What did he see?

Is the card in that wallet the invitation card of the Yukinoshita House?

As an executive of Yukinoshita's family, his father, Hayato Hayama saw this invitation card from his father yesterday, saying that he was going to attend Yukimother's birthday on Tuesday night, and asked Hayama to go home from school early on Tuesday.

If it is correct, Hayama Hayato can already be sure that Chen Feng and Yukinoshita Yono are absolutely related.

His expression became a little complicated.

What an incomprehensible person...

But since it's a birthday party, let's explain the situation carefully at that time. At that time, there are many acquaintances of myself and him present, so it shouldn't be a problem to help each other clear up the misunderstanding...


What the hell was going on with me, I was so stupid that I didn't think that doing this would bother other people.


He slapped himself on the face, no matter how shocked the people around him were, he comforted the two people beside him and left the first grade floor.

Wu Yue, who went upstairs with two cans of drinks, saw the three of Ye Shan who were leaving, and looked a little more curiously at Ye Shan's right cheek that seemed to have been slapped.

But it shouldn't be the call from Chen, right...?

Wu Yue thought to herself, she had seen the strength of Chen Feng's beating. If Chen Feng beat someone, his face would probably bleed. Last time, the classmate who was caught putting banana peels in classmate Chen's drawer He was knocked unconscious by classmate Chen's fist, and the skin on his face was smashed, so the yellow-haired classmate should not have been beaten by classmate Chen.

But if it wasn't for classmate Chen to call, could it be possible that he called him?


Wu Yue couldn't help laughing at her own ridiculous idea, it hurts to be beaten, and he's not an idiot, why did he beat himself.

May's laughter attracted Hayama Hayato to look back. Of course he knew Nakano May, or the five members of the Nakano family plus their father.

"Dean Nakano's youngest daughter?"

Looking at Nakano Wuyue who was behaving strangely, Ha Shan just shook his head. He had heard some rumors about the five sisters, and it was not surprising that they acted a little strangely.

By the way, Yukinoshita's birthday party should also be invited to her home, right?

If we divide the ranks by wealth, there is no comparison between the Hayama family and the Nakano family. Most of his family are executives and small shareholders of the Yukinoshita family, but the Nakano family has hospitals all over the place. Nakano Mayue’s father, Nakano Maruo, manages nearly 50 hospitals, distributed in various cities, large and small.

But if it is divided according to the local forces, it can almost be said that whoever is close to the Yukinoshita family will be dismissed. It is as rough and simple as that. The family can still speak a few words.

But judging from the previous situation, she seemed to have a good relationship with Chen Feng.


Ye Shan suddenly shouted.


Wuyue turned around suspiciously, and looked at Hayato Hayama who was walking towards her, "What's the matter with that classmate?"

"Nakano-san, let me introduce myself. My name is Hayama Hayato. We met last time at the opening banquet of your father's new hospital."

"Oh, it seems a bit familiar. Is there something for Mr. Hayama?"

"My friend did some stupid things at noon and had a conflict with Chen Feng..."

Hayama told Nakano Wuyue the general process, and Wuyue covered her mouth in surprise.

"In short, I hope you can appease Chen Feng's anger. We are also here to apologize, but Chen Feng seems to have misunderstood me. I am here to express my gratitude to you."

"Oh, this, student Chen is definitely not angry, student Ye Shan, don't worry."

Wuyue raised her head with a smile, stared at Hayama Hayato and explained: "Because Mr. Chen would have already done something if he was angry, so he wouldn't say anything more."

"Uh..." Ye Shan nodded silently, his eyes were very complicated, and he said after a while: "It would be great if this is the case, my friend and I will leave first, excuse me."

"No no."

Wu Yue watched the three of them disappear before touching her smooth chin and muttering:

"It seems that Chen's appearance is different from that of the classmates in the class. Hey...what's that word called...? Oh yes, awe! Oh, forget it, let's go back first, class is almost over."

Chapter 84 Lianhua

Chen Feng was naturally unaware of the meeting and conversation between Wu Yue and Ye Shan. He simply finished his class and started his evening delivery life. He returned home within less than two hundred orders.

The cold wind is like a sharp knife cutting through the streets of Chiba City. No matter it is the colorful neon lights or the bustling urban streets, they can't resist the cold it brings, and they invade the people on the streets almost unimpeded all the way. .

Coming down from the station, Chen Feng couldn't help shivering.

"It's a bit cold..."

People coming and going put on thick winter clothes, and all kinds of earmuffs stood on everyone's heads like a scorching sun, giving them personal warmth.

A group of girls wearing uniforms from other schools walked towards them, and Chen Feng also heard the chat between them.

"This year is really strange. It hasn't snowed yet."

"Yeah, the temperature is so low, and if it doesn't snow, it will be Christmas."

"By the way, how are you going to spend Christmas? Are you going out with your boyfriend?"

"Lily of the valley sauce is lustful."

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