The registration of physical education students in the school had already started last semester, and this matter was still handled by Shizuka Hiratsuka. When Shizuka Hiratsuka was going to hand in the materials in hand on the last day of registration, Chen Feng was in her office, Just look at the names in these lists.

Well, I don't know any of them.

But it was because he didn't know any of the names in it that he paid attention to Yotsuba.

This seems to be different from the dream she told herself and others before, right?Becoming a professional athlete is also a way out, and Chen Feng can also agree, but it seems that this is just a lie that Yotsuba prepared for a while.

Clover's eyes dodged a little, and she didn't dare to look at Chen Feng at all.

"Yes, it is."

There is no sound of confidence.

"Then why didn't I see you in the list of sports students last semester? I accompanied Teacher Hiratsuka to hand in the list. It seems to be different from what you said."


Clover's eyes swayed from side to side like a flustered bunny, and her hand was tightly clutching the corner of the dress.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng's tone softened.

"Is it because you have studied hard and failed many times, and finally you start to think that you are not suitable for studying?"


Following Clover's answer, she felt relieved and her face was painful, "I went to study when I was in elementary school, but no matter what, I couldn't read the knowledge in the book. At that time, Nino's grades were the best... ..."

Hearing Yotsuba's words, Nino jumped up as if being stepped on her tail.

"I'm not, I don't, I don't know, if you dare to bully Clover, I will..."

"You just crawl, I will settle accounts with you later, shut up now."


After being attacked by Chen Feng, Er Nai sat back obediently with a blushing face, but she looked like a writhing maggot.

Chen Feng saw all this, but he attributed it all to the absolute charm of his troublesome leader. In order to keep the conversation going, Chen Feng pulled up his mask again.

"I probably know what's going on with you...I really admire your sisterhood, and let them play around with you like this."


Clover stood with her head bowed in front of Chen Feng, she seemed to be a little shorter, but Chen Feng didn't intend to stop.

"It's been almost ten years now, hasn't it?"


Clover's voice was like a mosquito's fly, and the rosiness on her face was not sure if it was because she felt ashamed.

"Judging from what you said, other people's grades should have been pretty good before. Don't you have anything to say after they wasted ten years like this?"


"No, no spirit!"

Chen Feng's voice was suddenly amplified several times, shocking the hearts of the people present, and their brains that were thinking wildly became sober. This feeling was like being caught sleeping by the instructor during military training.

Enter the holy Qingming!

“Ten years of someone else’s time can’t be compensated by saying I’m sorry. The only way you can respond to their actions is not to hide from reality. Listen, I can give you tutoring, which is fine, and I am willing to take a part-time job for a while ……but!"

Chen Feng changed the topic.

"I need you to be mentally prepared. The way I teach people will be much stricter than usual. I will place first aid kits, surgical kits, and many medicines nearby to avoid accidents."

Rachel blinked her eyes, seeming to be interested.

Er Nai's face turned black,

"Are you planning to torture the spy by this method?"

"It's possible, but it's not necessary. Of course, if you want to try it, it's not impossible..."

"Hmph, I'm not a spy."

Seeing Chen Feng's complexion turned sour, Er Nai hurriedly looked away guiltily and stopped interrupting.

When his attention returned to Clover, Chen Feng looked at her indifferently.

"Then, have you responded to the thoughts of your other sisters? If so, I agree with the study meeting. I can use the next one and a half months to tutor you to a passing level."

"If that's the case, I really can't hold back anymore."

Yotsuba's smile is still so sunny, she has made a huge decision, Nakano Yotsuba, she has to study hard!

"Okay then, I'll give the address..."

Halfway through the conversation, Yotsuba's cell phone rang suddenly, and she quickly took out her cell phone to connect.

"Minister, Minister? Ah well, I'll be right there, I'll do everything..."

Clover's hand was still by her ear, but the phone in her hand had been snatched away by Chen Feng, and he glanced at the notes on it.

Minister of Athletics?

"Hello? Nakano-san, are you alright?"

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