"Good morning."

"Huh? Who is this child?"

Komachi's gaze shifted to Ruijier who was beside Chen Feng, her jumpy little head turned to different places, and she suddenly became terrified, "Senior... Senior, do you have a child?"

"It's my younger sister." Chen Feng has black lines all over his head, and he has a reputation, "Something happened to this child's family, and now I am her guardian."

"Oh... oh!" Komachi nodded, and laughed, "I said it's impossible for seniors to get married in elementary school~"

Komachi put down the collection of questions in her hand, and her attention was completely attracted by Rachel who was as delicate as a doll. She trotted over, took the hand of Rachel who hadn't realized what happened, and introduced herself: : "My name is Hikigaya Komachi, and I'm Chen Feng's senior... um... future school girl!"

Rachel looked at Chen Feng, and did not say until Chen Feng nodded, "Ruiji... Rachel Gardner, can you call me ray? Both Afeng and sister Yangnai are called that... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Komachi pulled Rajil to sit on the sofa, and said impatiently:

"What a cute name! By the way, Ray, are you also here to learn?"

Maybe it's because she has been in contact with Chen Feng for a long time. Ruijier has no experience in contacting this kind of person with a high degree of familiarity, so she just said intermittently:

"I want to go to Ah Feng's school... so I asked Ah Feng, and Ah Feng said that I can come together."

On one side, Komachi chatted with Rachel, on the other side, Yukino watched everything in front of her quietly, she looked at her sister.

"That girl is not from the country, right? The hair color is too prominent."

"Yes, but the process is more complicated and arduous. Xiaofeng knows a lot. If you are curious, why don't you ask in person?"

"No, I'm not that interested."

Xue Nai pushed her sister Yang Nai away in disgust, got up and made tea for them, and when she came back, she handed a cup to Chen Feng and asked:

"I heard from Mr. Hiratsuka that you took a month's leave, which was quite a long time. I said why I couldn't see you and those five girls in school during that time."

"They must have a determination to study, so I took them to study hard, at least the entrance exam will not be a problem."

Sniffing the smell in the cup, the tea wafted out a faint sweet and sour smell. After taking a small sip, the taste was also bitter, followed by a rich and mellow smell.

This tea is not bad...how about going back when you're leaving?cough cough.

Probably because he spent a long time with a group of British people, and he could throw anything he caught into the cup to make tea, so that Chen Feng now has a special preference for tea.

"The tea is good." Chen Feng narrowed his eyes and nodded slowly.

"Then I'll decorate it for you later."

"Uh..." Chen Feng looked a little embarrassed under the mask. Could it be that his thoughts were discovered?

"Don't get me wrong." Xue Nai turned around, picked up a book from the coffee table and handed it to Chen Feng, "This is a textbook... I don't really like to drink tea, it's a waste to put it here. If you like it, take some back."

Chen Feng touched his face blankly.

Is it that obvious what I mean?

Chapter 40 Liars...you are all liars!


The pitiful Komachi leaned her head closer, and hugged Chen Feng's arm coquettishly, "It's only a week before the entrance exam, and I have to pass the exam score before I can go to Zongwu Gao written exam. I'm under a lot of pressure..."

"It's right to be under a lot of pressure. If you don't have a lot of pressure, I don't know how to teach you."

He is very glad that Komachi is not the kind of person who can't feel the pressure at any time, the so-called living happily and living out his personality, but that is temporary, and one day in the future, such people will always pay the price for what they do.

Learning is not a happy thing, especially the learning that needs to achieve a certain goal. The whole process will never be very interesting. If you want to achieve something that others cannot achieve, you must be prepared to bear the pain that others cannot bear .

It is a good thing that Komachi can feel the pressure on her goal. It proves that Komachi really wants to be admitted to Sobu High School. Being able to ask Yukino to give her tutoring proves that she knows that she cannot do it alone. Seeing this matter, so they will seek foreign aid.

Chen Feng was very pleased with this.

Although Zongwu Gao's various exams are as simple as eating and drinking in his opinion, he will never say "why not eat minced meat" or "why not eat cake if you don't eat bread".The knowledge he has mastered is completely beyond the reach of people of this age, especially some science-oriented subjects. It is absolutely no problem for Chen Feng to become a doctoral student.

What's more, Chen Feng quite enjoys the feeling of teaching a group of people who look like juniors. Anyway, he is not in a hurry to make money, and it is not a big problem to spend some time helping people around him.

Because each school is different in nature and geographical location, there will be a certain gap in the textbooks they use. Last time, Chen Feng used the textbooks of the three middle schools that Nakano sisters had attended. Now he needs to use the textbooks from Komachi and his school. There are indeed many differences in the knowledge points in the teaching materials.

Taking advantage of the time when he was familiar with this textbook, Chen Feng asked Xue Nai:

"What about the other textbooks?"

"Considering Komachi's partiality in various subjects, there is still a lot of room for improvement in a few subjects, so I will teach from the worst in Komachi. This is the most scientific way."

Chen Feng nodded. The book in his hand was a chemistry textbook, and the content on it was just the most basic experimental equipment and the periodic table of elements.

Many things in science are actually related. It is rare that some science subjects are ridiculously good, and some science subjects are ridiculously poor. Chen Feng asked casually:



"What's your deviation value?"



Well, now Chen Feng can be completely sure that if Komachi doesn't work hard, it is really impossible for him to successfully apply for Zongwu High School.

The deviation value here is a calculation of the student's academic ability, generally the highest is 75, and the lowest is 25.

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