His former comrades-in-arms were actually similar to him, with knife wounds, gunshot wounds, surgical wounds, etc. On the contrary, looking at the bodies of the three in front of them without any scars, he felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"It's just the previous injury, don't worry about it."

Chen Feng shook his head. How could it be possible for a person who has been on the battlefield all year round without any scars on his body, but he didn't want to say these words, and no one would believe them if he said them.

Hachiman lowered his head and began to tie the towel, his facial muscles stiff.

Those eyes...are they actually gunshot wounds?

Komachi, oh Komachi... your senior is really scary.

"It's all right." On the contrary, Ye Shan smiled, and even put on a pose of a bodybuilder, jokingly said: "Student Chen Feng's scars look very manly, if possible, I want to do the same... "

"Really? I'll help you when I go back?"

"Hahaha...Chen Feng really knows how to joke, but let's forget about my small body."

Seeing Chen Feng's serious eyes, Ye Shan trembled and waved his hands hastily.

What a joke, handsome is handsome, but he still wants to die!

Chen Feng is sometimes crazy when he does things, who knows how he will create these scars for himself.Beat me up?Or chop a knife?

"Then...that...Chen Feng, can I touch these?"

Following behind Chen Feng, Totsuka Saika pointed at the scar on his body embarrassedly and said, "But it doesn't matter if it doesn't work, I'm just curious..."

"You can do whatever you want, it's not something shameful." Chen Feng said that he didn't care.

"Wow... These places are all raised! Hachiman-kun, come and touch it, it feels really different from normal skin..."

"Forget it... I won't join in."


In the open-air hot spring, Sho Tobe and others were chatting with their female classmates in the women's bath across the four or five meter high bamboo board.

Hiratsuka asked the proprietress for a small cup, poured some wine in it and leaned against the edge of the hot spring, leaning comfortably, hearing the voices of her students in her ears, and feeling a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

"So let's do some other activities after soaking in the hot spring later!"

Sho Tobe's voice came from the men's bath, "Yumiko, do you have any suggestions?"

"What advice can I have? I can stay in this hot spring for a year."

"Ooka, please say something, let's have some other small programs for fun later."

"This...hide and seek?"

"Ham, asking you is tantamount to asking in vain."

"It's better like this." Ebina Hime said, "Let's find a place to light a candle and tell ghost stories together."

Hearing the word 'ghost story', Sho Tobe, who was still excited in the hot spring, shuddered.

He's not afraid of embarrassment, he's actually been afraid of such mysterious things since he was a child...

Yumiko is clear about what Sho Tobe is afraid of, she said with a smirk:

"I think Ebina's idea is good, why? Are you scared, Tobe?"

"Are... are you kidding me? How can a strong man like me who kicks monsters and punches wraiths be afraid? Let me tell you first, whoever runs away will be punished."

Sho Tobe here is still cheering himself up, constantly implying that he is not afraid or scared...

Suddenly, the curtain outside the pool was pulled open, Ye Shan walked out first, he got up hastily, but just as Ye Shan came out, Chen Feng behind him came out, saw Chen Feng's upper body scars like a gangster's brother, Sho Tobe screamed directly.


Realizing his embarrassment, Sho Tobe covered his mouth.

"Hubu? What happened to you?"

"Uh, it's nothing, I just accidentally kicked a rock..."

"Be careful, really."

Yumiko complained: "If you get injured, it will affect the progress of activities in the next few days."

At this time, Chen Feng spoke.

"Did you kick your foot? Let me show you. I have brought surgery, first aid tools and medicines. I can perform an operation for you if necessary."

"Oh no……"

Seeing Chen Feng walking towards him, Xiang Hube was almost scared out of his soul.

surgery?Nonsence!He would rather believe that Chen Feng directly dissected himself with a knife than he would believe that he knew any kind of surgery.

Hayama scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Tobe, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

His head shook like a rattle, and he shrank into a corner, holding his head and trembling all over.

If... Sure enough, Chen Feng is not a student, he must be a member of the underworld...

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