
At [-]:[-], in the Chiba Municipal Mingzuru Library, a group of beautiful girls, big and small, immediately attracted the attention of people who read and borrowed books in the library.

Chen Feng found the books on the search engine that he would need later and returned to the table. Looking at the 9 girls, big and small, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Aren't you going out to go shopping? You finally survived those [-] days. Why don't you take a good rest and come here?"

What he asked was not Yukino and Yangno, but the five Nakano sisters.

Just ten minutes ago, Chen Feng and others were walking on the street when they suddenly heard Clover shouting. They took advantage of the green light to cross the intersection and chatted for a while. It was clear that the two parties had different purposes at all. Chen Feng and Xue Nai wanted to give Rui Jill and Komachi are taking tuition, and the five Nakano sisters are going shopping.

It is such completely different purposes, but they are somehow brought together, and everyone is now gathered in the library.

"Ah...Mr. Chen Feng doesn't understand at all." Yihua puffed up her face and said word by word: "We are also students you taught, isn't it a good thing to save you some trouble? Some simple things Things we can teach the two of you... Uh, the future school girl, anyway, it’s still early, Nino will go back after a couple of walks, and there’s nothing to do at home, so it’s better to stay here.”

"Hahaha... I didn't expect this to happen, I'm sorry..." Yotsuba said shyly, she was just outspoken, she yelled out the moment she saw Chen Feng, she never thought that Kazuka would pull everyone together come with me.

"Forget it...do whatever you like, just don't interfere with my teaching."

Chen Feng waved his hand weakly, as if he wanted to drive away the five little flies in front of him.

On the side, Xue Nai folded her hands and looked in this direction with cold eyes.

"Sometimes, if you don't clear the first level of the game, you have cleared the entire game. A little bit of improvement is better than anything else."

"Oh, isn't this Yukinoshita's classmate? I'm really embarrassed when I saw it just now." Yihua smiled, "Our teacher Chen Feng said not to make trouble, we definitely won't do anything, we just feel bored , just come to read the book, don't care about us at all."

While talking, Yihua saw Sanjiu who was already sitting at the table not far away, reading what seemed to be a book on the history of the Warring States with relish, and Yihua instantly pointed to it.

"Sanjiu's movements are so fast."

"hope so."

Yukino snorted, and immediately went to tutor Komachi with Chen Feng.

Yihua felt someone pull her from behind, and was instantly pulled aside.

When she saw the people behind her, her smiles piled up, and she knew what Er Nao wanted to ask with her toes.

"Ernai, don't you think that Chen Feng will have some strange things happen when he and the girls give tutoring to elementary school girls on the big weekend?"

Chapter 42 You have to believe me! (sincere)

In fact, Er Nai reached a strategic agreement with Yi Hua before last semester's holiday. Seeing her sister's slow progress, sometimes she was anxious as a bystander.

Why is this idiot not taking the initiative at all!

Er Nai asked Chen Feng to go out to play together many times, but for some reason, Chen Feng seemed very busy. At that time Er Nai and the others didn't know that Chen Feng belonged to that kind of part-time madman. Whenever he had time, he would naturally go to work. There is rarely time to rest, or during the class is his rest day.

Chen Feng can fall asleep anytime and anywhere in the classroom, and has experienced many incidents of Chen Feng, almost no teacher dares to have an opinion on this thorny and talented combination in the classroom, they completely ignore Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also Will not affect other people's lectures during class, which has been well received by most teachers.

But because there is no way to increase the time they spend together, Er Nai's mood is getting more and more depressed. Yihua vaguely sees the smell of a defeated dog from Er Nai, so she takes the initiative to approach Er Nai and offers to help Er Nao to make the two of them better. emotional agreement.

At first, Er Nao felt shy about this, but after some psychological hints and panic jumping over the wall, she directly broke the jar and made the point clear, and then the two reached a strategic alliance.

In fact, the content is basically that Yihua should act as a wingman whenever he has the opportunity to help Er Nai create opportunities. That's what the two of them did when they were doing a training camp-like tutoring at Chen Feng's home.

In the beginning, Yihua's wingman was pretty good, but Chen Feng didn't seem to like that. When he saw a few people distracted, he slapped them and scolded them bloody.

Speaking of destroying the atmosphere, Chen Feng might really be able to become a leader among this group of people.

Nino's eyes turned and finally fixed on Yihua's body.

"Yihua, you helped me, right?"

"Ahaha, that's for sure."

Yihua laughed and said, she faintly felt something was wrong, so the smile was also a little far-fetched.

However, there is nothing wrong with her acting skills being used to fool her sister. Judging from Nina's expression, she should not have noticed any problems.

The two of them were still relatively far away from the crowd, as if they were picking the books they wanted to read on the bookshelf, and their voices were not loud, so they didn't have to worry about being heard.


Er Nai flipped through the bookshelves, but did not speak, while Yi Hua brought up the topic on her own initiative.

"It's dangerous."


"Student Chen Feng's female popularity is a bit outrageous. If Er Nao doesn't hurry up, it will be very dangerous."

"Of course I know... But you can't let me confess directly, right?" Er Nao grabbed a book casually, and sighed, "If you don't succeed, even meeting will be embarrassing, and that's when it will be really troublesome."


Nino, with her head down, suddenly felt an extra hand on her shoulder, she slowly raised her head, and saw Kazuka looking at her seriously.

"I deduced a... Well, how should I put it, it might shock your conclusion a bit. If I'm not wrong, Chen Feng doesn't seem to be interested in girls."

"Ah?!" Er Nao was stunned.

"This is well-founded!" Yihua said seriously, "Look at Chen Feng and Yukinoshita's sister, if Chen Feng is really interested in girls, I suspect that the two of them would have If we get together, how can we get the appearance of a girlfriend of the opposite sex like now."

"But... but such a conclusion is not accurate enough?"

"Then have you ever seen Chen Feng being interested in any of us? No?" Yihua spread her hands, "Speaking of which, there are quite a few beautiful girls around Chen Feng, but he is not attracted at all. Who would pretend for so long if it was pretending, I would have been suffocated to death long ago."

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