Xue Nai's voice trembled when she asked.

"What are you going to do? Of course you are going to accept your fate. I can't leave them, and I don't want to leave them either. After all... I am their 'savior'... But this world might be more peaceful without me, I hope you Can survive, Yukinoshita Yukino."

After he finished speaking, he directly raised his feet and walked into the distance, leaving only his back under the scorching sun.

From Chen Feng's words, Xue Nai seemed to hear a very complicated emotion in it.

Putting down the lotus on his back, Xue Nai knew everything about him, his experience, and how much innocent blood was stained on his hands.

After holding back for a while, Xue Nai finally yelled out loud.

"Chen Feng, you are a bad guy, a damn bastard, a butcher who should go to hell!!"

Chen Feng in the distance heard Xue Nai's voice, but he didn't stop his pace.

"However... you are a qualified brother, for this, I salute you!!!"

Hearing Xue Nai's voice, Chen Feng's footsteps stopped for a moment, he smiled bitterly, raised his right hand, and waved the back of his hand in Xue Nao's direction.

Was he... saying goodbye?

Returning to the crude position in front, Chen Feng pulled up a soldier's wrist and glanced at his watch.

15 minutes left.

He shook his head.

I can't hold it anymore...

The enemy is right in front of him, that is a hundred times the number of people here, and even a thousand times the combat power!

What do you keep?Is it a temporary position built with these stones and trees?

A coalition encirclement had formed, and they were advancing on his last position.

Chen Feng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and seemed to want to distribute one to everyone, but there were not enough.

"Boss, here."

A young man with one eye injured in the battle handed him a pack of unopened cigarettes, and a pack of unopened cigarettes with only one cigarette.

Chen Feng took it and distributed a cigarette to everyone, and everyone got together to light 3 lighters in turn.

He could already see some coalition soldiers coming up cautiously, Chen Feng took a deep breath.

"Brothers, I am very glad that you can fight with me to the end."

chug chu...

Boom! !

As soon as the words fell, the dense gunshots and explosions resounded through the sky.

The coalition forces were in full swing, occupying the superiority in numbers and armor, rushing up the high slope again and again, the smoke in Chen Feng's mouth was burning little by little, until...

He was the only one left in the audience.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The whole process didn't even take 10 minutes, and he lost, lost to his own destiny.

This island is indeed his burial place...

But he still didn't give up resistance, his body had lost the pain transmission, or because it was so painful that he couldn't feel the pain at all.

He charged at each enemy like a ferocious beast.

His military uniform had been beaten into a blood-colored one, but he still had no intention of falling down.

"Don't come here, don't come here!!!"

A soldier saw Chen Feng, who was covered in blood, grabbing a corpse in one hand and rushing towards him with a dagger in the other. He even killed one or two of his friendly troops as he passed by. At this moment, his psychological defense It just crashed.

Such evil spirit... completely rushed into his seemingly hard will.


His stomach was completely pierced, and there were even a few bullet holes in his head, but he had no intention of falling down at all.

This is not human, this is not human at all! ! !




There was an explosion in the distance, and Chen Feng's lower body was instantly detached from his body by a large-caliber sniper bullet.


There was another loud bang, and most of Chen Feng's left side was completely blown away.


The poor soldier's legs were weak, but he was glad that Chen Feng finally died and he survived.


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