
Chen Feng patted his chest lightly, trying to relax himself, and hinted that his gadget was not for military use and could not be used to drop large bombs.

At this time, a staff member came over to introduce everyone.

"We're using a paintball gun, using gas compression to..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"So in order to ensure safety, although our paintball guns use a small caliber and only need to inflate the bottom of the magazine without carrying an air tank, it is still not allowed to use rifles and submachine guns within a short distance of 5 meters. Wait for the gun to shoot at the opponent's head, but the protective part can be shot, this is to avoid the situation where the participants are injured."

The staff told the people who had never been in contact with the various tactical equipment on the platform one by one, and also said some rules by the way.

"Then what do you do if you're close?"

May asked, this kind of real-life simulation game can't just be a long-range attack, right?

"For close range, you can use pistols and melee fighting equipment. These daggers are coated with oily colored substances. If they are attacked to the bare places such as the neck, they will be judged to be eliminated. If the arms and other limbs are attacked, they are no longer allowed to use Take action with the limbs under attack, otherwise it will be judged as eliminated, and there is no need to worry about safety issues at all."

After all, the worker poked his face with camouflage with the dagger in his hand, and the dagger bounced back easily into the handle of the dagger. It seemed that there was a spring underneath, and the blade of the dagger was also specially made, so it was not easy to use. Can't hurt anyone.

"We will use drones to monitor the whole process of each game to ensure that every participant will not cheat, and we will report the number of eliminated players throughout the process to ensure that survivors can estimate the remaining number of opponents and formulate corresponding tactics. Fight back."

"So professional!"

"It's quite heavy, isn't the nylon one so heavy? This weight is already close to the standard weight."

Chen Feng took a saiga12 from the weapon rack and turned it in his hand, and found that it was not at all different from the light gun he played in the game hall.

"Of course." The staff smiled proudly, "All the firearms here are designed according to the weight of standard firearms. Even if the outside is made of nylon, the weight is absolutely restored, and the magazine is specially designed to be the same as the real thing. number of ammo."

"Not bad, how far is the effective range? A sniper rifle."

Chen Feng pointed to the SVDS with a sniper scope and asked.

"It can be more than 100 meters."


Chen Feng curled his lips in disdain, and gave up the idea of ​​using a sniper rifle. He can only shoot a 100-meter sniper rifle, so what is that?

Seeing the staff was a little embarrassed, Yang Nai came up and patted Chen Feng's shoulder lightly.

"Okay, Xiaofeng, after all, it's not a real gun to fight. If the power can be the same as a real gun, it will be too dangerous to fight."


After all, it's just a live-action shooting game, so you can't ask too much.

The game inside is still going on, and it won't be over for a while, so the staff added the rest of the rules and introduced other tactical props.

For example, the grenade they provide is a kind of signal sensing props, which will simulate random fragments flying. If it is judged to be blown up, the sensor on the helmet will emit red light and sound, which can be considered eliminated.

As for the rules, the general summary is that those who are shot and eliminated take off their helmets and raise their hands to leave the field; they are not allowed to use any props other than those provided by the organizer; the referee will randomly assign lineups; the competition area will be randomly indented every 10 minutes, there are The position of the blue board is outside the competition area. Those who have not been eliminated are not allowed to leave the competition area; those who have been eliminated are not allowed to speak with those who have not been eliminated.

Chen Feng sounded a little uninterested, as if he felt sorry for not being able to shoot a sniper rifle, but the others seemed to... like it?

He looked around roughly, and it seemed that everyone except him looked excited, as if they were very interested in this highly competitive game.

Forget it... just play casually with them.

The rules of this kind of game are actually very simple. After just introducing them, everyone will remember them all. Everyone is choosing their own weapons and equipment.

"Ah... these goggles are so tight, it hurts too much, right? Why don't you wear them..." Er Nai took off the goggles on his face, rubbed his eye sockets lightly, and complained.

"Put it on." Chen Feng took the goggles, adjusted the tightness for her, and forced her to put them on, "Otherwise you won't even be able to play."


"I'm afraid you will become blind."

"You are blind!"

Er Nai retorted angrily, but at this moment, Yihua walked over with difficulty holding an MDR with one hand. People who don't know may think that she looks cool, but Chen Feng seems to feel that she The gun posture is stupid...

Yihua persuaded:

"Put it on, Nino, it's no joke if you hit your eyes with this thing."

"I know, I know, it's really troublesome..."

Chen Feng found a well-fitting ciras mar vest and put it on, and began to configure the position of his magazine pouch on the molle. He has his own configuration habits, which will allow him to change pistols or rifles more quickly and accurately. bomb.Although the tactical vests here have a uniform configuration, but he is not used to this, he has to modify it himself.

Yang Nai, who was also wearing a tactical vest, saw Chen Feng disassembling and reloading the magazine bag, so he came over curiously.

"Xiaofeng, what are you doing?"

"Configure the tactical vest."

Yang Nai looked at the tactical vest on his body strangely, and felt that they were all the same.

"This configuration is not very habitual, I am used to it."

After finishing the magazine bag, Chen Feng pointed to his vest and said:

"A magazine bag with 3 rifle magazines on the left, a magazine bag with 2 pistol magazines, the same is true on the right, and two rifle magazine bags are placed behind each, so that the force on the body can be balanced, and it is easy to replace .”

"Is that so..."

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