Carmena made a look at several people, she picked up the communicator that fell to the ground, and walked to the distance.

【I'm Carmena, what happened to Chen Feng? 】

[I'm sorry, please comfort the chief. We just received a communication from the survivors sent to protect the chief's sister, saying that someone in the refugee camp colluded with the local anti-government armed forces to launch a premeditated rebellion. Our people 29 people died, only 5 people survived, the chief's sister... was killed.The body was brought out by our people. The cause of death was excessive blood loss from gunshot wounds in the chest and back... And we learned from the survivors that the chief's sister rescued the wounded when the refugees who cooperated with the rebels shot the rest of the refugees. in the gun. 】

[Made, are you all fucking trash? ! 】


The silver-haired girl in the picture slammed the communicator to the ground. This extremely hard communicator, made of special materials, instantly shattered into a pool of fragments.

She glanced at the bundles of coins and envelopes on the coffee table, and spat hard.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng's voice was hoarse and weak, and it came from the side.

[I... I'm fine, the organization has done its best, I know, I will work harder, harder! 】

Lun Rudao saw that Chen Feng's eyes had changed in the picture, he... was changing towards the future.

No one would have imagined that at this time, a deformed seed containing ambition and hatred had been quietly planted...

Ten years later, a military genius began to act crazily on various battlefields, and was praised by countless people in the industry. Some countries even offered olive branches to him, but they were all rejected without exception.

One by one, miracles appeared in the civil wars in countless countries, and the miracles of these wars all came from the hands of one person.

Bold military deployment, weird and unpredictable psychological offensive, using a large amount of drugs to increase the combat effectiveness of his troops, his men did not lose the battle, only deliberately lured the enemy into deep.

Chen Feng's troops withdrew, should they pursue or not?

But his enemy's actions were always guessed by him, and what they faced would only be Chen Feng's head-on attack!

The capital group behind the organization has taken a fancy to Chen Feng's ability to make money for them. There is nothing easier to make money than war!

Coupled with the series of strategies Chen Feng used and the results he made, his status suddenly rose.Later, not only did the number of mercenaries under him break through the original limit of [-], he even started to cultivate his own private army secretly. One hundred thousand people.

With advanced equipment, they even supported the puppet regimes of several countries by themselves.

This man who is only the second-in-command of the organization in name, in the initial stage of starting to exert his strength, took the relative above his head to his Si Ren island to take care of him, and kindly changed him into Became a disabled person, begging him to hand over the power in his hands, and sitting obediently in the office on the top floor as the mascot of an organization.

For those disobedient dogs, Chen Feng's methods were more cruel and swift. There were some factional rebellions within the organization, but they were all suppressed by Chen Feng's iron-blooded methods.

In just half a year, he completed the cleansing and evacuation of the organization, and the other leaders who were in charge of commanding the mercenary army in small areas were also taken back by him.

Of course, at that time, some hard stubbles might not be satisfied with him, so they chose to support their own family, so these hard stubbles disappeared.

Even coaxing and deceiving, giving a candy after a stick, all the military and logistical forces of the organization were firmly held in his hands by himself.

He became the leader in the true sense, and the world's top mercenary organization became his voice.

In the early stage when the plan was effective, that is, after Chen Feng gradually took control of the command power and high degree of autonomy in the major theaters, the capital also relaxed Chen Feng's hands and feet. He just asked the capital group to allow him to expand in violation of international treaties.

Unsurprisingly, these capitals agreed, as long as they earn enough money, they will support Chen Feng to do whatever he wants.

Even if it is a massacre.

Since the hands and feet began to be released, the plan has come to an advanced stage, and this genius has gradually exposed his fangs hidden in his heart, and his purpose has gradually surfaced.He began to retaliate wildly and indiscriminately against refugees and civilians unscrupulously, and the capitalists also found that they seemed to be unable to control the wolf under them.

Over time, his head has been on the "head list" of various countries.

Because no one knows what a madman will do next, the only way is to take off the head of this madman who caused chaos.

The screen ends.

At this moment, Lun Rudao's expression became complicated.

The last frame.

Baked by the scorching sun like at this time, the ground was covered with yellow sand and gravel. The boy found a middle-aged man and handed over all his money to him.

[Xiao Chen... are you really okay? 】

【Mr. Aiyub, this is what it should be. It’s fine. Let’s use it to improve the food for the children. The south has been restless recently, so pay more attention to safety. 】

[I really... don't know how to thank you... Without you, the children in the yard would be really homeless, starving to death, cold to death, you belong to everyone Benefactor! 】

【it does not matter. 】

The boy's eyes were still piercing, but the middle-aged man in front of him felt that he was like a saint.

There are many similar scenes, and they together form such a short picture.

"Turn into the road."

Lun Rudao, who had just finished watching a small part of Chen Feng's experience, suddenly heard someone calling his name, and he stood up immediately.

This voice... that's right, it's Miss!


Beside Luniridou, a slim girl in a black sailor suit with fair hair stood there.

Unlike ordinary people, her eyes are blood red.

"You seem to have met someone, his name is Chen Feng?"

At this moment, Lun Rudao realized that the young lady could share the pictures that Quan Neng had seen with him. After reading those experiences of Chen Feng, Lun Rudao didn't know what to say for a while.

"Yes, a young man who sees my old man getting sunburned here, but still gives me his own water."

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