An Yilun also thought to himself.

It's not like he hasn't invited Kato Megumi to his home to play games with him before, but those few times Kato Megumi always left after dinner because he had something to do at home. Could it be that he was too hasty this time?

Tsk... I would have known it earlier so I wouldn't have said it.

After calming down his heart that was a mess of weeds, An Yilun also gritted his teeth and put the phone aside.

Wait another half an hour, half an hour at most, and then call directly to ask about it.

He looks... No, as long as he doesn't want to lose something, it must be his own!

The club is his own, and the people in it are drawn in one by one by himself, and the game is also made by himself, so these people... there must be no one left!

Recently, Ying Lili has begun to feel a little dissatisfied with herself.

An Yilun was also playing the game while thinking about how to give that guy with a bad brain some benefits, so that she could continue smiling and return to him.

How many days to calm down?It felt a little unrealistic, and if being calm was so useful, it wouldn't have happened before.

After taking a bite of the softened instant noodles beside him, An Yilun also decided that it would be better for him to go to Sawamura's house in person, since Aunt Sayuri would intercede for him, it would definitely not be a big problem.

But it's still raining outside... Well, then we should wait until it doesn't rain before we go.


The continuous heavy rain has made the sewers of Chiba City crumbling. This city, which was originally drier in winter, has experienced continuous torrential rain this year that is comparable to summer.

Big raindrops slapped on a helmet. Chen Feng rode an electric donkey and galloped on the street. His mask was soaked by the rain, but he still didn't want to take it off.

After all, this small piece of fabric has blocked many 'dangers' for itself.

He was carrying a large sack converted from rain cloth, which was filled with dinners ordered by customers.

Although he pursues efficiency, this efficiency must be based on the premise that the food he delivers will not be wet by heavy rain.

He himself doesn't mind being a water man, but he does mind having his customers' meals soaked in rain, even if some of them just want to see him deliver food, but they are still customers!

This is his principle. If customers spend their energy and hard-earned money ordering food, he will naturally return them with equal or even higher efforts.

Wearing the rain cloth, Chen Feng disappeared in the heavy rain.

Rachel helped him sew a lot of independent pockets in this rain cloth, so that the meals inside would not be mixed together, let alone be knocked over due to the bumpy road, even if one or two meals were really knocked over However, he will also order another meal for the customer at his own expense, and finally deliver it.

This is the work attitude. When working, you must work hard with [-] points of energy.

Speeding through the streets and alleys, the meals in Chen Feng's rain cloth were also reduced by more than half.

He came to a community.

Building 13A, Building 13A...



The moment Chen Feng squeezed the brakes, he put down the tripod and leaped off the car with a big bag of takeaway, and rushed up to the apartment building without looking back.

As for the little eDonkey...

It's pretty standard parked in the bike bay downstairs.



Inside the house, Ms. Kato chatted with her mother for a while, and then returned to the sofa to continue reading programming books.

Reiko Kato, who was passing by, was surprised to see her daughter learning programming.

"Xiaohui, why do you seem to be programming?"

"Ah... It's an activity of the club. It needs someone who can program, but everyone can't, and there are other things to do, so I want to see if I can take this position."

"What club activities will require programming..."

"Hmm... the game production club?"

Nodding his lips, Megumi Kato concluded this sentence.

Kato Reiko nodded ignorantly, and went to make coffee.

"That's great, we didn't have this kind of club in high school back then."

"Ha ha……"

Kato Megumi smiled meaningfully and said nothing.

Oh, right.

Kato Megumi seemed to remember that he hadn't replied to Ai Lunya yet, so he took out his mobile phone to reply.

ding dong~~

Someone outside rang the doorbell, and Reiko Kato was grinding coffee beans with a hand grinder, so she shouted:

"It should be the takeaway, Xiaohui will go get it."

"Okay." Kato Megumi nodded and whispered, "Didn't it just be over ten minutes?"

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