"The teams are ready, the game begins!"

The contestants on the scene dispersed in an instant and ran away in all directions. In just one minute, Chen Feng and others never saw anyone again.

"Xiaofeng, where are we going?"

Yang Nai asked with Sanjiu and Yihua behind him.

"Want to be exciting or conservative?"


To be honest, Yang Nai wanted to play this kind of game because of course he wanted to face guns with others in reality, so he didn't want to hang on, so he said, "How exciting?"

"Then go, let's find someone to kill and follow me."

Chen Feng reckoned that not many people like to hide a lot when playing this kind of game, so he recalled the birth point map he had seen before in his mind, and then ran towards the blue team's birth point.

To be honest, with so much equipment on his back, Yang Nai didn’t run very well at first. After running for about ten minutes, he became a little tired. It’s okay for Yihua, and he can usually exercise, but Sanjiu can’t take it anymore. After all, she usually lies down and sits, and basically does not exercise.

The two were out of breath, and their running speed slowed down.

But at least I saw many teammates with the red flag on their helmets.

The overhead drones have begun to announce the names of the eliminated personnel, and it seems that some places have begun to exchange fire.

Chen Feng and others came to a sandy place where there were many oil barrels and cement walls. Not far away, a member of the red team suddenly exploded a blue flower on his chest. He froze for a moment, then took off his Helm raised his hands and left without a word.

"Red team, No. 12 was hit and eliminated. Eliminator: No. 5"

Seeing that he had knocked down a member of the red team and shot an enemy coldly while hiding behind an oil drum, May made a nice gesture.

"Hmph, what, my shots are quite accurate."

In the distance, Chen Feng saw a teammate being hit and eliminated, and immediately stretched out his left hand back, and put his finger to his mouth to signal silence.

Yihua and Yangnai who were chatting shut up instantly, Chen Feng squinted his eyes, pointed to his helmet and buckle belt, then pointed to Yangnao, motioning for her to take off the helmet and give it to him.

Yang Nai was puzzled for a while, but soon understood what Chen Feng meant, and quickly untied the strap to take off the helmet.

From the left, Chen Feng observed the possible advancing route and the obstacles ahead, and simply judged where the enemy might be hiding.

He put Yang Nai's helmet on the barrel of HK416, pulled out the safety bullets of two grenades at the same time, opened the flaps and threw them towards the two leftmost bunkers. Inserted in the sand, only a helmet is exposed as a bait to attract the opponent's attention.

As soon as he twisted his body, he directly replaced the P90 behind him and rushed towards Yotsuba's position.

May is aiming at the position where she hit the enemy just now, she plans to slowly release the black gun here, running around is not as interesting as aiming at one place, and it is not tiring.

As for safety, there are still three friendly troops on the left defending there, so there is no need to worry about it.

"Oh! Another one!"

May aimed at the helmet exposed not far away and pulled the trigger directly, and densely packed small paintballs were shot towards the helmet.

Despite some poor marksmanship, one shot landed on the helmet.


But after waiting for a few seconds, May finally heard the report of the drone in the sky.

"Blue team, No. 22, No. 17, and No. 3 were eliminated by grenade fragments. Eliminator: No. 25."

"Eh? Why are we the ones eliminated?"

Wu Yue froze for a moment, and then looked at the helmet she shot on the opposite side, which was obviously the logo of the red team.

But soon she understood.


Her side pained slightly, and when she turned her head, Chen Feng had rushed to her left side with the P90 and pulled the trigger on her.

are you a ghost !

And what about your teammates?

Wu Yue got up and looked, and found that the three people on the left were looking at him bitterly, their helmets were flashing red, and they made a small beep sound, so they were the ones who were eliminated by the grenade ? !

It's just that because of the rules of the game, they can't remind May, who is still shooting silly and happy, that the enemy is coming

"Blue team, No. 5 was hit and eliminated. Eliminator: No. 25."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Wu Yue stared blankly at Chen Feng who didn't know when he touched it, his face was full of regret, but besides regret, there was more excitement.

This game is so fun!

Even if it was just given for nothing at the beginning, Wuyue still enjoys it, just like playing a game. When I first played, it was normal to have a little food, and with the bonus of the new game, it seemed like a layer of "no" was added to my heart. Collapse' attribute, no matter how you play, you won't feel lost.

Anyway, I killed one myself, so it's not a loss at all!

May still abides by the rules. Seeing that she was shot, she put her gun back on her back, took off her helmet and raised her hands, and left the arena with the other three teammates who were eliminated together.

She made a cheering gesture to Chen Feng.

"Come on, classmate Chen!"

Returning to the original position, Chen Feng said:

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