"Hey... I know a shop that sells boiled fish..."

"Then go there."

Anyway, I don't know where to eat, so I just leave it to Miss Kato.

"Does Mr. Weird usually go shopping with friends?"

The small leather shoes with a small black bow on them stepped on the concrete slab in the square park, Kato Megumi turned his head to look at Chen Feng.

If you are busy with study and work on weekends, Mr. Weird shouldn't have many friends, right?

Chen Feng looked ahead with cold and fierce eyes, and he thought for a few seconds.

"If it's not something important, I won't go by myself, but sometimes I will be called by my friends to go shopping together."

There was a little fear in his eyes.

"Every time I act like I was adopted, every time I buy something, others rush to pay. Although I will return the money to them in the end, the eyes of the people around me will become very strange, so I basically would decline an invitation of this type."

In the shopping mall where he often goes with Yang Nai, the bosses of many shops seem to have categorized him as a little boy kept by a rich woman. Every time he passes by, he will be crazyly recommended all kinds of things that are not practical, but they are too expensive. Human scalp numb luxury.

Obviously he doesn't like those things!

In fact, this is just the second thing. He was so afraid of the "cowherd incident" last year. Without his knowledge, due to some coincidence, Wu Yue mistakenly thought that his part-time job was to be a cowherd.

Almost socially dead, okay?

Unless it is really uncomfortable to hold back, even if Yang Nai invites him personally, Chen Feng will only refuse decisively.

Sure enough, it is more comfortable to go shopping with Ruijier. Others look at me with envy.

Before he knew it, Chen Feng's back straightened even more.

"Eh~? Could it be that Mr. Weird has already dated a girl?"

Miss Kato's complexion was as pale as water, but her eyes were full of doubts.


Chen Feng replied very decisively, "I haven't earned enough money to fall in love."

Chen Feng recalled the replies from many experienced netizens. They all said that if they had no house, no car, and no high savings, how could they afford to support girls?

I still remember that in the post Chen Feng posted, all the netizens in it persuaded Chen Feng to give up this idea like they had been in love hundreds of times.

Is dating a girl really that expensive?Chen Feng was puzzled.

Eating, giving each other things, shopping, can you really spend that much money?

However, when Chen Feng thought about this question at that time, he suddenly remembered the shops that Yang Nai often took him to. The things in them were really expensive. Buying two more items seemed to be enough to buy an ordinary apartment in the suburbs. .

He felt a little scared when he thought of it.

He has always been a very responsible person. If he can't take responsibility for the girls he associates with, Chen Feng would rather be single than fall in love, because it would be a complete insult to him.

Ever since, Chen Feng decided to set a small goal for himself, to earn a small 100 billion before thinking about those emotional things, he didn't believe it, wouldn't 100 billion not be enough for dating?

When he was still a mercenary, he never had time to do things like dating, but he had a few friends of the opposite sex, but everyone would just give each other things, such as something that cost 7 to 8 US dollars to buy Then the other party will reward him with the latest sniper scope that can be bought on the black market.

Send it back and then think about the price...

Even gifts between friends cost so much money, wouldn't it be even more exaggerated if gifts were given between lovers?

So this series of associations shattered Chen Fengpu's ordinary idea of ​​falling in love, and he planned to wait until he had earned enough money.

"Didn't hang out with your male friends?"

"Uh..." Chen Feng was stunned, he didn't seem to have any male friends, and the people he had a good relationship with seemed to be all women?

"I don't have any male friends, even if I just want to go up and talk to them, they will hand me their wallets with a look of horror, obviously I didn't do anything..."


Ms. Kato covered her mouth and smiled, "Maybe I mistakenly thought that Mr. Weird wanted to rob? Hmm..."

She stared carefully at Chen Feng's eyes and made a suggestion.

"Would you like to try wearing a pair of sunglasses?"

"That way there will be no one within 10 meters of me."

"It's okay." Ms. Kato comforted softly, "Mr. Weird just hasn't found someone of the same sex who understands me yet, and there will be one in the future."

"I hope so, so a teacher before, who is also my friend, suggested whether I should go to a police academy or a military academy in the future. The senior sister is not very powerful."

He looked expectant.

"I really want to try to catch a few people and fight."

"What about Mr. Weird's choice? Since it was said that he was more excited at the time, then he should already have a favorite choice, right?"

"Engage in your old profession and study medicine."

"It seems that Mr. Weird's family background is very deep."

Megumi Kato thought that the "old business" mentioned by Chen Feng was the industry that his parents or grandparents were engaged in.

As the two walked, there were obviously more people in the square park than at noon, and many of them were couples who ate early or elderly people who took a walk here after dinner.

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