"It's not good to stand here all the time, go to the edge of the flower bed."

Chen Feng glanced at it, and found that many students around him were quite afraid of him, and they would rather huddle together and pass by the corner than get too close to him.

I don't know if Ruijier has encountered some troubles, why did she come to school to find herself...

A group of six people just waited quietly by the flower bed for about five minutes.

"Hey, hey... Do you think that cute child is a new student? With blond hair, he can't be a foreigner, right?"

"It looks like it, but it's probably of mixed race."

"It seems that I used to hug her up and hold her high!"

A group of boys came down the stairs and chatted with each other, and they looked back from time to time, as if there was some treasure there.

A golden figure in the flow of people coming down from the teaching building looked around nervously, and behind her was Shizuka Hiratsuka with his hands in the pockets of his white coat.

Suddenly, she seemed to see something, and shouted directly;

"Ah Feng!"

The sound immediately attracted a group of students who hadn't noticed this side before, and all of them showed surprised expressions.

This baby is so cute...

As soon as she saw Chen Feng, Ruijier completely forgot about Shizuka Hiratsuka who brought her over behind her, and ran straight over.

"Afeng, I saw that you didn't bring a bento when you went out today, so I made one for you, but I'm not familiar with it on the way here, so it might be a bit late."

The girl stood slim and graceful in front of Chen Feng, opened a small opening from the shoulder bag, and took out a packaged bento, her eyes full of anticipation to be praised.

"Is that so..."

Originally, Chen Feng was worried that Ruijier came to him because of some difficulties. After all, he had told her the location and name of the school, but the class forgot.

"Thank you Rachel."

Nino next to him was shocked when he saw this scene.

Then I made a portion for 6 people, who will eat the extra portion?

However, Rui Jier is still a child no matter how you look at it, and Er Nai didn't think too much about it, but just regarded them as relatives with a good relationship.

One of the boys who had been talking about Rachel not far away turned pale with fright, and the people beside him joked:

"Little husband, didn't you say you wanted to hug him and hold him high? Go quickly, brothers and sisters will help you collect the corpse."

"No... still not..."

The boy named Xiaofu shook his head frantically, and walked forward quickly, he was afraid that the words of the few people would be heard by that person, and he might have to go to the hospital to lie in bed for ten days and a half months.

But he was lucky, because it was too noisy downstairs, and Chen Feng didn't pay attention to them, so naturally he didn't hear their conversation, but even if he heard Chen Feng, he wouldn't do anything. The blame can only be blamed on the students in this school who spread his affairs around and made him soon become the big devil of the school.

Yihua covered her mouth in surprise, squatted down with her knees slightly bent, and looked at the expressionless Ruijier.

"Student Chen Feng, your sister is very cute. Do you want a lollipop? My sister will give you one."

"Ah Feng... I'll take the bento back with me later."

Naturally, Ruijier ignored Yihua who had a strange face, and Yihua retracted her hand and coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment.

She glanced at Er Nao, who looked a little impatient, and smiled. Of course, she knew why Er Nao was unhappy, so she offered to propose:

"Student Chen Feng, let your sister have lunch together. After all, the little sister has worked hard all the way here. Isn't there an extra bento at Er Nao's side?"

"One flower you..."

"How about it?"

Yihua decisively ignored Nino's symbolic protest just like Rachel ignored her just now, and said with a smile.


Chen Feng was silent for a while. It was kind of good intention for Ruijier to come all the way to give him lunch. It seems that it would not be good to let the child go back directly. He nodded and said:

"Okay, Rachel, let's have lunch together, and go back after eating."

"But the vegetables in the refrigerator..."

Rachel was a little hesitant. There was still a lunch Chen Feng made for her in advance in the refrigerator. If the food was frozen for too long, it would not taste good. She didn't like to waste it.

"It's okay." Chen Feng touched the child's head, "You can go back to eat at night."

"it is good."

Standing behind Ruijier, Sanjiu looked eager to try, and wanted to speak many times, but swallowed the words again.


As if mustering up her courage, Sanjiu squatted down under the gaze of everyone, and gently pinched Rachel's face.


"Ah... it's soft, it's cured... ah no, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry!"

Sanjiu instantly let go of her hands and turned her head away, hurriedly stood up from the ground, pursed her lips, her face was so red that it seemed to be dripping water, and the redness along her cheeks went directly to the base of her ears, as if she could be seen vaguely. Steam coming from above her head.

Chapter 20 Rachel who guards the shortcoming (4k)

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