He felt that this was nothing new...

After Christmas, an exam related to every student's higher education is being nervously planned. No matter how naughty and playful the students are on weekdays, they are all wailing and screaming at home at this time.

Zongwu High School took a week off for students to go back for review.

Chen Feng was no exception. He sat in front of the desk, his eyes covered by thick dark circles. On the desk, several books related to the study of ancient prose knowledge lay quietly there.

"Learn? Learn it!"

Chen Feng took out his gun and pointed it at the ancient Chinese textbook on the desk, as if he would pull the trigger in a second, but soon he put away the gun again and carefully picked up the textbook.

"Learning... learning is important..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If admission is just the first battle of life and learning, then the final exam that affects each student every year is a crucial battle that involves the life and death of an army. No one can escape, because it will always come.

Sobu High School is one of the top high schools in Chiba City. Its annual final exam invigilation is quite strict. It has never been the case that the other poor school invigilators are "physically handicapped". Almost every year Some students were caught by the invigilator, and in the end not only their names were notified to the whole school, but a series of punishments were imposed on the students.

Expulsion, repetition, demerit, warning...

However, judging from the strict investigations of cheating by the previous general military high schools, as long as students who cheated will at least receive a demerit penalty of repeating the grade, but most of them still repeat the grade.

However, even with such a strict invigilation system, some students still try to cheat.Some succeeded, and at the end of the term, he obtained a result that he was very satisfied with; some failed, and at the end of the term, he was awarded a punishment notified by a school.

Chen Feng has a very thorough understanding of the exam. Even if he is cramming temporarily, he will never use cheating methods. In fact, what is more important is that Chen Feng understands that the one who benefits the most from studying itself is himself.Enriching one's own knowledge level is the key to learning. Often after cheating, even if the cheating is successful, he can only get a piece of waste paper in his opinion. He never cares about those so-called 'skill certificates'.

Those who can know will naturally know, what can be done can naturally be done, and what can be learned can of course be learned.

Why do you want that piece of paper that proves what you know?There is the risk of fraud, why not let someone demonstrate to you the ability you know.

No matter where they are, what they want is ability, not a piece or a pile of waste paper to prove ability.

Facts are often more convincing than words.

In fact, it's not just Sobu High, other high schools in Chiba City have also started their exams recently, but Sobu High obviously takes a day or two in the morning, but the gap is not too big.

Chen Feng sat holding a can of apple cider vinegar and sat by the flower bed of the old school building, drinking in small sips. At his feet, a small raccoon cat was rubbing against his leg, looking as if it wanted to follow Chen Feng. The look of playing.

This kind of kitten is the stray cat he rescued more than a month ago. At the beginning, this kitten, like other small animals, would run away when it saw Chen Feng, as if Chen Feng was a hunter who came to hunt them. Similarly, just smelling Chen Feng's scent was enough to make them run around trembling.

In fact, Chen Feng has long been used to the fact that he is not favored by animals. As early as when he was still a mercenary, the dogs and cats in the headquarters would never approach him. As long as he was a little closer to them, these little Without exception, animals will be covered in fur, looking like they are facing a big enemy.

Sometimes he actually wants to touch these little furry guys, but he has never had the chance. The few opportunities are when he runs out of rations to hunt and kill other creatures that he can see as food.

In fact, this kitten had the same reaction as other animals when they saw Chen Feng at first. If it wasn't for its inconvenient legs and feet, it would definitely run away like a fool.

But a strange thing happened. Once Chen Feng wandered to the back school building, the kitten didn't run away when he saw him, but looked at him from a distance, and there was no vigilance in his eyes.

As for later, the kitten even dared to approach Chen Feng who was walking around without authorization, which made Chen Feng come here to tease the cat when he had nothing to do.

"I gained a lot of weight."

Chen Feng patted the kitten's head and muttered, as for why it gained weight, Chen Feng would not take the blame for it, because the culprit was someone else.

"Brother Chen Feng, aren't you worried about the comprehensive science exam in the afternoon? Come here if you don't study well, and don't cry if you fail."

At the corner of the old school building, a snow-like figure slowly emerged from there, with a pair of tender white hands holding an unopened bag of toast, and the label on it has not been torn off, it looks like it has just been bought.

As for what she said about Chen Feng failing science subjects, that was just casual talk. Chen Feng's science scores are well-known in school. Chen Feng is always the first to hand in the exam papers, and his scores are always full marks, even without exception!

"I've already reviewed it." Chen Feng shook his head, "I watched the science stuff for two days on the weekend."

"Are you playing for the rest of the five days?"

Yukinoshita Yukino sat on the wooden corridor next to Chen Feng, and tore open the packaging bag to feed the kitten who was hugging Chen Feng's thigh.

"Don't feed it, I just fed it, you will have trouble if you grow so fat." Chen Feng pressed her hand holding the bread, shook his head with his eyes closed, and said seriously: "And I was busy reviewing for the other five days. .”

"Huh? You really only read a week's worth of books?"

Xue Nai opened her small mouth slightly, looking very shocked.

"Isn't it just for the students to go back to review for that week? Otherwise, what else can they do besides review?"

Xue Nai burst out laughing.

"You are... unexpectedly honest..."

"What are you laughing at? Is there a problem?"

"No no no, I just don't think you're the same as those wriggling humanoids in my class, you know how they would be so proud if I asked them what they were doing this week?"

"Review—drink water—eat—sleep?"

"No, they will definitely not mention a word about the exam review, but talk about where they went to play together one day, what movie they watched, etc. Even if they don't, they will start to make up corresponding loopholes. story. But..."

Xue Nai smiled mockingly.

"On the last day of returning to school, they will not go anywhere. Everyone will talk about what is going on at home, and finally reach a consensus that they will all stay at home."

"Huh? Use the last day to read?"

"That's right, that's what they like. Finally, when they return to school, they complain about their family members in the classroom, which makes people uncomfortable."

"Very good, disgusting enough."

"You're not like them. To be honest, I'm not surprised." Xue Nai stroked the hair on her shoulders, raised her shining white eyes slightly, "After all, this is basically what you look like to me."

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