On the other side, Chen Feng shook his head and did not speak.He doesn't want to have any connection with any ordnance industry. If he really does what Shizuka Hiratsuka said, wouldn't life go back to the original time?Nothing would change by then, and he didn't want that.

Seeing that Chen Feng didn't want to bring up this topic, Shizuka Hiratsuka took advantage of the opportunity to change the topic.

"Then you and that boy Ye Shan are fine. He is one of the people who went out during the winter vacation. I'm afraid that you may have any conflicts. It will really hurt me."

Hiding the gun in a hidden box in the car, Hiratsuka started the car, intending to go to the place agreed by Chen Feng and Nakano Yihua. At this time, Hiratsuka's phone rang suddenly, and the name on it made her I was stunned for a few seconds.

"Yang Nai?"

But there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

A few seconds later, there was a 'dong dong dong' sound from her car window, as if someone was tapping outside.

Roll down the car window, who else is the person outside but Yang Nai.

She was wearing a white wool sweater, a beige beret on top of her head, and a skirt and thermal tights under her body.

"I said that when I saw it from a long distance, I felt that you, Xiao Jing, your car, and it seemed to be right. Xiao Feng is also there!"

"You went to my house?"

Seeing Yang Nai's expression of "as I expected", Chen Feng asked.

"That's right. I knocked on the door for a long time but didn't open it. I saw Xiao Jing's car as soon as I went downstairs, so I knew the two of you should be together. Really, you don't call me when you eat."

"You didn't eat?"

"have eaten."

"Then what a fart."


Chen Feng was ruthless as always, but Yang Nai was almost immune to this.

"Okay, Yang Nai is here, let her go with you, I'm going back to drink."

Shizuka Hiratsuka was very sad when she thought that she still had no appointments at Christmas, she just wanted to close her eyes and open them until tomorrow morning, even at noon!

"You go too, what to drink in the morning."

"Where to go?"

Yang Nai asked with a smile.

"This brat was invited out by the girls from the Nakano family. They said that there were too many people and it was exciting. He happened to bring me something, so he dragged me to go."

"Wouldn't that be nice."

Yang Nai clasped his hands together, "Xiaofeng is right, it's not suitable for drinking in the early morning, let's go, Xiaojing, today is Christmas, wouldn't it be great if I meet a handsome guy at night?"

"Say fart." Hiratsuka subconsciously began to speak like Chen Feng, without stopping to utter dirty words, "The people who went out today are all couples of dog couples, I wish I could kill this group of sons of bitches, and you This is asking me to be a mistress!"

"That person might be able to go to Tokyo." Yang Nai stopped lying on the window, but got up and waved: "Wait for me, my car is parked downstairs at Xiaofeng's house."

Hiratsuka Shizuka's cursing words were only in her throat, and Yango ran to drive, she just sighed helplessly.

"Hey... I really can't stand you and Yang Nai, I was already angry with one, but now there is another one."

"Then you climb."

"Yes yes yes, just climb, I'm the best at climbing. Let's go, Yang Nao is following up." Too lazy to talk to Chen Feng, Hiratsuka Shizuka said something weird and then drove the car into the traffic flow.

Half an hour later, Yihua came to the appointed square with the four girls behind her. She looked around and found Chen Feng who was smoking by the flower pond, and immediately waved to Chen Feng.

"Student Chen Feng!"

When everyone came to Chen Feng's side, Yihua asked:

"Didn't you say you were with some friends? People?"

Chen Feng pointed to Hiratsuka Shizuka who was squatting not far away, and Yang Nao who approached smilingly.

"Well, there it is."

"Hi, Yihuajiang, long time no see."

"Yuno-san... Hiratsuka-sensei?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka raised her hand and extinguished the cigarette in her hand.

"Yo. Good morning, if you don't go to work today, don't call me teacher, just call me the same name as Yang Nai."

"Ahaha... I was wondering what kind of friend Chen Feng was with, so it turned out to be like this."

"Originally, I didn't want to disturb you young people, but this brat insisted on pulling me over."

It’s okay not to mention this, but Shizuka Hiratsuka gets very angry when she mentions it.

"Come on, drinking at home every day, if you don't know, you might think that you are a dissatisfied woman from a boudoir."

When Er Nai saw Yang Nai, he took out his mobile phone and whispered:

"Tch...why is this guy again..."

Chapter 97 I think of happy things

"So what you call lively is this place..."

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