May stammered:

"This...then...uh, in short, thank you very much for the help of student Chen this month, we will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Their improvement is not a little bit. In less than a month, both their lazy temperament and bad grades have undergone qualitative changes. All of this is thanks to the fierce eyes in front of them, and they are also very strict in all aspects. The 'teacher'.

Age is not a problem, those who are capable are teachers.

After receiving the gift from Wu Yue, Chen Feng's eyes softened a little, and he took the gloves.

"Thank you."

After thinking about it, Chen Feng felt that he should return the gift, but he didn't have anything to give away, so he planned to get one on the spot.

Having made up his mind, Chen Feng took Wu Yue's hand and walked upstairs.

"I'm here to give you something, it may take a while, you guys wait here for a while."

"Ah... ah?"

Wu Yue's face turned even redder, and she was passively dragged away by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng held my hand, the big palm is so warm...

and many more!Isn't this direction...isn't it classmate Chen's room?

Could it be that what he wants to give me is...


Head, burnt out.

Twenty minutes later...

Just... it's over?

Chen Feng looked at the painting in his hand with great satisfaction and nodded, stuffed the painting into Wu Yue's arms and took her out of the room.

What she held in her hand was a painting, which was a portrait of May herself. Chen Feng drew her in a way of caricature design. The girl on the drawing paper was almost the same as her. It is the same as carved out, and the characteristics of all aspects are very perfect.

This is a unique gift, Chen Feng's very personalized return gift.

At this moment, Housekeeper Haraguchi was already waiting in the living room. Seeing Wuyue's dazed face as if something indescribable had happened to him, and seeing Chen Feng's contented appearance beside him, he was suddenly startled.

[Has Master Chen Feng and Miss May developed to that extent?Do you want to report it to the master...? 】

Sitting on the sofa, Er Nao's face turned dark, Yi Hua covered her mouth in surprise, and then let out a strange laugh, wondering what was going on in her little head.

"That young master Chen Feng..."

Butler Haraguchi licked his dry lips and asked cautiously.

"I haven't drawn for a long time, it's really... I failed twice! Huh? Mr. Housekeeper, what do you want to ask?"

At this time, everyone noticed that Wu Yue was holding a painting in his arms, and it was a portrait of Wu Yue!

"What's your expression like?"

Chen Feng glanced at everyone in the living room, and frowned.

"Ahem... Chen Feng, is he going to draw a portrait for Wu Yue?"

"What else? But it's a pity to waste a few more sheets of paper, obviously there are not many left..."

"Ahaha..." Yihua scratched her head, gave a thumbs up and said, "As expected of classmate Chen Feng."

Clover: "As expected of classmate Chen Feng."

Er Nai: "Tch, I thought... hmph, shame on me."

Sanjiu: "Um...uh..."

The Nakano sisters were sitting on the car home with their luggage, and Nino kept looking at Wu Yue with her eyes like sharp needles.


"Why, what's the matter?" Wu Yue held the painting with flickering eyes.

"It's a shame to have a silver face."

"Not at all!!!! You are obviously jealous, Nino, who told you not to give gifts."

"You guys are out of order again!"

"Ah...! Er Nai, don't touch it, don't touch it, help, help!"

There was a girlish howl from the black limousine.

Today, the Nakano sisters' academic improvement plan has officially come to an end!


ps: Lun Yewu is preparing...

Chapter 31 The Two Opposites

On Friday afternoon, in a community building in Inage Ward where Chiba University is located, a girl leisurely returned home with a backpack on her back.


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