However, Chen Feng didn't seem to need help at all, he ran faster than anyone else with his body on his back.

A medical soldier who was shooting in the fortress with a heavy machine gun handed over the position to others, and he ran over quickly.

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Small injury, you go show it to my adjutant, I will handle mine myself."

"It's… okay."

The movement of the medical soldier's hands didn't stop at all, but Chen Feng's condition looked much scarier than his adjutant's, but his body was stained red with blood.

However, he still looked indifferent, like a person who was not injured.

After unpacking the wounds that Chen Feng had simply bandaged up, everyone on the field gasped.

There were more than a dozen gunshot wounds, most of which were hit on Chen Feng's chest and abdomen, and a few were hit on his right leg. However, this guy was as calm as a normal person, and even ran back with his adjutant on his shoulders. ! ?

You're afraid it's not made of iron.

But this is no longer an injury that can be treated temporarily!

Xue Nai's hand was halfway up in the air, she didn't know what to do now.

However, Chen Feng didn't think about performing surgery on himself, he just wanted to simply stop the bleeding.

At this moment, his face had turned pale, and he didn't know whether it was caused by excessive blood loss or pain.

"Let me come."

Lianhua did not know when she had come behind Chen Feng, she pressed Chen Feng's shoulder.

"I'm sure of my own injury. Simply stop the bleeding. Everyone else, return to their posts!"

"I can cure you directly."


Lianhua just shook her head slightly, squatted in front of Chen Feng and crossed her hands, holding Chen Feng's hand in the middle.

In an instant, a faint light radiated from the palm where she was holding Chen Feng's right hand.

A miracle happened. The bullet in Chen Feng's wound fell out of his body as if time went back in time, and the wound from which the bullet was removed quickly healed.

Xue Nai, the medical soldiers on the side and the injured adjutant looked confused.


In less than a minute, Chen Feng returned to his previous state.

"All right."

Lianhua stood up, but she didn't want to stagger and almost fell to the ground. If Chen Feng hadn't reacted quickly to catch her, maybe she would have hit her head on the trench wall.

Chen Feng narrowed his eyes.

He discovered that Lianhua had the same situation as when she was in his house, and her body became a little more transparent.



"What does this price cost you?"

"Huh? Is it so obvious?"

Lianhua looked at her body and found that the changes were really great, "It's just a waste of energy, I am just an aggregation of energy, but I have the means to replenish energy, otherwise I would have disappeared a long time ago , so it doesn't matter."


Chen Feng looked at Lianhua, and Lianhua also looked at Chen Feng. For a while, Chen Feng couldn't tell whether Lianhua was lying or not. He had to say that sometimes Tai Sanwu was really troublesome.

"Go on, come to me if you are injured, as long as you are not dead, I can help you, it is my compensation for tricking you in."

Avoiding Chen Feng's gaze, she walked aside and began to press the bullet silently, Lianhua stopped talking.

"Okay, remember not to die."

"Oh? Are you caring about me?"

Lianhua raised her eyebrows and joked.

"Because you are still useful, it would be a pity to die."

Leaving those words behind, Chen Feng reloaded the ammunition, and started to charge again with his men. Even the adjutant who was injured just now loaded up the ammunition and rushed forward with Chen Feng, leaving Xue Nai and the medical soldier to look at each other.

Pressing the bullet, Yukino asked:

"Miss Lianhua, are you really alright?"

"It's okay, um... According to him, it should be called maximizing resource utilization."


Same as above, Lianhua did not lie to Chen Feng, she did have the means to replenish energy, but she did not tell Chen Feng that the way to replenish energy by herself was through Wanhua Mirror.

Now that the connection between Wanhuajing and her has been cut off, the only way to replenish energy is naturally gone.


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