"Really...?" Xue Nai hesitated for a moment, and explained: "But if you take a bath..."

"This thing won't be damaged by water. I heard that it's a handicraft that has been handed down for hundreds of years in this village."

"OK then……"

In fact, Xue Nai is different from ordinary girls. She is not very fond of the accessories worn on her hands and neck. According to her words, "the accessories are just icing on the cake for a person who is born beautiful".

This sentence may sound a bit strange, but if it is used on her, I believe no one will question the accuracy of this sentence.

After all, she is indeed a natural beauty, otherwise she would not always call herself cute narcissistically.

This bracelet is a two-in-one bracelet, which belongs to the kind of stacked two-layer structure, but the two are connected together by a small leather buckle in the middle.

After putting on the wrist, Komachi gave a proper thumbs up.

"Sister Xue Nai is so suitable for this bracelet, it really looks more and more beautiful..."

Narcissism is narcissism, but Xue Nai will still be shy when others praise her, she doesn't have such a thick skin.

"Is...is it? But if you take a shower, you should take it off..."

"Oh, sister Yukino, girls need to learn to wear accessories on their bodies, just take it as a process of getting used to it."

Smiling, Komachi pushed Yukino into the bathroom, and closed the door intimately for her.

Looking at the closed bathroom door, Yukino inside sighed. She raised her right hand, stared at the purple beads on her wrist that reflected the light yellow light of the bathroom, and murmured:

"Is it really that pretty?"

Xue Nai takes a bath very quickly. As long as conditions permit, she will take a bath every day. Compared with others who take a bath every few days to clean her body, she is more inclined to make her body wet and keep this feeling every day. The refreshing feeling has already become her habit.

After leaving the bathroom, Xue Nai began to dry her hair with a hairdryer.At this time, Komachi, who was lying on the bed, came bouncing over with his mobile phone.

She was also going to the bathroom to wash her body, but before that, she planned to cut the pieces in her hands and hand them to Xue Nai.

"Sister Yukino, look at you."

Komachi pointed to the phone with the bright screen on and said, "Many netizens have heard of this place, saying that it is one of the areas that preserve the purity of the original culture."

"It can be felt."

Xue Nai recalled that some sculptures in this village, as well as the clothes and jewelry worn by many people, all have a strong traditional style.

"Well, Komachi also wants to know more about the customs and customs here, I guess someone should have sorted it out on the Internet...Forget it, let's take a bath first!"

Humans are creatures that can think, and the conclusions that human beings often draw are formed by the integration of information fragments one by one. When a person obtains enough fragmented information, even if he does not intend to, he will integrate this information in his heart. A series of fragments of information leading to a conclusion.

But most people haven't thought about this. Can the information fragments they get really draw a correct conclusion?

If you just follow the information and think about it, the conclusions that people draw are often the conclusions that the sender of the information fragments wants people to draw.

This is a kind of information inducement. Since it is the conclusion drawn by your own analysis, it will make the person who draws the conclusion believe in the conclusion drawn by himself.

This is Komachi's strategy, the wit of a third-year junior high school girl!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hikigaya Komachi, 15 years old, a third-year junior high school girl.

There is a brother who is nearly 3 years older than me at home. His daily hobbies are saving money and taking care of his idiot brother. In some cases, he can also become a CP leader who is absolutely single-handed and starts to collect CP for the people around him.

According to her words, if a boy with a good relationship with her and a girl with a good relationship with her are brought together, then Komachi will also become a great benefactor to both of them!

Komachi likes hiding behind her back and exulting in ecstasy!

Her grades are only in the middle of the school, but Komachi's dream is to be admitted to the same high school as her brother, which is Chiba Municipal Sobu High School, one of the three famous high schools in Chiba.

Although this dream is not directly proportional to her current strength, according to Hikiya Hachiman's words, it is

——Komachi is the kind of girl who can do it as long as she works hard.

This is an extremely high evaluation from Hachiman's mouth, but judging from Komachi's wisdom, she is indeed what Hachiman said, as long as she works hard, she can actually do it.

There are still more than 4 months before the high school entrance examination. Komachi has decided to work hard after returning home from this event. She has never missed what she wanted since she was a child.

This time is no exception!

"La la la ~ruaruarua~"

Humming a little tune, Komachi began to take a shower in the bathroom, and outside the bathroom door, Yukino was always thinking about what Komachi said intentionally or unintentionally just now.

Is it the local traditional culture of this village in Kumamoto Prefecture...

Xue Nai has never been willing to be an ignorant person. Although doing so can make her live a much happier life than she is now, she doesn't want to be inferior to others at any level.

The news that Komachi said just now is indeed very attractive to her, and it is actually good to know about the traditional culture here.

Xue Nai, who had blow-dried her hair, was sitting in front of a small wooden table in the corner, wearing a waterfall of blue silk. She turned on her mobile phone and began to search for the cultural traditions here according to the keywords in Komachi's words just now.

The keywords Xue Nai queried were very accurate, and after a while, forum pages appeared on her mobile phone one by one...

Ten minutes later, Komachi came out of the bathroom with her bare feet wrapped in a towel with a relaxed face.

"Yahoo~! The happiness after taking a shower is always the purest happiness!"

Hearing Komachi's words, Yukino, who was sitting in front of the wooden table with her head down, was shocked like a frightened kitten, and hastily turned off the phone in her hand.

"Okay... are you ready? Come here and blow dry your hair."

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