He wouldn't be surprised if you told him that a 9-year-old took a pistol out of his pocket. After all, he had encountered so many similar things that he was numb.

It's just that there are only 3 bullets in the gun, and the bullets in his hand are not compatible with the gun, so it can only be said to make do with it.

However, Ruijier shook her head and said something that surprised Chen Feng.

"I don't need that kind of thing anymore."

With deep blue eyes looking at Chen Feng, Rachel tilted her head.

"Ah Feng, are you here?"

"Then take it as a souvenir. Putting aside the concept of a weapon, it is actually a handicraft, um, a relatively rough handicraft."


Rui Jier, who responded, thought for a while and said, "Is it a gift from A Feng?"

"That gun was originally yours..."

"But in the end it was Afeng who repaired it."

The kid just likes to fuss over meaningless things.

"All right, all right, just treat it as a gift from me."

"it is good!"

clap clap-

Hearing this, Rachel trotted upstairs wearing a pair of rabbit ear slippers, took the pistol from Chen Feng's workshop and hugged it in his arms, and said very seriously:

"This is the second gift from Afeng, I will cherish it!"

As he spoke, Rachel gently stroked the smooth gun body like a child.

"A second gift?"

Chen Feng frowned. He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that he had never given Rachel anything, so why did this thing become the second gift?

"I gave you something?"

All her previous clothes were bought with her own money, and in order not to make her feel guilty, Chen Feng would accept her food and accommodation expenses, but he has returned the money to her a long time ago. .

Rachel just shook her head, and didn't intend to answer Chen Feng.

Rubbing his aching head, Chen Feng said:

"There are still a lot of vegetables in the refrigerator."

"Safe journey."

Rachel has already waved at him, why does it feel like she was kicked out of the house?

As usual, Chen Feng reminded:

"Call me if you need anything."


"If you have no money, tell me."

"There are many more."


After explaining everything he could think of, Chen Feng went out with peace of mind.

Sitting in the elevator, Chen Feng took out a small notebook from his trouser pocket, stared at the words on it, and murmured:

"Haven't done anything against the rules for more than two months."

He has been restraining himself to become a law-abiding and good citizen, so he has always maintained a relatively peaceful state, don't get angry at every turn, and don't fight over trivial matters.

"very good……!"

Chen Feng closed his notebook and walked out of the elevator contentedly.

To be honest, it feels good to live in this environment, because it is surrounded by suburbs, and it is far away from the driving road. In addition, the sound insulation effect of the house is very good, so it is very suitable for the elderly.


The only uncomfortable thing is that there are no taxis and shared bicycles here. It is still very inconvenient for people without cars like him to go out. During this time, he always drives Yang Nai's car to go out. According to her words, it is "parked in the garage." There are quite a lot of cars that cannot be driven, and it is a waste to leave them there.

So Chen Feng borrowed a dusty Audi Q8 as his temporary car.

As for why it is said to be temporary... that is because Chen Feng hates borrowing things from others, so he plans to find a time to buy a car by himself and modify it a little.

Bulletproof, strong off-road, large space, strong power, anti-collision...

These are probably enough.


Chen Feng had a cigarette in his mouth, he found that the kerosene of his lighter seemed to be used up, and he was too lazy to go back to refuel, so he simply went directly to the supermarket in front of him to buy one.

The engine rang, and Chen Feng walked out the door leisurely.

An Yilun also feels very lucky!

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