I am really sorry for my son and the children and grandchildren who will be born in a few months...

After solving the problem and looking for his enemies, Chen Feng aimed his sniper scope at the manor again, and found that the battle there was about to end, and there seemed to be only one person left on both sides.

The distance from here to the manor should be 425...

He was adjusting the sniper scope, but one of the people in the manor was shot down suddenly, and the other ran towards the manor house.


The person who ran towards the mansion was wearing the clothes of that group of enemies, and if Yang Nao was right, he should be in the mansion.

[Countdown reminder: 4 minutes and 59 seconds, riders please hurry up. 】

It's too late to do debugging, Chen Feng can only rely on his own experience to gamble.

Glancing at the data of PSO-1 at this time, Chen Feng raised the muzzle of the gun to the head of the moving enemy who was about to enter the door, and pulled the trigger.

call out--

The moment he ran through the door, the left ear of the only member of the Winter Society was beaten to pieces by Chen Feng.


Putting away the SVD, Chen Feng turned over and jumped off the banyan tree, took out the Beretta 92f and rushed straight to the manor.

He can't control that much anymore, the countdown in his mind is still counting down second after second, it seems that the clock of life is turning, and it is approaching the end of life.

On the road seven or eight hundred meters away from here, more than [-] police cars roared over.

At this time, Sayuri Sawamura was still sitting in the car, and she was still in shock.

Gunshots... lots of gunshots!And then there was an explosion.

Looking at the grenade in her hand, Sayuri's heart was extremely complicated.

That kid named Chen Feng should know someone from Yukinoshita's family, right?

In her mind, Chen Feng's anxious face would come to mind, and she couldn't help asking.

"Is he here to save people? Could it be that he is a bodyguard?"

Shaking her head, Sayuri felt that the series of events she had encountered today were more complicated than the ones she had encountered in her entire life, it was so strange, so strange...

A police car pulls up next to Sayuri's car, and a policeman knocks on Sayuri's window to wake her up.

Huh?The police are here?

Seeing Sayuri roll down the car window, the policeman bent down to show his ID and said:

"There is an emergency ahead of this lady, can you please cooperate with the investigation?"

"Ah... no problem."

"May I ask your name?"

"Sayuri Sawamura."

"Sawa... Sawamura?"


The policeman felt that Sayuri's name seemed familiar.

"Address and family."

When Sayuri told the answer to the policeman, the policeman was stunned, and he hurriedly bowed and apologized:

"Sorry Mrs. Spencer, I didn't know you were the ambassador's family, you can leave now at any time..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Sayuri smiled gently, signaling the policeman not to be so excited, and asked, "May I ask what happened earlier?"

"This one……"

The policeman looked a bit embarrassed.

Sayuri said: "Don't be afraid, I know that the front is the private area of ​​Yukinoshita's family, and I have a good personal relationship with Yukinoshita's family, and I have a friend who is still inside, I am a little worried now..."

"What? Your friend is in there too?!"

The policeman was shocked, and quickly said: "Ms. Yukinoshita Yono was attacked by armed men, and a very intense gun battle had already started there when the police called the police. Our police came here in full armor."

After all, the policeman pointed to the pistol on his waist.

Sayuri immediately covered her mouth: "How could this be..."

"We will try our best to rescue the innocent people inside. Please tell me the name of your friend. I will report to the police department. As long as there is news, I will notify you immediately."

"Chen Feng."


In the bedroom, Yang Nai hid behind the bed, holding the pistol in both hands, both hands were shaking.

She shrank, and the gunfire outside gradually subsided.

Solution...is it solved?

Yang Nai tilted his head, not knowing what was going on outside.

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