In just twenty minutes, the pool was completely emptied of people.

After a day and a night of driving, I was busy going to the ranch to study and help at noon, and I soaked in the hot spring after dinner. Most of the people felt their muscles relaxed and tired.

Chen Fengfeng went back to his room with his shoulders back. On the way, he met some other residents in the store. Some male residents who came to hang out with their female companions wanted to blame Chen Feng for his rudeness, but when they saw Chen Feng's upper body There were all kinds of scars, one and two were so frightened that they shut their mouths.

One thing more is worse than one thing less, I didn't see it, I didn't see it...

In addition to some emergency equipment, Chen Feng also brought a lot of sketch paper and pencils of HB, 3B, 8B, etc. After sorting out the items on the table, Chen Feng sat down and began to prepare for himself when he went back. The hand-painted figures to be made.

As for inspiration...

Chen Feng's eyes moved to the puppet stand next to him.

Just use these cute little dolls as a reference!

He started to sketch and draw the composition...

As for Komachi, she was also tired after a long day of trouble, so she just lay down on the bed and fell asleep without knowing it.

Xue Nai was still reading, and when she felt her eyes stinging, she looked at the time and found that it was almost twelve o'clock.

She yawned, looked back and saw Komachi fell asleep without a quilt, she walked over and covered Komachi with a quilt, after all it was quite cold at night, don't catch a cold.

In order not to disturb Komachi's sleep, Yukino pushed aside the hair on Komachi's cheeks, and finally turned off the light and closed her eyes.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Xue Nai's closed eyes moved slightly, and she woke up in a daze.


Her throat was dry like a fire, Yukino got up from the floor and rubbed her eyes.

dong dong dong...

In the darkness, Xue Nai, who was pouring water with the help of the moonlight outside the window, heard a slow and rhythmic walking sound outside the door.

Xue Nao who took a small sip of water was a little puzzled.

On a big night... who's going to be out there?

With big black eyes slanted aside, Yukino put down the water glass, tiptoed to the door, glanced at Komachi who was sleeping soundly behind her, showing no sign of waking up, and slowly opened the door.

She stretched her head out to look left and right, and saw a girl in a black kimono walking along the wooden corridor.

Xue Nai remembered what the proprietress said before.

'Is it another traveler in the shop? '

In addition to their group, a tourist group also came to the store recently, but Xue Nai only saw a few strange men, presumably these people are together.

But if he didn't go to bed so late and came out to hang out, he probably suffered from insomnia or something bad happened.

Shaking her head, Xue Nai planned to go back to sleep, but at this moment, the girl who turned her back to her in the corridor suddenly turned around and looked at her.

A calm voice sounded in her ear.

"The predestined stranger, the boundless floating world, your distress, your sorrow, your regret...all are stored in the Wanhua Mirror. The possibility of the impossible will be placed in front of you. Do you want to try it? A supremely enjoyable experience.”


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Suddenly, a delicate face like a doll appeared before Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes, those emerald green eyes shining like jewels without any emotion, it was like a mirror, so that Yukino could even see through her eyes with the help of moonlight I saw my own shadow in my eyes.


Yukinoshita Yukino's heart seemed to be constantly beating with a sledgehammer, and every beat made her body tense up.

"You are afraid."

"who are you?"

Xue Nai swallowed the saliva in her mouth and asked with difficulty.

The sixth sense from the heart told her that the girl in black kimono in front of her was not simple.

"The guardian of the quagmire of sin, the promoter of the cycle of karma, the guardian of the Wanhua mirror, Lianhua." After a while, Lianhua, who was staring at Xue Nao, said, "You have no ultimate sin karma, but you can look directly at it. I am indeed a predestined person. Life is like a dream and an illusion, and all real desires cannot escape the flash of the Wanhua Mirror. All the truth and your thoughts are contained in it, do you want to see it?"

Lianhua raised her head, her deep eyes made Xue Nao speechless for a while.

While shaking her hands, a Wanhua mirror appeared in Lianhua's hand, and she said calmly:

"What you think, what you hope, is all in it. However, this must be paid for by the soul of sin, so that you can watch it several times."

"you you……"

Xue Nai's face was pale. She never thought that one day she would communicate face to face with the existence of the 'ghost'. For a while, she couldn't even speak smoothly.

What I think in my heart and what I need are all in it?This is obviously just an ordinary toy, okay?

This was Yukino's first reaction, but since the weird girl in front of her was not a human body, it was impossible for human beings to come to her silently from a distance of tens of meters.

This thing... definitely has a problem!

"I do not watch."


Lianhua was a little unexpected, obviously she saw curiosity and excitement in the eyes of the girl in front of her, but her work did not force others to check the rules of the Wanhua mirror, so she took back the Wanhua mirror in her hand, "Forget it. "

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