Yihua jumped off Chen Feng's back, "But I won't be able to see Chen Feng next semester, woo woo woo, so lonely."

"Hiss..." Chen Feng gave Yihua a shudder without saying a word, and rolled his eyes, "I skipped a grade, but I'm not dead!"

"But some people will be sad, although being a teacher is not easy."

Chen Feng thought Yihua was referring to the teacher in the class, so he shook his hand.

"Come on, those teachers probably don't want to see me."

"Hey, is that so? Does Chen Feng usually eat with us?"

"If you have time, you can."

Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "Anyway, I basically have time."

"That would be great." Yihua clapped her hands together, "By the way, is Chen Feng interested in taking a part-time job?"

"What the hell? No interest, no interest."

Chen Feng shook his head and refused before listening, isn't it happy to deliver food?He is so happy!

Besides, he will be dragged by Shizuka Hiratsuka to some activities during the holidays, who knows when he will come back.

"Oh, think about it~" Yihua took Chen Feng's hand and began to act coquettishly, "The hourly salary is 10, and the job content is very easy."

Yihua sensed a fleeting dislike in Chen Feng's eyes.

Eh?What is he loathing?salary?An hourly salary of [-] is not enough?Probably not...

Before the conversation was finished, Chen Feng heard footsteps coming from behind. The person who heard the footsteps should be aimed at him or Yihua.

Chen Feng turned around, just half a meter away from the visitor.

"Xue Na?"

"Call me senior."

"Are you dreaming?"

"Forget it, Mr. Hiratsuka asked me to call you to the office together, probably to explain about the event."

Xue Nai still wanted to use her status to tease Chen Feng, but thinking that the two would be in the same grade after next semester, she hesitated to speak.

"Then I'll go find Nino and the others."

Yihua understood the situation very well and spoke first.

"it is good."

On the way to the office, Xue Nai would look at Chen Feng from time to time.

"Look at what I do?"

"Nothing important, just curious about the relationship between you and that girl just now. I remember that she seems to be the eldest sister of those sisters in the Nakano family, right? But I seemed to see you carrying her behind your back...girlfriend?"

Xue Nai had passed by here before and saw the interaction between Chen Feng and Yihua, but Chen Feng's actions at the beginning seemed a little strange and unnatural.

"No, it's just a friend. She has a weird personality. She tried to play tricks on me just now, and I almost threw her over my shoulder."

"You really thought about throwing your shoulders!"

The two walked and chatted to the office.

Hiratsuka Shizuka sat on the seat with her legs crossed and smoked. When she saw the two people coming, she said:

"Hey, here we come. The time has been set, and it will be the morning after tomorrow."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sometimes it is not that time passes too fast, but because of too much devotion to something, which leads to a wrong perception of time, and then mistakenly thinks that time has slipped away in a trance.

Chen Feng's home is full of bags, big and small, filled with all kinds of raw materials he needs to make figures. Of course, many of them were obtained from some gray channels through Yang Nai's relationship. Otherwise, Chen Feng would have to spend a lot of energy to obtain these things with his own ability.

He is a good young man who abides by the law, should he be allowed to rob gangsters?

Robbing the gangsters is also not good, the biggest gangster here is Shizuka Hiratsuka's hometown, so it's better to just ask the other party to help you.

So almost all of Chen Feng's time was spent on delivering food and making figures.

Chen Feng's process of making figures is very rigorous. He not only needs to make an exquisite appearance, but also makes the internal structures of these figures standard and exquisite.

But his hand is not a machine after all, although the error in the middle is so small that it can be ignored, but Chen Feng is still very dissatisfied with it, he wants some related industrial machines.

Of course, this is impossible.

Therefore, Chen Feng did not insist too much on the perfection of the figure, but just took pictures of some flawed unfinished products with his mobile phone, and registered an account on the 2CH forum to post pictures of these things.

This was an idea Yi Hua gave him, because in his opinion, these defective figures were not worthy of his own collection, so he planned to find someone who liked these things and sell them.

As soon as the details of the item were released, many buyers who wanted to make a deal with Chen Feng appeared on the forum, and these buyers quickly added Chen Feng's line and Twitter. The playability is too high!

Even if the beautiful and exquisite female figure girl is excluded, all the heavy weapons in the girl's hands are drawn by Chen Feng himself, and the parts are pieced together one by one to completely restore the internal structure of the original weapon. what!

The only drawback is that the figures are twice the size of ordinary figures, but the advantage is that these figures can be completely disassembled independently.

In order to prevent someone from putting a bullet in his own figurine, Chen Feng also deliberately changed the size of some internal structures of the weapon.As a good citizen and a high school student enjoying the life of food delivery, Chen Feng didn't want to be wanted by the police suddenly one day, that would really give him a headache.

After all, the life of the police is also life...

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