"Ah Feng, where are you going this morning?"

"Go to the hospital and show you your physical condition. I don't have any equipment here, or I can show you."

"Is Ah Feng a doctor?"

"Yes, but there is no certificate, so I am a barefoot doctor according to the regulations."

Chen Feng nodded, but during the time he was talking with Ruijier, Yang Nai had already sneaked up to Ruijier, with a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah, that's the kid? It's so cute." Yang Nai stretched out his hand and pinched Rachel's face, and said in surprise.

For a moment, Ruijier became a little flustered, she ran behind Chen Feng vigilantly, and looked at Yang Nai nervously.

"Ah Feng, who is she?"

"A friend of mine, her name is Yang Nai."

"Hi~ Rachel, right? My name is Yukinoshita Yono, and I accepted Xiaofeng's entrustment to help him with some errands. You can call me sister Yono."


It seems that Ruijier seems to be quite vigilant, and she doesn't really want to talk to Yang Nai, but Yang Nai is not angry, her level of finding topics is first-rate, it can almost be said that with her on the field, it is impossible There is such a thing as silence.

Yang Nai's car was parked below, and the three of them went downstairs together. They met some neighbors, and everyone greeted Chen Feng warmly, and Chen Feng replied one by one.

After getting into the car, Yang Nai sighed:

"When did you have such a good relationship with the people in the apartment?"

"Stop talking." Chen Feng felt bitter under the mask, he took a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on, "It's just impossible to live this day."

"Oh? What's going on? It feels like you've been wearing a mask and sunglasses since you went to activities with Xiao Jing. People who don't know think you're some gang member."

"It's a little too magical to talk about."

"Since this is the case, forget it." Yang Nai followed in the traffic, seeming to think of something, "By the way, Xiaofeng, I went to see Xue Nai the day before yesterday."

"Isn't this your favorite thing to do? Then, did you quarrel?"

"No, on the contrary, the child has changed so much that I almost couldn't recognize it. Do you know what she did when she went to the event?"


Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Do volunteer service, and then half travel."

Chen Feng's face was completely covered by various things, so Yang Nai didn't know how Chen Feng's expression changed.

In fact, she didn't know that Chen Feng's heart was as shocked as if he had been hit by a big hammer.

That guy won't believe what I say...

Chen Feng directly denied the matter of Wanhuajing. Xue Nai had asked him about it tactfully that morning, but he said that he knew nothing and completely denied it.

There is no way, this kind of thing is too weird, and let others experience their own past with themselves. To be honest, Chen Feng feels a little ashamed.Furthermore, knowing that this kind of thing is not good for Yukino, on the contrary, it may cause some unnecessary troubles, so he replied to Yukino's question with "you may be dreaming and acting stupid".

Maybe it was because things were really too weird, and Xue Nai also looked suspicious of life later, so this matter was hastily skipped.

Up to now, Yang Nai raised his mouth suddenly, the sudden shock almost made him reveal his secrets, but luckily no one could see his eyes and face.

"Really?" Yang Nai was very puzzled, and then became happy, "It's actually pretty good that the child can figure out some things, at least you don't have to worry about her getting depression."

Looking sideways, Chen Feng could only see Yang Nai's side face, but the smile on her face was very real, this guy was really worried about her problem sister...

Along the way, Yang Nai tested Rui Jier in the back row in a side-by-side manner, but the result was not ideal. She could only feel that this girl had a relatively quiet personality, and she seemed conflicted about finding her parents. .

Her wish was indeed to find her parents, but then she showed a vague sense of resistance, as if she didn't want to go home.

Very strange.

Twenty minutes later, the car finally drove into a hospital.

The following process went very smoothly. Ruijier obeyed Chen Feng's arrangement, and went through a whole set of comprehensive examinations in the hospital, and she didn't fail at all from head to toe.

Chen Feng and Yang Nai sat in the corridor of the hospital, waiting for Rachel to have the last examination.

"Xiaofeng, do you have any ideas about changing houses?"

Yang Nai, who was sitting next to Chen Feng and playing with his mobile phone, asked suddenly.

"Change house?"

"That's right, the place you live in is relatively old, right? You can see a lot of cracks just by looking in the corridor."

"But isn't it still possible to live? I don't think it's a big problem. Why did you suddenly mention this?"

"Hey, because there is an empty apartment downstairs in the apartment I live in, anyway, haven't you saved a lot of money? I reckon it's enough to buy it, and I have some friendship with the boss, so I can give it to you at cost price. "

Chen Feng had already taken off his sunglasses at this time, he looked at Yang Nai with a mentally retarded expression, and complained:

"Do you think I don't know that real estate company is owned by you?"

"Ale? I was discovered." Yang Nai stuck out his tongue, "I can't help it, if I say give it to you, you definitely don't want it, how about it? How about being neighbors with my sister and me? The furniture is all included."

"Don't do it."

Chen Feng refused without hesitation.

"Why? If you refuse so simply, I will cry."

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