Her humiliating scene was seen by her sister, and as her sister, she still couldn't hold on to her face.

She greeted with a forced smile.

"Five...May you are here."

"Ernai, don't move, you're all hurt!"

Nakano May wears the same tracksuit as her, with a volleyball tucked under his forearm.

But the person who spoke just now was a male voice, definitely not May, who could it be?

"By the way, classmate Chen, how do you know that there is no teacher in the health room?"

"Because I passed by the health care room at noon, the door was closed, and later at the door of the office I heard the teacher say that the health care teacher was sick and went to the hospital." Chen Feng handed his satchel to May and said.

The moment he saw Chen Feng, Er Nai recognized that the other was a transfer student who had become popular in the entire General Wu High School in one day today.

"Are you the violent maniac who beat up Mr. Hiratsuka and then threatened the teacher in class?"

"If you want to think so, I don't deny it." Chen Feng looked around and found that there was no place to sit on the sports field, so he simply took off his jacket and spread it on the ground, motioning to help Nakano Erno's classmate. : "Put her on it."

Taking his satchel from May, Chen Feng took out a black square cloth bag, but he found that neither Nakano Rino's students nor Nakano Rino himself did anything, which made him wrinkle. eyebrow.

"If you don't want life-long after-effects on your feet, just sit on it."

"I...why should I listen to you!"

Nakano Ernai looked at Chen Feng with great vigilance, as if he was guarding against a big bad wolf.

"Ernai... Classmate Chen is very good, otherwise you should listen to him."

"Do not……"

Ernai didn't have time to spit out the words in his throat, and Chen Feng looked at her blankly.

"Your condition may have injured ligaments, and the abrasions on your hands and knees are not light. I won't mention the wound infection, mainly your feet, unless you want to use a wheelchair for a semester to come to class. forget it."

"This classmate, I think we might as well wait for the teacher..." Ogino Guang squeezed out a smile and spoke to Chen Feng, but before he finished speaking, Chen Feng pushed him aside with a calm face, and almost fell to the ground.


"What are you? I asked you to talk to me? Go away."

"You bastard, you are not allowed to treat Ogino-san like this...!"

Seeing that Chen Feng was so arrogant, one of Ogino's valet wanted to step forward for Ogino, but was stopped by Ogino.

"Hirata is calm and calm, I'm fine, this classmate may be in a bad mood, I don't mind."

He is putting himself in a righteous direction.

"Humph!" The little follower snorted coldly and stopped his early movements.

Glancing at Ogino Hikaru, who was playing smart and having fun, Chen Feng ignored the other party and walked directly towards Nakano Erno.

Chen Feng didn't care whether she wanted it or not, he forcibly hugged Nakano Erno directly from the hands of his classmate who was supporting Nakano, and put Nakano Erno, who was unable to walk, on the jacket he had spread, "I made an emergency call just now, It won't be long before the ambulance arrives, so let's do some emergency treatment for you now."

Originally, Nakano Nino wanted to try to struggle to prevent the notorious 'violent maniac' from touching him, but he saw that the other party very professionally took out a pair of tweezers and a portable bag of alcohol from the black tarpaulin bag. After cotton still had a bag of iodine cotton, she didn't know for a while whether she should continue struggling.

There is also a concerned look from his younger sister May.

"Second, you should listen to classmate Chen first. After all, there is no teacher in the health room who can handle it..."

Hearing what his younger sister said, Nakano Erno could only respond reluctantly.

"Hmph, if you touch something you shouldn't touch, I'll make you, a violent madman, regret it!"


"What do you mean by this disdainful attitude, bastard!"

"Stop scolding, I'm going to clean your wound now, bear it."


After that, Chen Feng started to clean the debris from the wound on Nakano Erno with alcohol cotton pads.

In an instant, the piercing pain made Er Nao's eyes widen, but she was surrounded by classmates, and her arrogant self-esteem did not allow her to hum.

"That's right, classmate May." Chen Feng called out May's name in order to distinguish the two sisters.


"Get me a bottle of apple cider vinegar."

Five minutes later, Chen Feng finally cleaned up Nakano Erna's trauma wound. Nakano Ernai's forehead was covered in beads of sweat. Chen Feng was surprised that the girl didn't cry out.

Pretty face.

"It's time for the foot."

Holding Nakano Erno's left leg, Chen Feng took off the other party's shoes and socks under the shy and angry gaze of the other party.

Looking at Nakano Nino's swollen ankle, he briefly checked and came to a conclusion.

"Injury to the medial ligament, but not serious."

Chen Feng touched it lightly.

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