【brief introduction】

The introduction is difficult, please try it first

Chen Feng, a traveler of the Celestial Dynasty, an ordinary deliveryman, and a neon high school student.

The causal system was successfully upgraded, and the takeaway system was loaded...

People? Suddenly I feel that the force is down. Is this the legendary reverse upgrade?

System dispatching...

'A grievous spirit appears in the Yukinoshita mansion, address XXX, request: send the grievance away from the Yukinoshita mansion, remarks: no, do you accept the order? Order completion reward: can store weapon box (volume 5m3), AR15 automatic Rifle, 855 rounds of M1a500 ammunition, and some cash. The daughter of former British diplomat in Neon, Eri Sawamura, was kidnapped, address XXX, request: ensure the safety of the target hostages and escort them to evacuate. one?Rewards for delivery completion: the ability to rewind time by 5 seconds (once a day), Beretta M92F pistol, 9 rounds of 19X300mm pistol ammunition, a lot of cash'

'Terrorists appear in the private Toyonozaki campus, address XXX, request: send terrorists to see God, remarks: apple pie, do you accept the order? Send order completion reward: quack doctor's medical kit (once a day, can cure any degree of Injury), Long Yinzhi' you tell me this is takeout?

Chapter 1 The mediocre delivery guy

Under the scorching sun, the yellow sand filled the air, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder and the unpleasant smell of blood.

This is one of the most frequent war-torn places in the world. Years of armed conflict, regime change and hyperactive mercenaries have made this already bad environment even worse.

Da da da--

Sandbags were piled up in front of the rubble, where dozens of people shot at each other passionately, and every now and then a bullet passed through the helmet of some poor man, leaving a bright red bullet hole in his forehead.

"Wow... Doctor, doctor, come here, my head has been punched through!!"

"Idiot, you didn't even play your picks, you're throwing a fart grenade!!"

"Grenade, grenade, all get down..."

"That brother over there, yes, it's you, can you help me pick up the lower body, it was accidentally blown up just now."


The battle scene was chaotic. This was just one of countless small-scale conflicts, but the severity was definitely not much better than large-scale conflicts.

The sound of explosions came one after another, and the 'chuchu' of the fire detonator detonated and fired bullets was also incessant.

The clashes continued for three hours until the two armed officers received a call and ordered to stop firing.

The commanding officer did not explain too much, and the soldiers under him were also used to such orders, leaning on the sandbags and the broken rocks, gasping for breath and resting.

A few minutes later, outside an armed force, a young man in a bright red coat and a blue helmet walked in.

His face was indifferent, and the patrolling soldiers did not stop him, but let this strange young man walk in front of their superior.

"I didn't see you in the morning, Major Will, you've changed from standing to lying down, your legs shattered into slag?"

The major's left leg, lying on the stretcher, was mostly missing. At this time, it was wrapped in several layers of blood-stained medical bandages.

"Mr. Chen is joking... The battlefield is changing rapidly. Even if I sacrificed, it would not be surprising. I heard from the seniors that you have been delivering food here for almost 10 years. You should know that." The major officer grimaced, his eyes full of It's a pity, "It's just that now it seems that I have to leave the front line, and I have only been here for half a month."

Chen Feng nodded and said nothing more. He took down the square box behind him, and took the packaged meals out one by one from the inside.

"John, this is your grilled fish rice, eat it slowly, don't get caught by the fishbone like last time."

"Jerry... Where's Jerry? Oh, sacrificed. Then you can deal with his beef and celery fried rice."


Ten minutes later, every soldier in this unit had a meal in his hand, and the soldiers who ate the meal all narrowed their eyes in enjoyment.

After Chen Feng said hello to the major, he glanced at the takeaways that were left alone on the ground and unclaimed, shook his head regretfully, and walked directly from the battle zone to the opposite armed forces.

He received orders from these troops one day in advance, so every time he delivered meals, he would know how many people were killed by the troops just by looking at how many meals were unclaimed.

No different from before, Chen Feng swaggered towards the other side without being attacked, and some veterans who had fought here for a long time would greet Chen Feng.

The officer who met Chen Feng this time was a middle-aged man with a big beard that Chen Feng had seen in another army before.

"Eh? Captain Munir, I didn't expect it to be you."

"Mr. Chen Feng." Captain Bearded and Chen Feng shook hands and explained: "Major Ayub died before, and even the body was not found, so the medical department could not find a way to save him, and finally It was characterized as a sacrifice, but the front line could not be without a commander, so I was transferred here."

"It turns out to be like this. Well, I still have a few places to deliver. The person who called you to come and get takeout."


In this way, the day of delivering food in the war zone is over. As always, there are dangers when delivering food, but Chen Feng managed to overcome it.

After all, Chen Feng is a deliveryman, and he has some arms in his hand to counterattack the attacker. Isn't this a very normal thing?

[Atonement progress: 100%]

[Atonement has been completed, and the evil consequences of the previous life have been successfully offset]

[Name: Chen Feng

Evil deeds: directly and indirectly killed more than 12 innocent people and shattered more than 5 families during the period of becoming a mercenary

Trip of merit: food X42190740 for frontline soldiers at low price or free of charge, treatment for injured civilians X26152, total donations to charities: $62184121,…

Bad fruit value: 0

Merit value: 0

Pain Tolerance: Level 10 (full)

Throwing: Level 10 (full)

Shooting: Level 10 (full)

Fighting Ability: Level 10 (full)

Weapon crafting: level 10 (full)

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