Chen Feng, who was sitting on the chair with a helpless face, was pulled up by Yang Nai.

"All right, all right, I'll clean you up if you dare to laugh."

"Oh? How to clean up?"

Facing the smiling face of this thick-skinned guy, Chen Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He pinched Yang Nai's face, and the two started to fight like this. The shopping guide lady who was watching couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.


In a certain office building in Chiba, the office here is very lively.

This is one of the branches of Undead River Library, and most of the workers in the office are editors of the library.

In a quiet reception room, an editor wearing a women's suit and overalls was frowning and looking at a stack of manuscripts in her hands. The tea on the table in front of her was still full, but there was no heat on it. It can be seen that she looked at it very seriously, and even forgot about drinking water.

She is one of the editors of this library, her name is Machida Sonoko, she is 27 years old this year, and she is the youngest among the editors of the library, and she is also an editor who is very likely to be promoted to chief editor in the future.

She has only been here for less than 2 years, but she has produced a lot of new "performance authors". Although these authors are newcomers, the sales of their works are still very impressive in China.

All of this is due to her sharp vision and a sensitivity to the market. She can easily sense the changes in the reader market, and then guide her authors to some ideas to help their new works achieve better results.

At this moment, sitting on the sofa opposite her, the girl with a tired face but still trying to maintain her mental state is one of her new "achievement authors". the smallest one.

Super potential stocks!

Today, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu came to her for review with a new manuscript that had been revised many times.

No matter how she looked at the content of the previous new volume, she felt that it lacked a flavor, and the content had also changed a lot from the previous one. It seemed very hasty, and such a manuscript was completely unqualified.

So Machida Sonoko directed Kasumigaoka Shiwa to make revisions many times. Because of this, the release of the new volume was delayed for more than half a month.

If it doesn't work this time, the company is going to issue an announcement to postpone the release date of the new volume of "Metronome of Love".

Time passed by, and after Machida Sonoko finished reading the last manuscript and put it neatly back on the table in front of her, Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who was sitting opposite her, asked nervously:

"That Machida editor..."

"Teacher Kashiko." Sonoko Machida took a sip of tea lightly, and raised his palm to signal her not to speak.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's palms were sweating. She spent five whole nights writing this manuscript. It can be said that these five days have exhausted her energy to the limit. It seems that she can't continue to do this .

She watched her editor nervously, waiting for him to announce the final result.

Finally, Machida Sonoko had a smile on her face.

"Congratulations to you teacher Xia Shizi, you passed the new test, it's better to say that you are much better than I imagined."


Surprises in life are tantamount to ups and downs, and she really breathed a sigh of relief after getting the news.

"In addition, I also want to tell you a good news for the lucky teacher."

"good news?"

"After the company's discussion, your work has been decided to be animated. Do you have time to attend a bidding meeting tomorrow night?"

"Yes, of course there is!"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was a little excited. She never thought that her work would have the opportunity to be animated. You must know that there are many authors with higher sales than her.

After calming down, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was wearing thick dark circles, asked:

"But why did you choose me? In my memory, there are still 3 authors who have a higher priority than me?"

"That's why I say you are very lucky." Machida Sonoko is not only happy for her own performance, but also for the talented and beautiful author under her hand, "The sales volume of the new volume of Mr. Oliuyoko is not ideal. , so this qualification was temporarily deprived, and Teacher Tiange and Teacher Yufei are still stuck on the new paper, so the company held a meeting the day before yesterday, saying that whoever among you will write a new paper of acceptable quality first, Whoever will get an animation quota for this season."

"So this is ah……"

Obviously, he should be happy that his work can be animated, but Shiyu has a feeling that his own virtue is not worthy, and he got the position because of luck.

"Mr. Xia Shizi, I would like to ask for your opinion here, that is, do you have any designated candidates for the peripheral design of the animated work? We must know that an excellent designer can make your work more beautiful. Famous, can achieve unexpected publicity results."

At this moment, Shiyu wanted to answer whether she did not, because she never thought that her first work would have the opportunity to be animated, so naturally she didn't get to know the information of some peripheral designers, and it can even be said that she I don't know anything about it.

But when the words came to her throat, she thought of a person in her heart, a person who can be said to have changed her creative career.

She changed her tune.

"Editor Machida, can I go back and think about it? I have a friend who is familiar with this area, maybe I can ask him."

"That's it, no problem. There are still about 2 months of selection time. Teacher Kasumi Shiko, you can take your time." Machida Sonoko smiled and gave Kasumigaoka Shiwa a shot of reassurance.

The two briefly chatted about some follow-up plot issues, and Machida Sonoko got up and said, "Ms. Xia Shizi, go back and have a good rest. I will inform you about the relevant news tomorrow night."

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Shi Yu saluted politely, and then planned to drag her exhausted body back home and lie down on the bed for more than ten hours.

Chapter 14 I want to meet this teacher

However, at this moment, there was a knock on the door of the reception room, and a young man with eyes came in.

"Editor Machida, the editor-in-chief said that he took the thing from a person through his relationship, and it cost almost [-] million yen. Don't tell me, the design is really great, and it extremely restores the real thing. Everything, the production of the human body is also very delicate, isn't the company planning to start some related businesses? So the editor-in-chief wants to hold a meeting to discuss and see if he can find a way to get to know the teacher."

"Well, I'll be here right away. I really didn't expect the editor-in-chief to receive that thing from someone else." Sonoko Machida hurriedly started packing.

Shi Yu, who hadn't left yet, heard the content of the conversation, and she was stunned for a moment.

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