Why are there so many liars?

It was his only thought at the time.

A lot of people reported amazing prices one by one, some were [-] million, some were [-] million, and the highest one reported a price of nearly [-] million!

What else could this be if it wasn't a liar?

Chen Feng scoffed at this, and randomly selected a few buyers who were similar to the last time he bought the hands. He asked for the contact information of the other party and asked the other party to call him after they came to Chiba, and he would go face-to-face to deliver the goods. .

It's another [-] million in the account... It turns out that Ms. Ying Lili didn't lie to me. The difficulty of making the figure is not that high, and the material price is low. The most important thing is that I can sell what I don't want to earn some extra money. It's really a one-shot get more.

After arranging the Nakano sisters, Chen Feng took a shower, took off the mask he had been wearing for almost a day, and took a deep breath of air.

He looked helplessly at himself in the mirror, and touched his face with his big palm.

"When will this troublesome thing be taken back..."

Just because he took off his mask for a while because he was bored, Chen Feng found that his five 'students' looked at him with hot eyes, and he had to put on the mask again as a last resort.

Wearing a mask feels uncomfortable. If it is not a last resort, who would have to wear this kind of thing every day even when they meet people?

Back on the bed and sitting, Chen Feng stretched his body.He felt that he might have lost the enthusiasm of Nakano sisters to study now. After dinner, Nakano sisters came to ask him dozens of questions one after another, and he felt that the saliva in his mouth was almost dry.

So tiring...but worth it!

As a friend and a teacher for one month, he is very happy to see the Nakano sisters have a brighter future. Although reading is not the only way out, it can broaden their future path and give them more choices.

It's almost time to rest.

Chen Feng glanced at the time and found that it was almost twelve o'clock. According to his regulations, the Nakano sisters had to go to bed before eleven o'clock, so they should have fallen asleep.

Putting on his pajamas, Chen Feng adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner, planning to rest after reading a book.

However at this time...

dong dong dong-

There was a slight knock on the door, and he could feel the gentle movement of the person knocking on the door, as if he was afraid of waking up others.

Chen Feng got out of bed and opened the door of the room.

Outside the door, a slim figure suddenly came into view.

"One flower?"

That's right, the person sneaking around in pajamas outside the door was Kazuka Nakano.

"Do you have any questions?"

Chen Feng subconsciously thought that Yihua had encountered some problem and couldn't sleep and came to him to ask questions, but this was not the case.

Yihua looked behind her, pushed Chen Feng into the door, and closed and locked the door under Chen Feng's puzzled gaze.

"What the hell do you have..."

"Student Chen Feng, please teach me to act!" She bent down for a moment and asked.

Performance?Oh yes, after Yihua, it seems that he wants to pursue an acting career.

When it comes to performances, Chen Feng's performances are not the kind of ordinary performances that are specially performed for the public to see. His performances are more inclined to imitation. Through the details of temperament and common sense, he makes his target characters relax their vigilance, and then proceeds Assassination show.

A dirty show filled with gore.

"Should I sleep well at this time?"

"Do not."

Yihua looked at Chen Feng firmly, and said word by word: "Student Chen Feng, you are amazing!"

and many more……

Chen Feng seemed to remember something. He remembered that Yihua asked him to act in a TV series last semester. Could it be that he was targeted at that time?

Originally, Chen Feng just thought that Yihua was so playful at that time, so he simply played around with her for a while, it seemed that he had fallen for the trick.

"It seems that your wish is really to engage in acting."

"Yes, but my current level is not ideal. I haven't attended an acting school, and even the level of acting is self-study through the Internet..."

Yihua's eyes dimmed, "If this continues, I won't be able to be an actor in the future..."

The white fist clenched tightly into a fist.

"Quite busy, isn't it?" Chen Feng asked: "As the eldest daughter, will you not want your father's career in the future? He should hope that some of you can inherit his career, right?"

"No, instead of inheriting the family business, Dad hopes that we can get out of our own characteristics."

"Oh? That's pretty great, but the entertainment industry is chaotic no matter where it is. Do you really have the awareness?"

The chaos in the entertainment industry has long been known to all. There are endless scandals in the entertainment industry in various countries, and some of them can even subvert a person's three views, and sigh "why there are such people".

This circle has been dirty from beginning to end, but in modern times they are fortunate enough to be covered with a glamorous coat.

In fact, Chen Feng's words are just to scare Hua to see if she really has that consciousness. With the power of her Nakano family, who in the circle would dare to have any unruly thoughts about her?I am afraid that the water level in Tokyo Bay is too low, and I want to make a little contribution to the rise of the water level in Tokyo Bay.

Nakano Maruo is the controlling shareholder of several of the largest private hospital groups in Neon. After all, Nakano Kazuka is just a student. In her cognition, her father only has some money. If she wants to enter the entertainment industry, he Her father may only rely on money to help her open the way and reduce resistance.

In fact, it is not the case. Who doesn't have any shady power in the hands of such a big capital?If Kazuka Nakano really wants to enter the showbiz, it will definitely go smoothly. As long as her strength is not too bad, she will have a very good future in the future.

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