After all, just like what Yang Nai said, his attire doesn't look like a good person. In order to avoid trouble, he decided not to wear sunglasses.

After taking a few breaths, the blush on Ying Lili's face has not completely subsided.

"I'm sorry... I actually just wanted to come over to say hello."

"Ah, no." Ying Lili waved her hands, and at the same time, she was also recalling who the somewhat familiar person on the opposite side was.

"After all, what happened last time was a bit abrupt, but it was too urgent, and I haven't had time to apologize to you."

"Is... is it...?"

Ying Lili laughed dryly, and at the same time, after hearing what Chen Feng said, she already had some ideas.

Wait... Isn't he the otaku I bumped into last time when I didn't look the way?And caught himself on the spot...

The more Ying Lili thought about that scene, the more embarrassing she became. This guy was still picking up the manga she just bought and commenting on it in public. When she thought of the eyes of the people around her, she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself in it.

But fortunately, my mother said that her friend happened to know this guy, and finally asked her friend to exchange their things back.

The abrupt thing she said should be the matter of publicly saying that her XP is not weird enough?

"It's okay, it's okay, the matter is over, Miss Ben is not so stingy."

"That's good, I'm worried that my appearance will arouse your disgust, and some things in the middle of that incident..."

Chen Feng was referring to the fact that he was checking firearms in the car to save time.

"That's not a big deal, my family would actually do the same at home." Ying Lili's heart beat faster when she thought of Chen Feng's face, so she became a lot more restrained, she smiled politely.

"That's good, but you still have to pay attention to safety in this kind of thing."

After getting this answer, Chen Feng was relieved.

I have known for a long time that Ying Lili's family is not simple, but I didn't expect that the family members would also play with guns at home, so they can communicate with each other when they have time.

"That's for sure. It would be too embarrassing to do this in front of outsiders, so Chen... Chen Feng, you are quite courageous."

Chen Feng felt that Ying Lili's performance was a bit different from before, but judging from the dialogue, there should be no problem, so he attributed this abnormality to the tail left by the system.

There are still two months before the system will wake up, this kind of thing that can easily make him become the focus of attention, quickly take it back to me!

It really made his life rhythm completely messed up, and he was terrified by the naked eyes of those customers who wanted to strip him naked. Does this make him still able to deliver food properly?

Chapter 12 Fame is persecuted

In fact, Chen Feng also found that his mentality had changed a lot compared to before. He was as cold as a piece of wood in Zeng Jin, and it was impossible for him to take the initiative to go forward and say hello to others.

Gradually, this kind of change began to atone when he entered the world of atonement, and he had a more comprehensive understanding of people's hearts than before. He would feel sad for the deaths of soldiers he didn't know well, and he would work hard for those who worked hard in war-torn areas every day. The living civilians feel sad.

In essence, he is also an individual, and he still has the seven emotions and six desires that humans have.

This way can better satisfy his desire to live a quiet life, so he is also willing to change himself.

"Miss Yingli, are you waiting for someone?"

"Ah... yes! My friend invited me out to play."

Ying Lili, who was staring intently at Chen Feng, replied hastily when she heard the voice, and felt ashamed of her impolite behavior of staring at others all the time.

"That's it."

"What about you, Chen Feng? Are you here alone?"

"That's not it." Chen Feng smiled, pointed to Yang Nai who was taking Ruijier to buy puffs not far away, and said: "Take that child out to buy some clothes."

"Eh?!!!" It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, Ying Lili looked over and saw Yang Nao who looked like a mother with a daughter, she was shocked, "You even have a child so old?"

"Miss Yinglili, you really know how to joke."

It's not that she doesn't know the identities of herself and Yang Nai, so Chen Feng guessed that Ying Lili was curious about who Rachel was, so she asked this half-joking question.

"How should I put it... It's a child of a friend's family. He lived with me recently."

"Huh... so..."

There was a burst of laughter from girls outside the revolving door of the shopping mall. Before Chen Feng could speak, the other party seemed to see Ying Lili, and waved towards Ying Lili while trotting over.

"Sawamura-san, this way!"

Chen Feng glanced at it, waved his hand and said, "Your friend is here, so let me go too. I wish you a happy day."

"Thank you... thank you."

Chen Feng had already walked to the side of Yang Nai and Ruijier, Ying Lili was still looking at them blankly, seeing Yang Nai handing a puff to Chen Feng, then she didn't know what to say, and even put herself The puff in his hand gave Chen Feng a mouthful.

"That woman looks familiar. Are they a couple? If they weren't a couple, they wouldn't be able to make such an action..."

Inexplicably, a sense of regret rose in her heart, Ying Lili thought doubtfully.

"No, no, what am I thinking! There are many people who are more handsome than him, and it's not like I haven't seen them before."

"Ah——I'm sorry for being late, I missed a subway trip because of my question, and wasted some time...Engiri-san?"

The girl patted Ying Lili's shoulder lightly, calling out with doubts in her eyes.

"Eh?!" Ying Lili also found that there were three more girls beside her at this time. She hurriedly changed her expression and put on a smile, "No, I haven't been here for a long time."

"But if you're late, you're late. I'll treat everyone to durian balls later."

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