"Who says no, I don't know what that guy Lunye is thinking. Ahhh, don't worry, it's all about that guy anyway, I'm only in charge of painting!" Ying Lili yelled, holding her head, but soon After calming down, he said puzzledly, "Student Kato, you seem to be very uninterested."


Kato Megumi looked to the side and said with a real headache: "Because An Yi came to me as soon as school was over, saying that I was a 'right man' perfect encounter' or something strange, and finally asked me to attend his The society really makes people feel a little inexplicable."

"That guy Lun Ye..."

Ying Lili gritted her teeth, "Forget it, I'll come to him tomorrow, I hope this idiot is not really sick, otherwise I have to see him."


The next day...

On the bench on the campus, Kato Megumi looked at the annoyed Yingli Li in front of him while eating a bento, and comforted him:

"Student Yinglili, don't be angry, I heard that girls who get angry too much will get wrinkles."

"I don't want to either!! Who told that idiot Lunye to ask for leave today? Does he still want to play this game?!"

"Well... maybe An Yi has something to do at home?"

"What can happen to his family? Even if something happens, his family will not look for him!"

Ying Lili's face was swollen into a ball, and her slightly red cheeks didn't know whether she was angry or frozen, "If he doesn't come again, I won't do this job!"


Kato Megumi nodded copingly, but another voice came from beside him.

"As expected of the tortoise Ethic-kun who likes to sleep in his shell in winter, he has lost interest in Sawamura-san so quickly and wants to get rid of you."

It's okay not to say, but upon hearing Kasumigaoka Shiu's words, Eiriri stomped her feet angrily.

"Nonsense, that guy Lun Ye is obviously lazy!"

"I admit this. After all, they are single-celled organisms, so they can't make any decent things. If you can't make a qualified project, you can take a pile of garbage that should be thrown into the trash can and put it in my hard-working On the table, he should accept a little punishment."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who was sitting on the stool with her legs crossed, narrowed her eyes, and Ying Lili, who was more familiar with her, knew that this guy was actually angry.

"So what's wrong with An Yi? It's really a headache if you don't tell me a word."

"I don't know!" X2

Ying Lili seemed to be angry enough, she was next to Kato Megumi, and only Kato Megumi was between her and Kasumigaoka to reduce the friction between them a little.

"I'll go to his house to ask after school, and I'll tell you the result then."

"Hmph, I also want to see if Lord Ethics has really degenerated. If so, I'm sure I can make him re-evolve into an ape."

"What are you going to do?!"

Ying Lili asked: "I don't know if there are too many people going, will it be impolite?"

"Sawamura-san is so polite, it looks like I'm the only one going."


Ying Lili frowned slightly, as if realizing something, and then let out a disdainful 'tss', "Are you calling me redundant?"

clap clap.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu began to applaud and exclaimed:

"As expected of Sawamura-san, you are really smart."

"I may not be able to accompany the two seniors."

When the two were arguing, Kato Megumi said softly: "Mom asked me to accompany her to the supermarket to buy things after school."

"It's okay." X2

It's good if you can't go, if you go, it will be difficult for the two of you to compete for superiority and inferiority, I must let Xia Feifei know how powerful I am!

The two seemed to agree in strange places, answering Kato Megumi in unison.

"It's time for class, I'm going back to the classroom first."

Kato Megumi picked up the bento box he had eaten and got up, "Don't be late, two seniors."

After Kato Megumi left, Eiriri and Shiwa also planned to go back to the classroom, but when they looked at their mobile phones, they were surprised to find that...

Isn't there still more than half an hour before class? !

An Yilun also didn't know that he in school had already been missed by two people. He was sorting out the materials in his hands at home right now, with an extremely excited expression on his face, and he didn't look sick at all.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, An Yilun also put on a peaked cap, and went out with a mobile phone and a notebook.

His goal is... Chiba Municipal Sobu High School!

Soon it was time to end school, and densely packed students came down from the teaching building to participate in their own club activities, and some members of the "Homecoming Club" were inevitably mixed among these crowds, and they also wanted to go home to participate own community activities.

An Yilun's goal is this group of students from the 'Returning Home Society'!

Soon, he was guarding the school gate and stopped a student who was about to go home.

It was a slightly plump male student wearing thick glasses.

"Student, classmate, please wait!"

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