

Although they were at fault for this matter, it is impossible for them to completely lose face and apologize.

But at present, Jonny and the others can only think of this way, either to provide financial compensation and a written apology.Or it is to inform the world and apologize by hurting America's face.

The former will cause the Han Empire to lose face, and the latter will cause the United States to lose face.

Anyway, no matter which of these two methods is used, the relationship between the two countries will start to become stiff.

Facing the question raised by Jonny, Lao Luo didn't panic at all, and even had a little calm in it.

Because he had thought of a way a long time ago, and believed that with this method, not only could the face of the two countries be preserved, but the relationship between the Han Empire and the United States could go further!

"Jonnie! Neither of these two methods can be used, because no matter which one is used, it will damage the dignity of a country. Either our dignity is the dignity of the United States or the dignity of the Han Empire. The final result is that the Han Empire has become the opposite of us. Now we only have There is a way to solve this!"

Lao Luo looked at Jonny, the official Carls and other personnel and said.

"Mr. President, what method is that?"

Johnny asked curiously, he really didn't know any way to achieve this best of both worlds.

"What do you think of the Chinese Exclusion Act?"

Lao Luo didn't say it directly, but asked suddenly.

"The Chinese Exclusion Act?"

Jonny and Kars looked at each other. They were not stupid, and they understood what Lao Luo meant.

Is this the repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act?

"You guys! Why did America become the most powerful country in the world in such a short period of time? Isn't it because of our democracy and freedom?

Now in the highly democratic and free America, there is a bill that discriminates against people, race, skin, and color. Do you think this is normal?Does this still comply with our American Declaration of Independence?This bill itself is a step bill that violates our constitution, and now it has seriously damaged the dignity of the country on the other side of the ocean.

Maybe we can ignore this bill once, because we are a strong country, we are strong, and China used to be weak.The weak have no say.But now it has changed.

The nascent Han Empire has declared its strength to the world. Although its body is not very tall, the power in his hands has already made anyone feel its power.Many people have already fallen under his hands.

The Ying countrymen with the same origin as us have silently revoked all the bills against the Han Empire, trying to build a good relationship with the Han Empire, and many European countries treat the Han Empire equally.

As a democratic and free America, is it necessary for this discriminatory bill to continue to be used urgently? "

Lao Luo looked at the people around him with a pair of piercing eyes and said.

Lao Luo's words made everyone present understand.The Han Empire is already a big country, a powerful country, and its dignity can no longer be provoked.

They may be able to ignore it in China in the past, but they have to ignore the Han Empire now. If such a bill is allowed to continue to be used, the final result will seriously damage the dignity of the Han Empire.

The end result is that the Han Empire will use blood to wash away the lost dignity, which is also the consistent practice of the Han Empire.

"Mr. President, I admit that what you said is very reasonable, and I admit that what you said is right! But to repeal this bill requires a vote of Congress!"

After a long time, Johnny said in a deep voice.

"Of course! I'll convince them!"

A smile appeared on Lao Luo's face.

Chapter 485: Meditation

The next day, that is, July [-]th, Lao Luo and Shangfeng met again.

"Mr. President! I wonder what good news you can bring me today?"

After shaking hands with Lao Luo, Shangfeng asked with a smile.

"Johnny! Please help me push the wheelchair, thank you! Also, Mr. Larson, please come and translate for me! Thank you!"

Lao Luo asked Jonny to help him push the wheelchair, and asked the translator to help him translate before walking with Shangfeng and Yan Baichuan while talking.

"Mr. Jiang! After I return to the capital this time, I will propose to repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act. I think this is a bill that should not exist. It seriously damages the friendship between the United States and China. I think such a bill Bill should go in the trash!"

Lao Luo did not answer directly, but instead said that the bill would be abolished.

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