Those who are not friends trust each other more than friends, those who are not friends are countless times higher than friends, and those who are not friends still risk their lives to stand up when the other party is in danger.

Even if it's just mercenaries.

There is no so-called national concept in my heart, and I also go to the battlefield for profit and money, but the emotions cultivated during life and death are absolutely true, and no slander from others can be tolerated.

However, the battlefield has always been cruel, so cruel that Chen Feng got used to ignoring life, even if that person was his best comrade-in-arms before, it was still the same.

He was indeed very unfortunate, but he was also fortunate at the same time. If it hadn't happened for the incident that completely changed Chen Feng, I believe he would not have been blinded by hatred all the time throughout his life.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's eat. When I go back, I will show you a few books that I have finished reading. Time is very important, so don't waste it."

Chen Feng rubbed Ruijier's head, and it could be seen that he was very concerned about Ruijier. This was Chen Feng's sense of responsibility. Since he was responsible for taking care of her temporarily, he was also responsible for her education.

"What is it?"

"A "Sophie's World", a "Holy Family" and a "Dialectics of Nature". They are very good books. After reading them, read them a few more times. You should be able to figure out a lot of things."


Ruijier nodded vigorously, "Afeng likes reading very much?"

On the day of moving, Rachel saw several bookshelves in Chen Feng's not-so-big apartment, all of which were full of books, and there were various Chen Feng reading on each book Annotated notes.

Things like furniture and machines are moved by the staff of the moving company, but his books are moved and placed by himself.Rachel has observed carefully that Chen Feng will classify and arrange all the books on the bookshelf, and even use sticky notes for easy identification.

And the most important thing is that when Chen Feng goes to deliver food, he usually goes out with a book, and he seems to read it during his break.

"Yes." Chen Feng said silently: "Sometimes the empty heart can be filled with books. I like a saying very much: 'Admit one's ignorance, and show ignorance only once; try to cover up one's ignorance, have to show ignorance several times' , Many prejudices are actually the product of ignorance. I have had a feeling that the more I read, the more I feel ignorant. The more I learn, the less I know about the world. This is a kind of 'hunger' , That's why I'm constantly reading books, and because of this, I'm a scumbag."

Chen Feng, who was sitting on the stone bench, sighed.

"Chen Feng~student~~"


Yihua approached with a smile, "Are you beating around the bush and scolding us? If you're still a scumbag, we won't even be single-celled organisms."

"It's okay for you to understand it that way." Chen Feng took a sip of the food in the bento, and said expressionlessly, "Because none of you seem to be studying except for the fact that I see you in May and can read books and do the questions."


Yihua choked on Chen Feng's answer, but after thinking about it carefully, she seemed to be right.

"Who said that! I'm actually reading a book!"

Er Nai said angrily.

"Okay, what is the fractional exponent power formula?"


"What about the sine and cosine theorem formula?"


" it, but didn't write it down!" Er Nai said with her hips on her hips, but her tone felt a little guilty, "I, I will write it all down tomorrow, just wait for me."

"Okay, if you don't remember, I'll go buy a stick of mustard and you eat it all for me."


"Don't dare? Tch, you want to memorize formulas after being so cowardly? Climb." Chen Feng grinned, his eyes were no different from looking at mayfly creatures, and he never considered the other party's gender when speaking.

They are all human beings, can't you understand what people say?

"You..." Er Nai's eyes widened, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and her heart was burning with anger. When did she, Nakano Er Nao, ever suffer this kind of anger, "Don't think I can't remember, I just didn't bother to look at it before, see Well, I will definitely write it down tomorrow.”

Er Nai spoke harshly here, and when she finished speaking, she suddenly found that Chen Feng didn't care about her at all, and she was already chatting with May, who was eating chicken legs.

The fist under the table was clenched tightly, Yihua was even a little afraid that Nino would crush the teeth in his mouth.

"Just wait! I'll show you the first place in the exam sooner or later!"

"The color of this tempura is very good."

"Chen, do you want one? I'll give you one."

Wuyue took one of the tempura in her lunch box and gave it to Chen Feng, not paying attention to Nino whose hair was about to burn with anger.

May has long been used to Er Nai's irritable mouth, but Chen Feng didn't even listen to it, and just filtered it out automatically.

"Ahaha..." Yihua laughed, and began to divert his attention, "Sister Ruijier, sister, I can't eat that much, so I'll give you a tempura."

Ruijier took the tempura from Yihua in a cute and cute way, and was taken aback for a while, "Thank you..."

As for Er Nao's harsh words, Yi Hua ignored them, so what kind of Er Nao's older sister is she not clear?Whenever she was not screaming fiercely, but when she calmed down, she began to regret it.

study?What a joke, the possibility of Er Nao being able to learn is the same as the possibility of Wu Yue not being a foodie anymore, it is almost impossible.

Anyway, it's good to leave it for a while, the cricket is only two, and it can't make any troubles.


Yihua frowned slightly, and remembered something very important, which could almost be said to be related to whether they could continue studying here.

After a while, she tugged at the corner of Chen Feng's clothes and said something that shocked everyone.


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