Chen Feng rubbed Rachel's head.

Yang Nai lives upstairs from Chen Feng, and it is common for her to come down to have a meal, and sometimes she will study online recipes with Ruijier, which can be regarded as explaining to Ruijier when Chen Feng is not at home. less bored.

While eating, Yang Nai deliberately squeezed towards Chen Feng, and lightly poked Chen Feng with his elbow.

"Little Ray's affairs have been settled. She can go to school in March, and Zongwu High can also go there, but... isn't she too young?"

Rachel's IQ, which is almost comparable to that of Chen Feng, has been seen before, but she is a little worried that this child will be excluded by the students in the same class when he goes to high school at the age of 13.

Most of the students in the first year of high school are 15 or 6 years old, and a person who is more than 2 years younger than them enters a class with them. This kind of anomaly can easily become a catalyst for cold violence on campus.

Chen Feng naturally knew what Yang Nai was referring to, and this was also what he was very worried about. If Ruijier hadn't been determined to go to the same high school as Chen Feng, Chen Feng would have arranged her in a place where most of her peers were. Go to junior high school, maybe the kid can make better friends that way.

"I can……"

Ruijier's voice sounded, and Chen Feng and the two looked at her, only to see Ruijier said very confidently: "I will make friends, so Afeng..."

Chen Feng and Yang Nai met each other's eyes, and then he nodded.

"Okay, I believe you."

"Yes, little ray is so cute, ah~~ It's like the mascot in the class... oh no, the mascot in the school."

Yang Nai rushed over and hugged Ruijier, and kept rubbing his face, making Chen Feng look more and more strange from the side.

Rachel: "..."

After the meal, Chen Feng draws the design blueprint of the novice in the living room with a cigarette in his mouth, Yang Nai quietly plays with his mobile phone beside him, and Ruijier reads a book in Chen Feng's study.

Time passed by, and Chen Feng stretched vigorously after finishing the last modification.

"Xiaofeng will go out to play with my sister tomorrow, okay?"

"No, I'm very busy tomorrow and I need to sleep."

"Hey!!!" Yang Nai put down the phone with a gloomy expression on his face, "Even if you're fooling me, you have to find a reasonable excuse. It's too much to prevaricate me by sleeping."

Chen Feng, who was tidying up the blueprints on the table, glanced at Yang Nai next to him, and he knew that Yang Nai must have something to say when he saw the other party's expression.

Sure enough, Yang Nai smiled.

"Actually, it's about Xiao Yukino."

"If you want to say it, finish it at once, otherwise don't say it."

"Hi——" Yang Nai responded, and her expression became serious, "I went to Xiao Xue Nai's place two days ago, and found that she was giving tutoring to a friend's sister, but the effect didn't seem to be satisfactory. It's getting even worse, and my sister is almost dying of distress. The other party is a freshman this year, and is preparing to take the Zongwu High School, so I was wondering if you could give me some advice. It just so happens that you are not very experienced. Well."

She stuck out her tongue playfully.

Friend's sister?Zong Wu Gao?Graduates?

For some reason, that lively and lovely primary school girl, Hikigaya Komachi appeared in Chen Feng's mind.

Chapter 39 Why don't you go along

Dreams and established goals are often the best pillars to give birth to a person's fighting spirit. People who go to high places and water flow to low places, and those who have begun to look forward to the future at a young age and work hard for it are often worthy of respect .

Hikigaya Komachi, Hikigaya Hachiman's sister, a pair of brothers and sisters with a very delicate relationship.

The two have their own characteristics. Rather than saying that they have distinct characteristics, it is better to say that they have given each other what they are least good at, thus forming such two completely different extremes.

One is lively and active, and is good at talking with people; the other is withdrawn, and always puts on a look of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Chen Feng actually found it strange that Xue Nai could make friends with such a person, as was as strange that he could have a talkative male friend at school.

Late at night, the moon is as bright as a mirror.Compared with the daytime, the nightlife of the white-collar workers in Chiba City has just begun at this time, and after a few minutes of reincarnation, the night sky has gradually become clearer, the light is no longer provided by the surrounding street lamps, and the sky is also diverging The light that belongs to it comes.

The clear night sky has passed through the whole night, and there are no black clouds and mist anymore. This is destined to be a sunny day!

Sure enough, Chaoyang, who hadn't seen him for a long time, seemed to be thinking about seeing the city again, but he embarrassedly raised his shy cheeks on the sea level.

Rachel woke up early on the bed. After she put on her clothes and went downstairs, she found Chen Feng wearing a black tights and carefully punching sandbags in the training room.

"Good morning, Afeng..." She rubbed her eyes, brushed the blond hair covering her eyes behind her ears, and whispered, "Don't break the sandbag anymore, it's very troublesome to repair."

"Ahem... no, I'll try to be as gentle as possible."

Chen Feng's strength has always been a mystery, especially after the Wanhuajing incident, Chen Feng needs to use his strength carefully all the time.Just like the young man who jumped in line that he met yesterday, if Chen Feng didn't restrain himself at all, he probably wouldn't have any problem throwing him forty to fifty meters.

What Ruijier said just now broke many sandbags is precisely because Chen Feng was practicing the control of strength. Even though he had experience in systematic training before, facing the exponentially increasing strength, he still couldn't at the beginning. Well controlled, so a bunch of sandbags were broken.

Ruiji couldn't bear to look at these sandbags, so Chen Feng didn't have to buy new ones, and then she sewed up the sandbags bit by bit with a needle and thread. Although she broke them a few times in the middle, the frequency was not as good as it was at the beginning. too much.

Very pleased.

After training for a while, Chen Feng took a shower and changed his clothes. At this time, Yang Nai, who was wearing a beige coat, also came to the living room of Chen Feng's house, and she shook the key in her hand.

"Let's go."

Last night, Chen Feng agreed to Yang Nai's request, that is, to go to Xue Nai's residence to help her tutor Hikigu Komachi a little bit.

It just so happens that Ruijier also has to take the entrance exam for Sobu High School?Although the quota is fully reserved, this kind of work that is actually harmless still needs to be done well.

After all, the knowledge learned will always be mastered by oneself, and this exam can be booked by relying on Yang Nai's contacts, so what about the next time?What about the college entrance examination?What about college entrance exams?

It is impossible for Chen Feng and Yang Nai to help Ruijier in every aspect. What he will do in the future depends on the child's own efforts.

Having a very high talent does not mean that the future will be bright. A high talent just gives you a future potential of how high the roof can be repaired, but isn't the specific height of it just relying on the sweat of hard work?

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